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Name Type Description Notes
name String customer name
email String customer email
desc String transaction description
amount f32 transaction amount casted to float
api_password String API password.
sign String Sign is calculated from cryptographic hash function set in Merchant panel (default SHA-1) hash_alg (method + card + name + email + desc + amount + currency + order_id + onetimer + language + enable_pow_url + verification code) where + means concatenation with ampersand symbol. ie. name + email = john done&
currency i32 transaction currency in ISO numeric format [default to 985]
onetimer Option<crate::models::Onetimer> [optional]
pow_url Option<String> url to redirect customer in case of payment success [optional]
pow_url_blad Option<String> url to redirect customer in case of payment failure [optional]
order_id Option<String> merchant order ID used to recognise payment [optional]
language Option<crate::models::Language> [optional]
enable_pow_url Option<i32> [optional]
card String Card hash calculated by schema described in method description

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