-- -- PostgreSQL database dump -- -- Dumped from database version 15.2 -- Dumped by pg_dump version 16.1 SET statement_timeout = 0; SET lock_timeout = 0; SET idle_in_transaction_session_timeout = 0; SET client_encoding = 'UTF8'; SET standard_conforming_strings = on; SELECT pg_catalog.set_config('search_path', 'public', false); SET check_function_bodies = false; SET xmloption = content; SET client_min_messages = warning; SET row_security = off; SET default_tablespace = ''; SET default_table_access_method = heap; CREATE EXTENSION "uuid-ossp"; CREATE TYPE roles AS ENUM ( 'Owner', 'Admin', 'Member', 'Guest' ); CREATE TYPE project_member_roles AS ENUM ( 'Admin', 'Member', 'Viewer', 'Guest' ); -- -- Name: users; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE TABLE users ( password character varying(128) NOT NULL, last_login timestamp with time zone, id uuid NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(), username character varying(128) NOT NULL, mobile_number character varying(255), email character varying(255), first_name character varying(255) NOT NULL, last_name character varying(255) NOT NULL, avatar character varying(255) NOT NULL, date_joined timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now(), created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now(), updated_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now(), last_location character varying(255) NOT NULL, created_location character varying(255) NOT NULL, is_superuser boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false, is_managed boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false, is_password_expired boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false, is_active boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT true, is_staff boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false, is_email_verified boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false, is_password_autoset boolean NOT NULL, is_onboarded boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false, token character varying(64) NOT NULL, billing_address_country character varying(255) NOT NULL, billing_address jsonb, has_billing_address boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false, user_timezone character varying(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'UTC', last_active timestamp with time zone, last_login_time timestamp with time zone, last_logout_time timestamp with time zone, last_login_ip character varying(255) NOT NULL, last_logout_ip character varying(255) NOT NULL, last_login_medium character varying(20) NOT NULL, last_login_uagent text NOT NULL, token_updated_at timestamp with time zone, last_workspace_id uuid, my_issues_prop jsonb, role character varying(300), is_bot boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false, theme jsonb NOT NULL DEFAULT '{}'::jsonb, is_tour_completed boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false, onboarding_step jsonb NOT NULL DEFAULT '[]'::jsonb, cover_image character varying(800), display_name character varying(255) NOT NULL, use_case text ); -- -- Name: workspaces; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE TABLE workspaces ( created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, updated_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, id uuid NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(), name character varying(80) NOT NULL, logo character varying(200), slug character varying(48) NOT NULL, created_by_id uuid, owner_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES users (id), updated_by_id uuid, organization_size character varying(20) ); -- -- Name: projects; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE TABLE projects ( created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, updated_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, id uuid NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(), name character varying(255) NOT NULL, description text NOT NULL, description_text jsonb, description_html jsonb, network smallint NOT NULL, identifier character varying(12) NOT NULL, created_by_id uuid, default_assignee_id uuid, project_lead_id uuid, updated_by_id uuid, workspace_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES workspaces (id), emoji character varying(255), cycle_view boolean NOT NULL, module_view boolean NOT NULL, cover_image character varying(800), issue_views_view boolean NOT NULL, page_view boolean NOT NULL, estimate_id uuid, icon_prop jsonb, inbox_view boolean NOT NULL, archive_in integer NOT NULL, close_in integer NOT NULL, default_state_id uuid, CONSTRAINT project_network_check CHECK ((network >= 0)) ); -- -- Name: modules; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE TABLE modules ( created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, updated_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, id uuid NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(), name character varying(255) NOT NULL, description text NOT NULL, description_text jsonb, description_html jsonb, start_date date, target_date date, status character varying(20) NOT NULL, created_by_id uuid, lead_id uuid, project_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES projects (id), updated_by_id uuid, workspace_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES workspaces (id), view_props jsonb NOT NULL, sort_order double precision NOT NULL, external_id character varying(255), external_source character varying(255) ); -- -- Name: pages; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE TABLE pages ( created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, updated_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, id uuid NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(), name character varying(255) NOT NULL, description jsonb NOT NULL, description_html text NOT NULL, description_stripped text, access smallint NOT NULL, created_by_id uuid, owned_by_id uuid NOT NULL, project_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES projects (id), updated_by_id uuid, workspace_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES workspaces (id), color character varying(255) NOT NULL, archived_at date, is_locked boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false, parent_id uuid, CONSTRAINT pages_access_check CHECK ((access >= 0)) ); -- -- Name: states; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE TABLE states ( created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, updated_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, id uuid NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(), name character varying(255) NOT NULL, description text NOT NULL, color character varying(255) NOT NULL, slug character varying(100) NOT NULL, created_by_id uuid, project_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES projects (id), updated_by_id uuid, workspace_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES workspaces (id), sequence double precision NOT NULL, "group" character varying(20) NOT NULL, "default" boolean NOT NULL, external_id character varying(255), external_source character varying(255) ); -- -- Name: issues; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE TABLE issues ( created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, updated_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, id uuid NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(), name character varying(255) NOT NULL, description jsonb NOT NULL, priority character varying(30) NOT NULL, start_date date, target_date date, sequence_id integer NOT NULL, created_by_id uuid, parent_id uuid, project_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES projects (id), state_id uuid, updated_by_id uuid, workspace_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES workspaces (id), description_html text NOT NULL, description_stripped text, completed_at timestamp with time zone, sort_order double precision NOT NULL, estimate_point integer, archived_at date, is_draft boolean NOT NULL, external_id character varying(255), external_source character varying(255) ); -- -- Name: issue_comments; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE TABLE issue_comments ( created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, updated_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, id uuid NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(), comment_stripped text NOT NULL, attachments character varying(200)[] NOT NULL, created_by_id uuid, issue_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES issues (id), project_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES projects (id), updated_by_id uuid, workspace_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES workspaces (id), actor_id uuid, comment_html text NOT NULL, comment_json jsonb NOT NULL, access character varying(100) NOT NULL, external_id character varying(255), external_source character varying(255) ); -- -- Name: cycles; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE TABLE cycles ( created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, updated_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, id uuid NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(), name character varying(255) NOT NULL, description text NOT NULL, start_date date, end_date date, created_by_id uuid, owned_by_id uuid NOT NULL, project_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES projects (id), updated_by_id uuid, workspace_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES workspaces (id), view_props jsonb NOT NULL, sort_order double precision NOT NULL, external_id character varying(255), external_source character varying(255) ); -- -- Name: estimates; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE TABLE estimates ( created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, updated_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, id uuid NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(), name character varying(255) NOT NULL, description text NOT NULL, created_by_id uuid, project_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES projects (id), updated_by_id uuid, workspace_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES workspaces (id) ); -- -- Name: analytic_views; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE TABLE analytic_views ( created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, updated_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, id uuid NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(), name character varying(255) NOT NULL, description text NOT NULL, query jsonb NOT NULL, query_dict jsonb NOT NULL, created_by_id uuid, updated_by_id uuid, workspace_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES workspaces (id) ); -- -- Name: api_activity_logs; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE TABLE api_activity_logs ( created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, updated_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, id uuid NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(), token_identifier character varying(255) NOT NULL, path character varying(255) NOT NULL, method character varying(10) NOT NULL, query_params text, headers text, body text, response_code integer NOT NULL, response_body text, ip_address inet, user_agent character varying(512), created_by_id uuid, updated_by_id uuid, CONSTRAINT api_activity_logs_response_code_check CHECK ((response_code >= 0)) ); -- -- Name: api_tokens; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE TABLE api_tokens ( created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, updated_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, id uuid NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(), token character varying(255) NOT NULL, label character varying(255) NOT NULL, user_type smallint NOT NULL, created_by_id uuid, updated_by_id uuid, user_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES users (id), workspace_id uuid, description text NOT NULL, expired_at timestamp with time zone, is_active boolean NOT NULL, last_used timestamp with time zone, CONSTRAINT api_tokens_user_type_check CHECK ((user_type >= 0)) ); -- -- Name: auth_group; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE TABLE auth_group ( id integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, name character varying(150) NOT NULL ); -- -- Name: auth_group_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE auth_group ALTER COLUMN id ADD GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY ( SEQUENCE NAME auth_group_id_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1 ); -- -- Name: auth_group_permissions; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE TABLE auth_group_permissions ( id bigint NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, group_id integer NOT NULL, permission_id integer NOT NULL ); -- -- Name: auth_group_permissions_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE auth_group_permissions ALTER COLUMN id ADD GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY ( SEQUENCE NAME auth_group_permissions_id_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1 ); -- -- Name: auth_permission; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE TABLE auth_permission ( id integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, name character varying(255) NOT NULL, content_type_id integer NOT NULL, codename character varying(100) NOT NULL ); -- -- Name: auth_permission_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE auth_permission ALTER COLUMN id ADD GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY ( SEQUENCE NAME auth_permission_id_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1 ); -- -- Name: authtoken_token; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE TABLE authtoken_token ( key character varying(40) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, user_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES users (id) ); -- -- Name: comment_reactions; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE TABLE comment_reactions ( created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, updated_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, id uuid NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(), reaction character varying(20) NOT NULL, actor_id uuid NOT NULL, comment_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES issue_comments (id), created_by_id uuid, project_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES projects (id), updated_by_id uuid, workspace_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES workspaces (id) ); -- -- Name: cycle_favorites; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE TABLE cycle_favorites ( created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, updated_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, id uuid NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(), created_by_id uuid, cycle_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES cycles (id), project_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES projects (id), updated_by_id uuid, user_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES users (id), workspace_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES workspaces (id) ); -- -- Name: cycle_issues; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE TABLE cycle_issues ( created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, updated_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, id uuid NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(), created_by_id uuid, cycle_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES cycles (id), issue_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES issues (id), project_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES projects (id), updated_by_id uuid, workspace_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES workspaces (id) ); -- -- Name: django_celery_beat_clockedschedule; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE TABLE django_celery_beat_clockedschedule ( id integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, clocked_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL ); -- -- Name: django_celery_beat_clockedschedule_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE django_celery_beat_clockedschedule ALTER COLUMN id ADD GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY ( SEQUENCE NAME django_celery_beat_clockedschedule_id_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1 ); -- -- Name: django_celery_beat_crontabschedule; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE TABLE django_celery_beat_crontabschedule ( id integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, minute character varying(240) NOT NULL, hour character varying(96) NOT NULL, day_of_week character varying(64) NOT NULL, day_of_month character varying(124) NOT NULL, month_of_year character varying(64) NOT NULL, timezone character varying(63) NOT NULL ); -- -- Name: django_celery_beat_crontabschedule_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE django_celery_beat_crontabschedule ALTER COLUMN id ADD GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY ( SEQUENCE NAME django_celery_beat_crontabschedule_id_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1 ); -- -- Name: django_celery_beat_intervalschedule; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE TABLE django_celery_beat_intervalschedule ( id integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, every integer NOT NULL, period character varying(24) NOT NULL ); -- -- Name: django_celery_beat_intervalschedule_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE django_celery_beat_intervalschedule ALTER COLUMN id ADD GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY ( SEQUENCE NAME django_celery_beat_intervalschedule_id_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1 ); -- -- Name: django_celery_beat_periodictask; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE TABLE django_celery_beat_periodictask ( id integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, name character varying(200) NOT NULL, task character varying(200) NOT NULL, args text NOT NULL, kwargs text NOT NULL, queue character varying(200), exchange character varying(200), routing_key character varying(200), expires timestamp with time zone, enabled boolean NOT NULL, last_run_at timestamp with time zone, total_run_count integer NOT NULL, date_changed timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, description text NOT NULL, crontab_id integer, interval_id integer, solar_id integer, one_off boolean NOT NULL, start_time timestamp with time zone, priority integer, headers text NOT NULL, clocked_id integer, expire_seconds integer, CONSTRAINT django_celery_beat_periodictask_expire_seconds_check CHECK ((expire_seconds >= 0)), CONSTRAINT django_celery_beat_periodictask_priority_check CHECK ((priority >= 0)), CONSTRAINT django_celery_beat_periodictask_total_run_count_check CHECK ((total_run_count >= 0)) ); -- -- Name: django_celery_beat_periodictask_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE django_celery_beat_periodictask ALTER COLUMN id ADD GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY ( SEQUENCE NAME django_celery_beat_periodictask_id_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1 ); -- -- Name: django_celery_beat_periodictasks; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE TABLE django_celery_beat_periodictasks ( id integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, ident smallint NOT NULL, last_update timestamp with time zone NOT NULL ); -- -- Name: django_celery_beat_solarschedule; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE TABLE django_celery_beat_solarschedule ( id integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, event character varying(24) NOT NULL, latitude numeric(9,6) NOT NULL, longitude numeric(9,6) NOT NULL ); -- -- Name: django_celery_beat_solarschedule_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE django_celery_beat_solarschedule ALTER COLUMN id ADD GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY ( SEQUENCE NAME django_celery_beat_solarschedule_id_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1 ); -- -- Name: django_content_type; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE TABLE django_content_type ( id integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, app_label character varying(100) NOT NULL, model character varying(100) NOT NULL ); -- -- Name: django_content_type_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE django_content_type ALTER COLUMN id ADD GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY ( SEQUENCE NAME django_content_type_id_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1 ); -- -- Name: django_session; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE TABLE django_session ( id uuid NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(), session_key character varying(40) NOT NULL, session_data text NOT NULL, expire_date timestamp with time zone NOT NULL ); -- -- Name: estimate_points; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE TABLE estimate_points ( created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, updated_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, id uuid NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(), key integer NOT NULL, description text NOT NULL, value character varying(20) NOT NULL, created_by_id uuid, estimate_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES estimates (id), project_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES projects (id), updated_by_id uuid, workspace_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES workspaces (id) ); -- -- Name: exporters; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE TABLE exporters ( created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, updated_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, id uuid NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(), project uuid[], provider