
2.9 KiB



Name Type Description Notes
id i32 Merchant ID in system
amount f32 Transaction amount. Please always send the amount with two decimal places like 10.00
description String Transaction description
crc Option<String> Auxiliary parameter to identify the transaction on the merchant side. We do recommend to encode your crc value in base64. The exact value of crc used to create transaction will be returned in tpay payment notification as tr_crc parameter. [optional]
md5sum String md5 sum calculated from id.'&'.amount.'&'.crc.'&'.security_code where dots means concatenation (security code can be found in merchant panel).
group i32 Transaction group number see the "id" element in{id}0.js . For example or
result_url Option<String> Merchant endpoint for payment notification [optional]
result_email Option<String> Email address where notification after payment will be sent (overrides defined in merchant panel). You can add more addresses by comma concatenation. [optional]
merchant_description Option<String> Name of merchant displayed in transaction panel (overrides defined in merchant panel) [optional]
custom_description Option<String> Additional info to be displayed in transaction panel (overrides defined in merchant panel) [optional]
return_url Option<String> url to redirect customer in case of payment success [optional]
return_error_url Option<String> url to redirect customer in case of payment failure [optional]
language Option<String> Customer language [optional][default to Language_Pl]
email String customer email
name String customer name
address Option<String> customer address (parameter is empty if this field was not send with create method) [optional]
city Option<String> customer city (parameter is empty if this field was not send with create method) [optional]
zip Option<String> customer postal code (parameter is empty if this field was not send with create method) [optional]
country Option<String> Two letters - see ISO 3166-1 document [optional]
phone Option<String> customer phone number (parameter is empty if this field was not send with create method) [optional]
accept_tos Option<i32> Acceptance of regulations done by customer on Merchant site [optional]
api_password String API password.

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