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# VcFinishFields
## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**api_password** | **String** | API password. |
**summary_data** | Option<[**Vec<crate::models::Array>**](array.md)> | Modified summary_data parameter received from visacheckout_prepare. Can be used, when the total amount or other parameters changea in the order process. | [optional]
**call_id** | **String** | Visa Checkout Call Id |
**language** | Option<[**crate::models::Language**](language.md)> | | [optional]
**sign** | **String** | Sign is calculated from cryptographic hash function set in Merchant’s Panel (default SHA-1): hash_alg (method + call_id + language + enable_pow_url + verification code) where + means concatenation. |
**enable_pow_url** | Option<**i32**> | If parameter was sent, system will redirect a cutomer to the merchant site after payment. 1 – redirect Adress is set in Merchant Panel. | [optional]
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