character varying(50) NOT NULL, status character varying(50) NOT NULL, reason text NOT NULL, key text NOT NULL, url character varying(800), token character varying(255) NOT NULL, created_by_id uuid, initiated_by_id uuid NOT NULL, updated_by_id uuid, workspace_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES workspaces (id) ); -- -- Name: file_assets; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE TABLE file_assets ( created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, updated_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, id uuid NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(), attributes jsonb NOT NULL, asset character varying(100) NOT NULL, created_by_id uuid, updated_by_id uuid, workspace_id uuid, is_deleted boolean NOT NULL ); -- -- Name: github_comment_syncs; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE TABLE github_comment_syncs ( created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, updated_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, id uuid NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(), repo_comment_id bigint NOT NULL, comment_id uuid NOT NULL, created_by_id uuid, issue_sync_id uuid NOT NULL, project_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES projects (id), updated_by_id uuid, workspace_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES workspaces (id) ); -- -- Name: github_issue_syncs; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE TABLE github_issue_syncs ( created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, updated_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, id uuid NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(), repo_issue_id bigint NOT NULL, github_issue_id bigint NOT NULL, issue_url character varying(200) NOT NULL, created_by_id uuid, issue_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES issues (id), project_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES projects (id), repository_sync_id uuid NOT NULL, updated_by_id uuid, workspace_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES workspaces (id) ); -- -- Name: github_repositories; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE TABLE github_repositories ( created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, updated_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, id uuid NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(), name character varying(500) NOT NULL, url character varying(200), config jsonb NOT NULL, repository_id bigint NOT NULL, owner character varying(500) NOT NULL, created_by_id uuid, project_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES projects (id), updated_by_id uuid, workspace_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES workspaces (id) ); -- -- Name: github_repository_syncs; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE TABLE github_repository_syncs ( created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, updated_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, id uuid NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(), credentials jsonb NOT NULL, actor_id uuid NOT NULL, created_by_id uuid, label_id uuid, project_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES projects (id), repository_id uuid NOT NULL, updated_by_id uuid, workspace_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES workspaces (id), workspace_integration_id uuid NOT NULL ); -- -- Name: global_views; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE TABLE global_views ( created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, updated_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, id uuid NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(), name character varying(255) NOT NULL, description text NOT NULL, query jsonb NOT NULL, access smallint NOT NULL, query_data jsonb NOT NULL, sort_order double precision NOT NULL, created_by_id uuid, updated_by_id uuid, workspace_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES workspaces (id), CONSTRAINT global_views_access_check CHECK ((access >= 0)) ); -- -- Name: importers; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE TABLE importers ( created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, updated_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, id uuid NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(), service character varying(50) NOT NULL, status character varying(50) NOT NULL, metadata jsonb NOT NULL, config jsonb NOT NULL, data jsonb NOT NULL, created_by_id uuid, initiated_by_id uuid NOT NULL, project_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES projects (id), token_id uuid NOT NULL, updated_by_id uuid, workspace_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES workspaces (id), imported_data jsonb ); -- -- Name: inbox_issues; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE TABLE inbox_issues ( created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, updated_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, id uuid NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(), status integer NOT NULL, snoozed_till timestamp with time zone, source text, created_by_id uuid, duplicate_to_id uuid, inbox_id uuid NOT NULL, issue_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES issues (id), project_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES projects (id), updated_by_id uuid, workspace_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES workspaces (id), external_id character varying(255), external_source character varying(255) ); -- -- Name: inboxes; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE TABLE inboxes ( created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, updated_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, id uuid NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(), name character varying(255) NOT NULL, description text NOT NULL, is_default boolean NOT NULL, view_props jsonb NOT NULL, created_by_id uuid, project_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES projects (id), updated_by_id uuid, workspace_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES workspaces (id) ); -- -- Name: instance_admins; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE TABLE instance_admins ( created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, updated_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, id uuid NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(), role roles NOT NULL, is_verified boolean NOT NULL, created_by_id uuid, instance_id uuid NOT NULL, updated_by_id uuid, user_id uuid ); -- -- Name: instance_configurations; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE TABLE instance_configurations ( created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, updated_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, id uuid NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(), key character varying(100) NOT NULL, value text, category text NOT NULL, is_encrypted boolean NOT NULL, created_by_id uuid, updated_by_id uuid ); -- -- Name: instances; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE TABLE instances ( created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, updated_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, id uuid NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(), instance_name character varying(255) NOT NULL, whitelist_emails text, instance_id character varying(25) NOT NULL, license_key character varying(256), api_key character varying(16) NOT NULL, version character varying(10) NOT NULL, last_checked_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, namespace character varying(50), is_telemetry_enabled boolean NOT NULL, is_support_required boolean NOT NULL, is_setup_done boolean NOT NULL, is_signup_screen_visited boolean NOT NULL, user_count bigint NOT NULL, is_verified boolean NOT NULL, created_by_id uuid, updated_by_id uuid, CONSTRAINT instances_user_count_check CHECK ((user_count >= 0)) ); -- -- Name: integrations; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE TABLE integrations ( created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, updated_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, id uuid NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(), title character varying(400) NOT NULL, provider character varying(400) NOT NULL, network integer NOT NULL, description jsonb NOT NULL, author character varying(400) NOT NULL, webhook_url text NOT NULL, webhook_secret text NOT NULL, redirect_url text NOT NULL, metadata jsonb NOT NULL, verified boolean NOT NULL, avatar_url character varying(200), created_by_id uuid, updated_by_id uuid, CONSTRAINT integrations_network_check CHECK ((network >= 0)) ); -- -- Name: issue_activities; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE TABLE issue_activities ( created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, updated_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, id uuid NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(), verb character varying(255) NOT NULL, field character varying(255), old_value text, new_value text, comment text NOT NULL, attachments character varying(200)[] NOT NULL, created_by_id uuid, issue_id uuid, issue_comment_id uuid, project_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES projects (id), updated_by_id uuid, workspace_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES workspaces (id), actor_id uuid, new_identifier uuid, old_identifier uuid, epoch double precision ); -- -- Name: issue_assignees; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE TABLE issue_assignees ( created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, updated_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, id uuid NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(), assignee_id uuid NOT NULL, created_by_id uuid, issue_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES issues (id), project_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES projects (id), updated_by_id uuid, workspace_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES workspaces (id) ); -- -- Name: issue_attachments; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE TABLE issue_attachments ( created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, updated_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, id uuid NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(), attributes jsonb NOT NULL, asset character varying(100) NOT NULL, created_by_id uuid, issue_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES issues (id), project_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES projects (id), updated_by_id uuid, workspace_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES workspaces (id) ); -- -- Name: issue_blockers; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE TABLE issue_blockers ( created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, updated_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, id uuid NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(), block_id