CREATE TABLE tracking_links ( id uuid NOT NULL, url character varying, tracking_number character varying NOT NULL, fulfillment_id uuid NOT NULL, created_at timestamp with time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, updated_at timestamp with time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, deleted_at timestamp with time zone, metadata jsonb, idempotency_key character varying ); CREATE TABLE custom_shipping_options ( id uuid NOT NULL, price integer NOT NULL, shipping_option_id uuid NOT NULL, cart_id uuid, created_at timestamp with time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, updated_at timestamp with time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, deleted_at timestamp with time zone, metadata jsonb ); --------- --------- --------- --------- CREATE TABLE shipping_methods ( id uuid NOT NULL, shipping_option_id uuid NOT NULL, order_id uuid, cart_id uuid, swap_id uuid, return_id uuid, price integer NOT NULL, data jsonb NOT NULL, claim_order_id uuid, CONSTRAINT "CHK_64c6812fe7815be30d688df513" CHECK ((price >= 0)), CONSTRAINT "CHK_a7020b08665bbd64d84a6641cf" CHECK (((claim_order_id IS NOT NULL) OR (order_id IS NOT NULL) OR (cart_id IS NOT NULL) OR (swap_id IS NOT NULL) OR (return_id IS NOT NULL))) ); CREATE TABLE shipping_method_tax_lines ( id uuid NOT NULL, rate real NOT NULL, name character varying NOT NULL, code character varying, created_at timestamp with time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, updated_at timestamp with time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, metadata jsonb, shipping_method_id uuid NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE shipping_options ( id uuid NOT NULL, name character varying NOT NULL, region_id uuid NOT NULL, profile_id uuid NOT NULL, provider_id uuid NOT NULL, price_type shipping_option_price_types NOT NULL, amount integer, is_return boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL, data jsonb NOT NULL, created_at timestamp with time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, updated_at timestamp with time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, deleted_at timestamp with time zone, metadata jsonb, admin_only boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT "CHK_7a367f5901ae0a5b0df75aee38" CHECK ((amount >= 0)) ); CREATE TABLE shipping_option_requirements ( id uuid NOT NULL, shipping_option_id uuid NOT NULL, type shipping_option_requirement_types NOT NULL, amount integer NOT NULL, deleted_at timestamp with time zone ); CREATE TABLE shipping_profiles ( id uuid NOT NULL, name character varying NOT NULL, type shipping_profile_types NOT NULL, created_at timestamp with time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, updated_at timestamp with time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, deleted_at timestamp with time zone, metadata jsonb ); CREATE TABLE shipping_tax_rates ( shipping_option_id uuid NOT NULL, rate_id uuid NOT NULL, created_at timestamp with time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, updated_at timestamp with time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, metadata jsonb );