import 'core-js/stable'; import 'regenerator-runtime/runtime'; import '@4tw/cypress-drag-drop'; import { objectToQueryString } from 'shared/utils/url'; import { getStoredAuthToken, storeAuthToken } from 'shared/utils/authToken'; import { testid } from './utils'; Cypress.Commands.add('selectOption', (selectName, ...optionLabels) => { optionLabels.forEach(optionLabel => { cy.get(testid`select:${selectName}`).click('bottomRight'); cy.get(testid`select-option:${optionLabel}`).click(); }); }); Cypress.Commands.add('selectShouldContain', (selectName, ...optionLabels) => { optionLabels.forEach(optionLabel => { cy.get(testid`select:${selectName}`).should('contain', optionLabel); }); }); // We don't want to waste time when running tests on cypress waiting for debounced // inputs. We can use tick() to speed up time and trigger onChange immediately. Cypress.Commands.add('debounced', { prevSubject: true }, (input, action, value) => { cy.clock(); cy.wrap(input)[action](value); cy.tick(1000); }); // Sometimes cypress fails to properly wait for api requests to finish which results // in flaky tests, and in those cases we need to explicitly tell it to wait // Cypress.Commands.add('waitForXHR', (method, url, funcThatTriggersXHR) => { const alias = method + url; cy.server(); cy.route(method, url).as(alias); funcThatTriggersXHR(); cy.wait(`@${alias}`); }); // We're using optimistic updates (not waiting for API response before updating // the local data and UI) in a lot of places in the app. That's why we want to assert // both the immediate local UI change in the first assert, and if the change was // successfully persisted by the API in the second assert after page reload Cypress.Commands.add('assertReloadAssert', assertFunc => { assertFunc(); cy.reload(); assertFunc(); }); Cypress.Commands.add('apiRequest', (method, url, variables = {}, options = {}) => { cy.request({ method, url: `${Cypress.env('apiBaseUrl')}${url}`, qs: method === 'GET' ? objectToQueryString(variables) : undefined, body: method !== 'GET' ? variables : undefined, headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', Authorization: getStoredAuthToken() ? `Bearer ${getStoredAuthToken()}` : undefined, }, ...options, }); }); Cypress.Commands.add('resetDatabase', () => { cy.apiRequest('DELETE', '/test/reset-database'); }); Cypress.Commands.add('createTestAccount', () => { cy.apiRequest('POST', '/test/create-account').then(response => { storeAuthToken(response.body.authToken); }); });