uuid NOT NULL, blocked_by_id uuid NOT NULL, created_by_id uuid, project_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES projects (id), updated_by_id uuid, workspace_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES workspaces (id) ); -- -- Name: issue_labels; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE TABLE issue_labels ( created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, updated_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, id uuid NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(), created_by_id uuid, issue_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES issues (id), label_id uuid NOT NULL, project_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES projects (id), updated_by_id uuid, workspace_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES workspaces (id) ); -- -- Name: issue_links; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE TABLE issue_links ( created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, updated_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, id uuid NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(), title character varying(255), url character varying(200) NOT NULL, created_by_id uuid, issue_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES issues (id), project_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES projects (id), updated_by_id uuid, workspace_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES workspaces (id), metadata jsonb NOT NULL ); -- -- Name: issue_mentions; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE TABLE issue_mentions ( created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, updated_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, id uuid NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(), created_by_id uuid, issue_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES issues (id), mention_id uuid NOT NULL, project_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES projects (id), updated_by_id uuid, workspace_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES workspaces (id) ); -- -- Name: issue_properties; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE TABLE issue_properties ( created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, updated_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, id uuid NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(), properties jsonb NOT NULL, created_by_id uuid, project_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES projects (id), updated_by_id uuid, user_id uuid NOT NULL, workspace_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES workspaces (id) ); -- -- Name: issue_reactions; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE TABLE issue_reactions ( created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, updated_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, id uuid NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(), reaction character varying(20) NOT NULL, actor_id uuid NOT NULL, created_by_id uuid, issue_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES issues (id), project_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES projects (id), updated_by_id uuid, workspace_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES workspaces (id) ); -- -- Name: issue_relations; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE TABLE issue_relations ( created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, updated_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, id uuid NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(), relation_type character varying(20) NOT NULL, created_by_id uuid, issue_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES issues (id), project_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES projects (id), related_issue_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES issues (id), updated_by_id uuid, workspace_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES workspaces (id) ); -- -- Name: issue_sequences; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE TABLE issue_sequences ( created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, updated_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, id uuid NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(), sequence bigint NOT NULL, deleted boolean NOT NULL, created_by_id uuid, issue_id uuid, project_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES projects (id), updated_by_id uuid, workspace_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES workspaces (id), CONSTRAINT issue_sequence_sequence_check CHECK ((sequence >= 0)) ); -- -- Name: issue_subscribers; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE TABLE issue_subscribers ( created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, updated_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, id uuid NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(), created_by_id uuid, issue_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES issues (id), project_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES projects (id), subscriber_id uuid NOT NULL, updated_by_id uuid, workspace_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES workspaces (id) ); -- -- Name: issue_views; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE TABLE issue_views ( created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, updated_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, id uuid NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(), name character varying(255) NOT NULL, description text NOT NULL, query jsonb NOT NULL, access smallint NOT NULL, query_data jsonb NOT NULL, created_by_id uuid, project_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES projects (id), updated_by_id uuid, workspace_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES workspaces (id), CONSTRAINT issue_views_access_check CHECK ((access >= 0)) ); -- -- Name: issue_votes; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE TABLE issue_votes ( created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, updated_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, id uuid NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(), vote integer NOT NULL, actor_id uuid NOT NULL, created_by_id uuid, issue_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES issues (id), project_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES projects (id), updated_by_id uuid, workspace_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES workspaces (id) ); -- -- Name: labels; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE TABLE labels ( created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, updated_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, id uuid NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(), name character varying(255) NOT NULL, description text NOT NULL, created_by_id uuid, project_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES projects (id), updated_by_id uuid, workspace_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES workspaces (id), parent_id uuid, color character varying(255) NOT NULL, sort_order double precision NOT NULL, external_id character varying(255), external_source character varying(255) ); -- -- Name: module_favorites; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE TABLE module_favorites ( created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, updated_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, id uuid NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(), created_by_id uuid, module_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES modules (id), project_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES projects (id), updated_by_id uuid, user_id uuid NOT NULL, workspace_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES workspaces (id) ); -- -- Name: module_issues; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE TABLE module_issues ( created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, updated_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, id uuid NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(), created_by_id uuid, issue_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES issues (id), module_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES modules (id), project_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES projects (id), updated_by_id uuid, workspace_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES workspaces (id) ); -- -- Name: module_links; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE TABLE module_links ( created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, updated_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, id uuid NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(), title character varying(255), url character varying(200) NOT NULL, created_by_id uuid, module_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES modules (id), project_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES projects (id), updated_by_id uuid, workspace_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES workspaces (id), metadata jsonb NOT NULL ); -- -- Name: module_members; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE TABLE module_members ( created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, updated_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, id uuid NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(), created_by_id uuid, member_id uuid NOT NULL, module_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES modules (id), project_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES projects (id), updated_by_id uuid, workspace_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES workspaces (id) ); -- -- Name: notifications; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE TABLE notifications ( created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, updated_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, id uuid NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(), data jsonb, entity_identifier uuid, entity_name character varying(255) NOT NULL, title text NOT NULL, message jsonb, message_html text NOT NULL, message_stripped text, sender character varying(255) NOT NULL, read_at timestamp with time zone, snoozed_till timestamp with time zone, archived_at timestamp with time zone, created_by_id uuid, project_id uuid, receiver_id uuid NOT NULL, triggered_by_id uuid, updated_by_id uuid, workspace_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES workspaces (id) ); -- -- Name: page_blocks; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE TABLE page_blocks ( created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, updated_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, id uuid NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(), name character varying(255) NOT NULL, description jsonb NOT NULL, description_html text NOT NULL, description_stripped text, completed_at timestamp with time