# Payu REST API ## Install ```bash cargo add pay_u ``` ## Usage ```rust async fn usage() { let client_id = ClientId::new(std::env::var("PAYU_CLIENT_ID").unwrap()); let client_secret = ClientSecret::new(std::env::var("PAYU_CLIENT_SECRET").unwrap()); let merchant_id = std::env::var("PAYU_CLIENT_MERCHANT_ID").unwrap().parse::().map(MerchantPosId::from).unwrap(); let mut client = Client::new(client_id, client_secret, merchant_id); client.authorize().await.expect("Invalid credentials"); let _res = client.create_order( OrderCreateRequest::build( Buyer::new("john.doe@example.com", "654111654", "John", "Doe", "pl"), "", "PLN", "Some description" ) .expect("All required fields must be valid") // Endpoint which will be requested by PayU with payment status update .with_notify_url("https://your.eshop.com/notify") // payment description (MANDATORY) .with_description("RTV market") // add list of products .with_products( [ Product::new("Wireless Mouse for Laptop", 15000, 1), Product::new("HDMI cable", 6000, 1), ] .into_iter(), ) // add additional product .with_product(Product::new("HDMI cable", 6000, 1)), ) .await; // partial refund let _res = client .refund( OrderId::new("H9LL64F37H160126GUEST000P01"), RefundRequest::new("Refund", Some(1000)), ) .await; // Full refund let _res = client .refund( OrderId::new("H9LL64F37H160126GUEST000P01"), RefundRequest::new("Refund", None), ) .await; // Order details let _res = client.order_details(OrderId::new("H9LL64F37H160126GUEST000P01")).await; // Transactions let _res = client.order_transactions(OrderId::new("H9LL64F37H160126GUEST000P01")).await; } ``` ### Actix integration ```rust use actix_web::{*, web::*}; #[post("/checkout")] async fn checkout(session: Data, db: Data, payu: Data>>) -> HttpResponse { let user_id = session.user_required()?; let payu = payu.into_inner(); let shopping_cart = db.send(LoadShoppingCart { user_id }).await??; let shopping_cart_id = shopping_cart.id; let create_order_req: pay_u::OrderCreateRequest = shopping_cart.into(); let pay_u::res::CreateOrder { redirect_uri, order_id, .. } = payu.create_order(create_order_req).await?; db.send(database::CreateOrder { shopping_cart_id, order_id }).await??; HttpResponse::SeeOther().append_header((actix_web::http::header::LOCATION, redirect_uri)).body("") } #[post("/pay_u/{own_order_id}/notify")] async fn handle_notification(path: Path, Json(notify): Json) -> HttpResponse { let status = notify.status(); let order_id = path.into_inner(); match handle_update(order_id, status, notify) { Ok(_) => (), Err(e) => { // ALWAYS SEND OK! log::error!("{e:?}"); } }; HttpResponse::Ok().body("") } ``` ### Releases 0.1.7 - Added credit and more create order request options like additional description, visible description. ## Bugs Please report bugs here: https://todo.sr.ht/~tsumanu/payu-rs