use actix; use rusoto_s3::{PutObjectRequest, S3Client, S3}; #[derive(Debug)] pub enum AmazonError { UploadFailed, } pub struct AmazonExecutor; impl Default for AmazonExecutor { fn default() -> Self { Self {} } } impl actix::Actor for AmazonExecutor { type Context = actix::SyncContext; } #[derive(actix::Message)] #[rtype(result = "Result")] pub struct S3PutObject { pub source: tokio::sync::broadcast::Receiver, pub file_name: String, } impl actix::Handler for AmazonExecutor { type Result = Result; fn handle(&mut self, msg: S3PutObject, _ctx: &mut Self::Context) -> Self::Result { let S3PutObject { mut source, file_name, } = msg; jirs_config::amazon::config().set_variables(); tokio::runtime::Runtime::new() .expect("Failed to start amazon agent") .block_on(async { let s3 = jirs_config::amazon::config(); log::debug!("{:?}", s3); // TODO: Unable to upload as stream because there is no size_hint // use futures::stream::*; // let stream = source // .into_stream() // .map_err(|_e| std::io::Error::from_raw_os_error(1)); let mut v: Vec = vec![]; use bytes::Buf; while let Ok(b) = source.recv().await { v.extend_from_slice(b.bytes()) } let client = S3Client::new(s3.region()); let put_object = PutObjectRequest { bucket: s3.bucket.clone(), key: file_name.clone(), // body: Some(rusoto_signature::ByteStream::new(stream)), body: Some(v.into()), ..Default::default() }; let id = match client.put_object(put_object).await { Ok(obj) => obj, Err(e) => { log::error!("{}", e); return Err(AmazonError::UploadFailed); } }; log::debug!("{:?}", id); Ok(aws_s3_url(file_name.as_str())) }) } } fn aws_s3_url(key: &str) -> String { let config = jirs_config::amazon::config(); format!( "https://{bucket}.s3.{region}{key}", bucket = config.bucket, region = config.region_name, key = key ) }