zone, created_by_id uuid, issue_id uuid, page_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES pages (id), project_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES projects (id), updated_by_id uuid, workspace_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES workspaces (id), sort_order double precision NOT NULL, sync boolean NOT NULL ); -- -- Name: page_favorites; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE TABLE page_favorites ( created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, updated_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, id uuid NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(), created_by_id uuid, page_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES pages (id), project_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES projects (id), updated_by_id uuid, user_id uuid NOT NULL, workspace_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES workspaces (id) ); -- -- Name: page_labels; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE TABLE page_labels ( created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, updated_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, id uuid NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(), created_by_id uuid, label_id uuid NOT NULL, page_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES pages (id), project_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES projects (id), updated_by_id uuid, workspace_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES workspaces (id) ); -- -- Name: page_logs; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE TABLE page_logs ( created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, updated_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, id uuid NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(), transaction uuid NOT NULL, entity_identifier uuid, entity_name character varying(30) NOT NULL, created_by_id uuid, page_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES pages (id), project_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES projects (id), updated_by_id uuid, workspace_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES workspaces (id) ); -- -- Name: project_deploy_boards; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE TABLE project_deploy_boards ( created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, updated_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, id uuid NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(), anchor character varying(255) NOT NULL, comments boolean NOT NULL, reactions boolean NOT NULL, votes boolean NOT NULL, views jsonb NOT NULL, created_by_id uuid, inbox_id uuid, project_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES projects (id), updated_by_id uuid, workspace_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES workspaces (id) ); -- -- Name: project_favorites; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE TABLE project_favorites ( created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, updated_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, id uuid NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(), created_by_id uuid, project_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES projects (id), updated_by_id uuid, user_id uuid NOT NULL, workspace_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES workspaces (id) ); -- -- Name: project_identifiers; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE TABLE project_identifiers ( id bigint NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, updated_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, name character varying(12) NOT NULL, created_by_id uuid, project_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES projects (id), updated_by_id uuid, workspace_id uuid ); -- -- Name: project_identifier_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE project_identifiers ALTER COLUMN id ADD GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY ( SEQUENCE NAME project_identifier_id_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1 ); -- -- Name: project_member_invites; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE TABLE project_member_invites ( created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, updated_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, id uuid NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(), email character varying(255) NOT NULL, accepted boolean NOT NULL, token character varying(255) NOT NULL, message text, responded_at timestamp with time zone, role project_member_roles NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Viewer' :: project_member_roles, created_by_id uuid, project_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES projects (id), updated_by_id uuid, workspace_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES workspaces (id) ); -- -- Name: project_members; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE TABLE project_members ( created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, updated_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, id uuid NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(), comment text, role project_member_roles NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Member' :: project_member_roles, created_by_id uuid, member_id uuid, project_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES projects (id), updated_by_id uuid, workspace_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES workspaces (id), view_props jsonb NOT NULL, default_props jsonb NOT NULL, sort_order double precision NOT NULL, preferences jsonb NOT NULL, is_active boolean NOT NULL ); -- -- Name: project_public_members; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE TABLE project_public_members ( created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, updated_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, id uuid NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(), created_by_id uuid, member_id uuid NOT NULL, project_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES projects (id), updated_by_id uuid, workspace_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES workspaces (id) ); -- -- Name: slack_project_syncs; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE TABLE slack_project_syncs ( created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, updated_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, id uuid NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(), access_token character varying(300) NOT NULL, scopes text NOT NULL, bot_user_id character varying(50) NOT NULL, webhook_url character varying(1000) NOT NULL, data jsonb NOT NULL, team_id character varying(30) NOT NULL, team_name character varying(300) NOT NULL, created_by_id uuid, project_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES projects (id), updated_by_id uuid, workspace_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES workspaces (id), workspace_integration_id uuid NOT NULL ); -- -- Name: social_login_connections; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE TABLE social_login_connections ( created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, updated_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, id uuid NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(), medium character varying(20) NOT NULL, last_login_at timestamp with time zone, last_received_at timestamp with time zone, token_data jsonb, extra_data jsonb, created_by_id uuid, updated_by_id uuid, user_id uuid NOT NULL ); -- -- Name: team_members; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE TABLE team_members ( created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, updated_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, id uuid NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(), created_by_id uuid, member_id uuid NOT NULL, team_id uuid NOT NULL, updated_by_id uuid, workspace_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES workspaces (id) ); -- -- Name: teams; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE TABLE teams ( created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, updated_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, id uuid NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(), name character varying(255) NOT NULL, description text NOT NULL, created_by_id uuid, updated_by_id uuid, workspace_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES workspaces (id) ); -- -- Name: token_blacklist_blacklistedtoken; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE TABLE token_blacklist_blacklistedtoken ( id bigint NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, blacklisted_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, token_id bigint NOT NULL ); -- -- Name: token_blacklist_blacklistedtoken_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE token_blacklist_blacklistedtoken ALTER COLUMN id ADD GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY ( SEQUENCE NAME token_blacklist_blacklistedtoken_id_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1 ); -- -- Name: token_blacklist_outstandingtoken; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE TABLE token_blacklist_outstandingtoken ( id bigint NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, token text NOT NULL, created_at timestamp with time zone, expires_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, user_id uuid, jti character varying(255) NOT NULL ); -- -- Name: token_blacklist_outstandingtoken_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE token_blacklist_outstandingtoken ALTER COLUMN id ADD GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY ( SEQUENCE NAME token_blacklist_outstandingtoken_id_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1 ); -- -- Name: users_groups; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE TABLE users_groups ( id bigint NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, user_id uuid NOT NULL, group_id integer NOT NULL ); -- -- Name: user_groups_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE users_groups ALTER COLUMN id ADD GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY ( SEQUENCE NAME user_groups_id_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1 ); -- -- Name: users_user_permissions; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE TABLE users_user_permissions ( id bigint NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, user_id uuid NOT NULL, permission_id integer NOT NULL ); -- -- Name: user_user_permissions_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE users_user_permissions ALTER COLUMN id ADD GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY ( SEQUENCE NAME user_user_permissions_id_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1 ); -- -- Name: view_favorites; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE TABLE view_favorites ( created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, updated_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, id uuid NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(), created_by_id uuid, project_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES projects (id), updated_by_id uuid, user_id uuid NOT NULL, view_id uuid NOT NULL, workspace_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES workspaces (id) ); -- -- Name: webhook_logs; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE TABLE webhook_logs ( created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, updated_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, id uuid NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(), event_type character varying(255), request_method character varying(10), request_headers text, request_body text, response_status text, response_headers text, response_body text, retry_count smallint NOT NULL, created_by_id uuid, updated_by_id uuid, webhook_id uuid NOT NULL, workspace_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES workspaces (id), CONSTRAINT webhook_logs_retry_count_check CHECK ((retry_count >= 0)) ); -- -- Name: webhooks; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE TABLE webhooks ( created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, updated_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, id uuid NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(), url character varying(200) NOT NULL, is_active boolean NOT NULL, secret_key character varying(255) NOT NULL, project boolean NOT NULL, issue boolean NOT NULL, module boolean NOT NULL, cycle boolean NOT NULL, issue_comment boolean NOT NULL, created_by_id uuid, updated_by_id uuid, workspace_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES workspaces (id) ); -- -- Name: workspace_integrations; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE TABLE workspace_integrations ( created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, updated_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, id uuid NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(), metadata jsonb NOT NULL, config jsonb NOT NULL, actor_id uuid NOT NULL, api_token_id uuid NOT NULL, created_by_id uuid, integration_id uuid NOT NULL, updated_by_id uuid, workspace_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES workspaces (id) ); -- -- Name: workspace_member_invites; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE TABLE workspace_member_invites ( created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, updated_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, id uuid NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(), email character varying(255) NOT NULL, accepted boolean NOT NULL, token character varying(255) NOT NULL, message text, responded_at timestamp with time zone, role roles NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Member' :: roles, created_by_id uuid, updated_by_id uuid, workspace_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES workspaces (id) ); -- -- Name: workspace_members; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE TABLE workspace_members ( created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, updated_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, id uuid NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(), role roles NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Member' :: roles, created_by_id uuid, member_id uuid NOT NULL, updated_by_id uuid, workspace_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES workspaces (id), company_role text, view_props jsonb NOT NULL, default_props jsonb NOT NULL, issue_props jsonb NOT NULL, is_active boolean NOT NULL ); -- -- Name: workspace_themes; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE TABLE workspace_themes ( created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, updated_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, id uuid NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(), name character varying(300) NOT NULL, colors jsonb NOT NULL, actor_id uuid NOT NULL, created_by_id uuid, updated_by_id uuid, workspace_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES workspaces (id) ); -- -- Data for Name: analytic_views; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- COPY analytic_views (created_at, updated_at, id, name, description, query, query_dict, created_by_id, updated_by_id, workspace_id) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: api_activity_logs; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- COPY api_activity_logs (created_at, updated_at, id, token_identifier, path, method, query_params, headers, body, response_code, response_body, ip_address, user_agent, created_by_id, updated_by_id) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: api_tokens; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- COPY api_tokens (created_at, updated_at, id, token, label, user_type, created_by_id, updated_by_id, user_id, workspace_id, description, expired_at, is_active, last_used) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: auth_group; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- COPY auth_group (id, name) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: auth_group_permissions; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- COPY auth_group_permissions (id, group_id, permission_id) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: auth_permission; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- COPY auth_permission (id, name, content_type_id, codename) FROM stdin; 1 Can add permission 1 add_permission 2 Can change permission 1 change_permission 3 Can delete permission 1 delete_permission 4 Can view permission 1 view_permission 5 Can add group 2 add_group 6 Can change group 2 change_group 7 Can delete group 2 delete_group 8 Can view group 2 view_group 9 Can add content type 3 add_contenttype 10 Can change content type 3 change_contenttype 11 Can delete content type 3 delete_contenttype 12 Can view content type 3 view_contenttype 13 Can add session 4 add_session 14 Can change session 4 change_session 15 Can delete session 4 delete_session 16 Can view session 4 view_session 17 Can add User 5 add_user 18 Can change User 5 change_user 19 Can delete User 5 delete_user 20 Can view User 5 view_user 21 Can add Cycle 6 add_cycle 22 Can change Cycle 6 change_cycle 23 Can delete Cycle 6 delete_cycle 24 Can view Cycle 6 view_cycle 25 Can add Issue 7 add_issue 26 Can change Issue 7 change_issue 27 Can delete Issue 7 delete_issue 28 Can view Issue 7 view_issue 29 Can add Project 8 add_project 30 Can change Project 8 change_project 31 Can delete Project 8 delete_project 32 Can view Project 8 view_project 33 Can add Team 9 add_team 34 Can change Team 9 change_team 35 Can delete Team 9 delete_team 36 Can view Team 9 view_team 37 Can add Workspace 10 add_workspace 38 Can change Workspace 10 change_workspace 39 Can delete Workspace 10 delete_workspace 40 Can view Workspace 10 view_workspace 41 Can add Workspace Member Invite 11 add_workspacememberinvite 42 Can change Workspace Member Invite 11 change_workspacememberinvite 43 Can delete Workspace Member Invite 11 delete_workspacememberinvite 44 Can view Workspace Member Invite 11 view_workspacememberinvite 45 Can add Team Member 12 add_teammember 46 Can change Team Member 12 change_teammember 47 Can delete Team Member 12 delete_teammember 48 Can view Team Member 12 view_teammember 49 Can add State 13 add_state 50 Can change State 13 change_state 51 Can delete State 13 delete_state 52 Can view State 13 view_state 53 Can add Social Login Connection 14 add_socialloginconnection 54 Can change Social Login Connection 14 change_socialloginconnection 55 Can delete Social Login Connection 14 delete_socialloginconnection 56 Can view Social Login Connection 14 view_socialloginconnection 57 Can add Project Member Invite 15 add_projectmemberinvite 58 Can change Project Member Invite 15 change_projectmemberinvite 59 Can delete Project Member Invite 15 delete_projectmemberinvite 60 Can view Project Member Invite 15 view_projectmemberinvite 61 Can add Project Identifier 16 add_projectidentifier 62 Can change Project Identifier 16 change_projectidentifier 63 Can delete Project Identifier 16 delete_projectidentifier 64 Can view Project Identifier 16 view_projectidentifier 65 Can add Label 17 add_label 66 Can change Label 17 change_label 67 Can delete Label 17 delete_label 68 Can view Label 17 view_label 69 Can add Issue Sequence 18 add_issuesequence 70 Can change Issue Sequence 18 change_issuesequence 71 Can delete Issue Sequence 18 delete_issuesequence 72 Can view Issue Sequence 18 view_issuesequence 73 Can add Issue Property 19 add_issueproperty 74 Can change Issue Property 19 change_issueproperty 75 Can delete Issue Property 19 delete_issueproperty 76 Can view Issue Property 19 view_issueproperty 77 Can add Issue Label 20 add_issuelabel 78 Can change Issue Label 20 change_issuelabel 79 Can delete Issue Label 20 delete_issuelabel 80 Can view Issue Label 20 view_issuelabel 81 Can add Issue Comment 21 add_issuecomment 82 Can change Issue Comment 21 change_issuecomment 83 Can delete Issue Comment 21 delete_issuecomment 84 Can view Issue Comment 21 view_issuecomment 85 Can add Issue Blocker 22 add_issueblocker 86 Can change Issue Blocker 22 change_issueblocker 87 Can delete Issue Blocker 22 delete_issueblocker 88 Can view Issue Blocker 22 view_issueblocker 89 Can add Issue Assignee 23 add_issueassignee 90 Can change Issue Assignee 23 change_issueassignee 91 Can delete Issue Assignee 23 delete_issueassignee 92 Can view Issue Assignee 23 view_issueassignee 93 Can add Issue Activity 24 add_issueactivity 94 Can change Issue Activity 24 change_issueactivity 95 Can delete Issue Activity 24 delete_issueactivity 96 Can view Issue Activity 24 view_issueactivity 97 Can add File Asset 25 add_fileasset 98 Can change File Asset 25 change_fileasset 99 Can delete File Asset 25 delete_fileasset 100 Can view File Asset 25 view_fileasset 101 Can add Cycle Issue 26 add_cycleissue 102 Can change Cycle Issue 26 change_cycleissue 103 Can delete Cycle Issue 26 delete_cycleissue 104 Can view Cycle Issue 26 view_cycleissue 105 Can add Workspace Member 27 add_workspacemember 106 Can change Workspace Member 27 change_workspacemember 107 Can delete Workspace Member 27 delete_workspacemember 108 Can view Workspace Member 27 view_workspacemember 109 Can add Project Member 28 add_projectmember 110 Can change Project Member 28 change_projectmember 111 Can delete Project Member 28 delete_projectmember 112 Can view Project Member 28 view_projectmember 113 Can add Module 29 add_module 114 Can change Module 29 change_module 115 Can delete Module 29 delete_module 116 Can view Module 29 view_module 117 Can add Module Member 30 add_modulemember 118 Can change Module Member 30 change_modulemember 119 Can delete Module Member 30 delete_modulemember 120 Can view Module Member 30 view_modulemember 121 Can add Module Issue 31 add_moduleissue 122 Can change Module Issue 31 change_moduleissue 123 Can delete Module Issue 31 delete_moduleissue 124 Can view Module Issue 31 view_moduleissue 125 Can add Module Link 32 add_modulelink 126 Can change Module Link 32 change_modulelink 127 Can delete Module Link 32 delete_modulelink 128 Can view Module Link 32 view_modulelink 129 Can add API Token 33 add_apitoken 130 Can change API Token 33 change_apitoken 131 Can delete API Token 33 delete_apitoken 132 Can view API Token 33 view_apitoken 133 Can add Repository 34 add_githubrepository 134 Can change Repository 34 change_githubrepository 135 Can delete Repository 34 delete_githubrepository 136 Can view Repository 34 view_githubrepository 137 Can add Integration 35 add_integration 138 Can change Integration 35 change_integration 139 Can delete Integration 35 delete_integration 140 Can view Integration 35 view_integration 141 Can add Workspace Integration 36 add_workspaceintegration 142 Can change Workspace Integration 36 change_workspaceintegration 143 Can delete Workspace Integration 36 delete_workspaceintegration 144 Can view Workspace Integration 36 view_workspaceintegration 145 Can add Issue Link 37 add_issuelink 146 Can change Issue Link 37 change_issuelink 147 Can delete Issue Link 37 delete_issuelink 148 Can view Issue Link 37 view_issuelink 149 Can add Github Repository Sync 38 add_githubrepositorysync 150 Can change Github Repository Sync 38 change_githubrepositorysync 151 Can delete Github Repository Sync 38 delete_githubrepositorysync 152 Can view Github Repository Sync 38 view_githubrepositorysync 153 Can add Github Issue Sync 39 add_githubissuesync 154 Can change Github Issue Sync 39 change_githubissuesync 155 Can delete Github Issue Sync 39 delete_githubissuesync 156 Can view Github Issue Sync 39 view_githubissuesync 157 Can add Github Comment Sync 40 add_githubcommentsync 158 Can change Github Comment Sync 40 change_githubcommentsync 159 Can delete Github Comment Sync 40 delete_githubcommentsync 160 Can view Github Comment Sync 40 view_githubcommentsync 161 Can add Project Favorite 41 add_projectfavorite 162 Can change Project Favorite 41 change_projectfavorite 163 Can delete Project Favorite 41 delete_projectfavorite 164 Can view Project Favorite 41 view_projectfavorite 165 Can add Module Favorite 42 add_modulefavorite 166 Can change Module Favorite 42 change_modulefavorite 167 Can delete Module Favorite 42 delete_modulefavorite 168 Can view Module Favorite 42 view_modulefavorite 169 Can add Cycle Favorite 43 add_cyclefavorite 170 Can change Cycle Favorite 43 change_cyclefavorite 171 Can delete Cycle Favorite 43 delete_cyclefavorite 172 Can view Cycle Favorite 43 view_cyclefavorite 173 Can add Importer 44 add_importer 174 Can change Importer 44 change_importer 175 Can delete Importer 44 delete_importer 176 Can view Importer 44 view_importer 177 Can add Issue View 45 add_issueview 178 Can change Issue View 45 change_issueview 179 Can delete Issue View 45 delete_issueview 180 Can view Issue View 45 view_issueview 181 Can add View Favorite 46 add_issueviewfavorite 182 Can change View Favorite 46 change_issueviewfavorite 183 Can delete View Favorite 46 delete_issueviewfavorite 184 Can view View Favorite 46 view_issueviewfavorite 185 Can add Page 47 add_page 186 Can change Page 47 change_page 187 Can delete Page 47 delete_page 188 Can view Page 47 view_page 189 Can add Page Block 48 add_pageblock 190 Can change Page Block 48 change_pageblock 191 Can delete Page Block 48 delete_pageblock 192 Can view Page Block 48 view_pageblock 193 Can add Page Favorite 49 add_pagefavorite 194 Can change Page Favorite 49 change_pagefavorite 195 Can delete Page Favorite 49 delete_pagefavorite 196 Can view Page Favorite 49 view_pagefavorite 197 Can add Page Label 50 add_pagelabel 198 Can change Page Label 50 change_pagelabel 199 Can delete Page Label 50 delete_pagelabel 200 Can view Page Label 50 view_pagelabel 201 Can add Estimate 51 add_estimate 202 Can change Estimate 51 change_estimate 203 Can delete Estimate 51 delete_estimate 204 Can view Estimate 51 view_estimate 205 Can add Issue Attachment 52 add_issueattachment 206 Can change Issue Attachment 52 change_issueattachment 207 Can delete Issue Attachment 52 delete_issueattachment 208 Can view Issue Attachment 52 view_issueattachment 209 Can add Estimate Point 53 add_estimatepoint 210 Can change Estimate Point 53 change_estimatepoint 211 Can delete Estimate Point 53 delete_estimatepoint 212 Can view Estimate Point 53 view_estimatepoint 213 Can add Workspace Theme 54 add_workspacetheme 214 Can change Workspace Theme 54 change_workspacetheme 215 Can delete Workspace Theme 54 delete_workspacetheme 216 Can view Workspace Theme 54 view_workspacetheme 217 Can add Slack Project Sync 55 add_slackprojectsync 218 Can change Slack Project Sync 55 change_slackprojectsync 219 Can delete Slack Project Sync 55 delete_slackprojectsync 220 Can view Slack Project Sync 55 view_slackprojectsync 221 Can add Analytic 56 add_analyticview 222 Can change Analytic 56 change_analyticview 223 Can delete Analytic 56 delete_analyticview 224 Can view Analytic 56 view_analyticview 225 Can add Inbox 57 add_inbox 226 Can change Inbox 57 change_inbox 227 Can delete Inbox 57 delete_inbox 228 Can view Inbox 57 view_inbox 229 Can add InboxIssue 58 add_inboxissue 230 Can change InboxIssue 58 change_inboxissue 231 Can delete InboxIssue 58 delete_inboxissue 232 Can view InboxIssue 58 view_inboxissue 233 Can add Notification 59 add_notification 234 Can change Notification 59 change_notification 235 Can delete Notification 59 delete_notification 236 Can view Notification 59 view_notification 237 Can add Issue Subscriber 60 add_issuesubscriber 238 Can change Issue Subscriber 60 change_issuesubscriber 239 Can delete Issue Subscriber 60 delete_issuesubscriber 240 Can view Issue Subscriber 60 view_issuesubscriber 241 Can add Issue Reaction 61 add_issuereaction 242 Can change Issue Reaction 61 change_issuereaction 243 Can delete Issue Reaction 61 delete_issuereaction 244 Can view Issue Reaction 61 view_issuereaction 245 Can add Comment Reaction 62 add_commentreaction 246 Can change Comment Reaction 62 change_commentreaction 247 Can delete Comment Reaction 62 delete_commentreaction 248 Can view Comment Reaction 62 view_commentreaction 249 Can add Exporter 63 add_exporterhistory 250 Can change Exporter 63 change_exporterhistory 251 Can delete Exporter 63 delete_exporterhistory 252 Can view Exporter 63 view_exporterhistory 253 Can add Project Deploy Board 64 add_projectdeployboard 254 Can change Project Deploy Board 64 change_projectdeployboard 255 Can delete Project Deploy Board 64 delete_projectdeployboard 256 Can view Project Deploy Board 64 view_projectdeployboard 257 Can add Issue Vote 65 add_issuevote 258 Can change Issue Vote 65 change_issuevote 259 Can delete Issue Vote 65 delete_issuevote 260 Can view Issue Vote 65 view_issuevote 261 Can add Project Public Member 66 add_projectpublicmember 262 Can change Project Public Member 66 change_projectpublicmember 263 Can delete Project Public Member 66 delete_projectpublicmember 264 Can view Project Public Member 66 view_projectpublicmember 265 Can add Issue Relation 67 add_issuerelation 266 Can change Issue Relation 67 change_issuerelation 267 Can delete Issue Relation 67 delete_issuerelation 268 Can view Issue Relation 67 view_issuerelation 269 Can add Global View 68 add_globalview 270 Can change Global View 68 change_globalview 271 Can delete Global View 68 delete_globalview 272 Can view Global View 68 view_globalview 273 Can add Issue Mention 69 add_issuemention 274 Can change Issue Mention 69 change_issuemention 275 Can delete Issue Mention 69 delete_issuemention 276 Can view Issue Mention 69 view_issuemention 277 Can add Webhook 70 add_webhook 278 Can change Webhook 70 change_webhook 279 Can delete Webhook 70 delete_webhook 280 Can view Webhook 70 view_webhook 281 Can add Webhook Log 71 add_webhooklog 282 Can change Webhook Log 71 change_webhooklog 283 Can delete Webhook Log 71 delete_webhooklog 284 Can view Webhook Log 71 view_webhooklog 285 Can add API Activity Log 72 add_apiactivitylog 286 Can change API Activity Log 72 change_apiactivitylog 287 Can delete API Activity Log 72 delete_apiactivitylog 288 Can view API Activity Log 72 view_apiactivitylog 289 Can add Page Log 73 add_pagelog 290 Can change Page Log 73 change_pagelog 291 Can delete Page Log 73 delete_pagelog 292 Can view Page Log 73 view_pagelog 293 Can add Instance 74 add_instance 294 Can change Instance 74 change_instance 295 Can delete Instance 74 delete_instance 296 Can view Instance 74 view_instance 297 Can add Instance Configuration 75 add_instanceconfiguration 298 Can change Instance Configuration 75 change_instanceconfiguration 299 Can delete Instance Configuration 75 delete_instanceconfiguration 300 Can view Instance Configuration 75 view_instanceconfiguration 301 Can add Instance Admin 76 add_instanceadmin 302 Can change Instance Admin 76 change_instanceadmin 303 Can delete Instance Admin 76 delete_instanceadmin 304 Can view Instance Admin 76 view_instanceadmin 305 Can add Token 77 add_token 306 Can change Token 77 change_token 307 Can delete Token 77 delete_token 308 Can view Token 77 view_token 309 Can add token 78 add_tokenproxy 310 Can change token 78 change_tokenproxy 311 Can delete token 78 delete_tokenproxy 312 Can view token 78 view_tokenproxy 313 Can add blacklisted token 79 add_blacklistedtoken 314 Can change blacklisted token 79 change_blacklistedtoken 315 Can delete blacklisted token 79 delete_blacklistedtoken 316 Can view blacklisted token 79 view_blacklistedtoken 317 Can add outstanding token 80 add_outstandingtoken 318 Can change outstanding token 80 change_outstandingtoken 319 Can delete outstanding token 80 delete_outstandingtoken 320 Can view outstanding token 80 view_outstandingtoken 321 Can add crontab 81 add_crontabschedule 322 Can change crontab 81 change_crontabschedule 323 Can delete crontab 81 delete_crontabschedule 324 Can view crontab 81 view_crontabschedule 325 Can add interval 82 add_intervalschedule 326 Can change interval 82 change_intervalschedule 327 Can delete interval 82 delete_intervalschedule 328 Can view interval 82 view_intervalschedule 329 Can add periodic task 83 add_periodictask 330 Can change periodic task 83 change_periodictask 331 Can delete periodic task 83 delete_periodictask 332 Can view periodic task 83 view_periodictask 333 Can add periodic tasks 84 add_periodictasks 334 Can change periodic tasks 84 change_periodictasks 335 Can delete periodic tasks 84 delete_periodictasks 336 Can view periodic tasks 84 view_periodictasks 337 Can add solar event 85 add_solarschedule 338 Can change solar event 85 change_solarschedule 339 Can delete solar event 85 delete_solarschedule 340 Can view solar event 85 view_solarschedule 341 Can add clocked 86 add_clockedschedule 342 Can change clocked 86 change_clockedschedule 343 Can delete clocked 86 delete_clockedschedule 344 Can view clocked 86 view_clockedschedule \. -- -- Data for Name: authtoken_token; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- COPY authtoken_token (key, created, user_id) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: comment_reactions; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- COPY comment_reactions (created_at, updated_at, id, reaction, actor_id, comment_id, created_by_id, project_id, updated_by_id, workspace_id) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: cycle_favorites; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- COPY cycle_favorites (created_at, updated_at, id, created_by_id, cycle_id, project_id, updated_by_id, user_id, workspace_id) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: cycle_issues; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- COPY cycle_issues (created_at, updated_at, id, created_by_id, cycle_id, issue_id, project_id, updated_by_id, workspace_id) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: cycles; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- COPY cycles (created_at, updated_at, id, name, description, start_date, end_date, created_by_id, owned_by_id, project_id, updated_by_id, workspace_id, view_props, sort_order, external_id, external_source) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: django_celery_beat_clockedschedule; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- COPY django_celery_beat_clockedschedule (id, clocked_time) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: django_celery_beat_crontabschedule; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- COPY django_celery_beat_crontabschedule (id, minute, hour, day_of_week, day_of_month, month_of_year, timezone) FROM stdin; 1 0 4 * * * UTC 2 0 0 * * * UTC \. -- -- Data for Name: django_celery_beat_intervalschedule; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- COPY django_celery_beat_intervalschedule (id, every, period) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: django_celery_beat_periodictask; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- COPY django_celery_beat_periodictask (id, name, task, args, kwargs, queue, exchange, routing_key, expires, enabled, last_run_at, total_run_count, date_changed, description, crontab_id, interval_id, solar_id, one_off, start_time, priority, headers, clocked_id, expire_seconds) FROM stdin; 1 celery.backend_cleanup celery.backend_cleanup [] {} \N \N \N \N t 2024-01-17 04:00:00.008654+00 4 2024-01-17 05:16:00.046764+00 1 \N \N f \N \N {} \N 43200 2 check-every-day-to-archive-and-close plane.bgtasks.issue_automation_task.archive_and_close_old_issues [] {} \N \N \N \N t 2024-01-17 00:00:00.008534+00 4 2024-01-17 05:16:00.086051+00 2 \N \N f \N \N {} \N \N 3 check-every-day-to-delete_exporter_history plane.bgtasks.exporter_expired_task.delete_old_s3_link [] {} \N \N \N \N t 2024-01-17 00:00:00.051839+00 4 2024-01-17 05:16:00.102192+00 2 \N \N f \N \N {} \N \N 4 check-every-day-to-delete-file-asset plane.bgtasks.file_asset_task.delete_file_asset [] {} \N \N \N \N t 2024-01-17 00:00:00.031259+00 4 2024-01-17 05:16:00.116154+00 2 \N \N f \N \N {} \N \N \. -- -- Data for Name: django_celery_beat_periodictasks; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- COPY django_celery_beat_periodictasks (ident, last_update) FROM stdin; 1 2024-01-17 05:16:00.11705+00 \. -- -- Data for Name: django_celery_beat_solarschedule; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- COPY django_celery_beat_solarschedule (id, event, latitude, longitude) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: django_content_type; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- COPY django_content_type (id, app_label, model) FROM stdin; 1 auth permission 2 auth group 3 contenttypes contenttype 4 sessions session 5 db user 6 db cycle 7 db issue 8 db project 9 db team 10 db workspace 11 db workspacememberinvite 12 db teammember 13 db state 14 db socialloginconnection 15 db projectmemberinvite 16 db projectidentifier 17 db label 18 db issuesequence 19 db issueproperty 20 db issuelabel 21 db issuecomment 22 db issueblocker 23 db issueassignee 24 db issueactivity 25 db fileasset 26 db cycleissue 27 db workspacemember 28 db projectmember 29 db module 30 db modulemember 31 db moduleissue 32 db modulelink 33 db apitoken 34 db githubrepository 35 db integration 36 db workspaceintegration 37 db issuelink 38 db githubrepositorysync 39 db githubissuesync 40 db githubcommentsync 41 db projectfavorite 42 db modulefavorite 43 db cyclefavorite 44 db importer 45 db issueview 46 db issueviewfavorite 47 db page 48 db pageblock 49 db pagefavorite 50 db pagelabel 51 db estimate 52 db issueattachment 53 db estimatepoint 54 db workspacetheme 55 db slackprojectsync 56 db analyticview 57 db inbox 58 db inboxissue 59 db notification 60 db issuesubscriber 61 db issuereaction 62 db commentreaction 63 db exporterhistory 64 db projectdeployboard 65 db issuevote 66 db projectpublicmember 67 db issuerelation 68 db globalview 69 db issuemention 70 db webhook 71 db webhooklog 72 db apiactivitylog 73 db pagelog 74 license instance 75 license instanceconfiguration 76 license instanceadmin 77 authtoken token 78 authtoken tokenproxy 79 token_blacklist blacklistedtoken 80 token_blacklist outstandingtoken 81 django_celery_beat crontabschedule 82 django_celery_beat intervalschedule 83 django_celery_beat periodictask 84 django_celery_beat periodictasks 85 django_celery_beat solarschedule 86 django_celery_beat clockedschedule \. -- -- Data for Name: django_session; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- COPY django_session (session_key, session_data, expire_date) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: estimate_points; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- COPY estimate_points (created_at, updated_at, id, key, description, value, created_by_id, estimate_id, project_id, updated_by_id, workspace_id) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: estimates; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- COPY estimates (created_at, updated_at, id, name, description, created_by_id, project_id, updated_by_id, workspace_id) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: exporters; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- COPY exporters (created_at, updated_at, id, project, provider, status, reason, key, url, token, created_by_id, initiated_by_id, updated_by_id, workspace_id) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: file_assets; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- COPY file_assets (created_at, updated_at, id, attributes, asset, created_by_id, updated_by_id, workspace_id, is_deleted) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: github_comment_syncs; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- COPY github_comment_syncs (created_at, updated_at, id, repo_comment_id, comment_id, created_by_id, issue_sync_id, project_id, updated_by_id, workspace_id) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: github_issue_syncs; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- COPY github_issue_syncs (created_at, updated_at, id, repo_issue_id, github_issue_id, issue_url, created_by_id, issue_id, project_id, repository_sync_id, updated_by_id, workspace_id) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: github_repositories; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- COPY github_repositories (created_at, updated_at, id, name, url, config, repository_id, owner, created_by_id, project_id, updated_by_id, workspace_id) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: github_repository_syncs; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- COPY github_repository_syncs (created_at, updated_at, id, credentials, actor_id, created_by_id, label_id, project_id, repository_id, updated_by_id, workspace_id, workspace_integration_id) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: global_views; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- COPY global_views (created_at, updated_at, id, name, description, query, access, query_data, sort_order, created_by_id, updated_by_id, workspace_id) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: importers; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- COPY importers (created_at, updated_at, id, service, status, metadata, config, data, created_by_id, initiated_by_id, project_id, token_id, updated_by_id, workspace_id, imported_data) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: inbox_issues; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- COPY inbox_issues (created_at, updated_at, id, status, snoozed_till, source, created_by_id, duplicate_to_id, inbox_id, issue_id, project_id, updated_by_id, workspace_id, external_id, external_source) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: inboxes; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- COPY inboxes (created_at, updated_at, id, name, description, is_default, view_props, created_by_id, project_id, updated_by_id, workspace_id) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: instance_admins; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- COPY instance_admins (created_at, updated_at, id, role, is_verified, created_by_id, instance_id, updated_by_id, user_id) FROM stdin; 2024-01-13 20:54:28.511671+00 2024-01-13 20:54:28.511684+00 fc519655-c149-463e-b99e-8570bd14001d 20 f \N aab60202-832f-4727-ab38-2b940194142d \N e1aa4fc4-3269-486d-9761-e0b3f3bfbe52 \. -- -- Data for Name: instance_configurations; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- COPY instance_configurations (created_at, updated_at, id, key, value, category, is_encrypted, created_by_id, updated_by_id) FROM stdin; 2024-01-13 20:50:53.42641+00 2024-01-13 20:50:53.42934+00 3391693e-27b5-4238-8729-dbed6403a667 ENABLE_SIGNUP 1 AUTHENTICATION f \N \N 2024-01-13 20:50:53.432381+00 2024-01-13 20:50:53.433718+00 83ef15a2-eda0-400f-9e27-bafb2ce90c24 ENABLE_EMAIL_PASSWORD 1 AUTHENTICATION f \N \N 2024-01-13 20:50:53.436345+00 2024-01-13 20:50:53.437887+00 786e9f58-a344-48c2-a7a6-3f196fa62635 ENABLE_MAGIC_LINK_LOGIN 0 AUTHENTICATION f \N \N 2024-01-13 20:50:53.440556+00 2024-01-13 20:50:53.44193+00 b8481f45-3865-41ef-b5dc-3e557e806d06 GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID "" GOOGLE f \N \N 2024-01-13 20:50:53.686222+00 2024-01-13 20:50:53.790164+00 f2679f2c-0b64-4697-8f50-dd3128de9894 OPENAI_API_KEY gAAAAABlovetyche15iAT2UFFkEwId9T6apW9MYcwdJDTA6g3vezUIOZRvX5rbQVmkyDmrB6cjxNgCka4H2gnBQ4H2TeN4oljw== OPENAI t \N \N 2024-01-13 20:50:53.792748+00 2024-01-13 20:50:53.79431+00 fc29f571-fe5f-4e14-acbc-9cb14eca4e79 GPT_ENGINE gpt-3.5-turbo SMTP f \N \N 2024-01-13 20:50:53.796749+00 2024-01-13 20:50:53.798279+00 6f0be51d-69e0-4f31-b4bf-7868287cf8fa UNSPLASH_ACCESS_KEY UNSPLASH t \N \N 2024-01-13 20:50:53.444497+00 2024-01-13 20:50:53.44615+00 0af107bc-bd59-4ce8-ba37-6ef294ce91d7 GITHUB_CLIENT_ID a3f301e0ea89bdfcf2c8 GITHUB f \N \N 2024-01-13 20:50:53.448671+00 2024-01-13 20:50:53.557321+00 f7e19314-1e0a-4d67-86ea-7eb2d8a3fd1e GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET gAAAAABlovig0ptoeF0uE3KcjYCGSp0OQ4WyAh81JBSXr3E4_a9ieEVU9cpAK4Gd1OFGVlH-wChiThfoa8tFVL-MYd2PzXHbpWsuko22ncHObbYypXWKjboWwbskBQjepMGxhmJAue2Z GITHUB t \N \N 2024-01-13 20:50:53.560061+00 2024-01-13 20:50:53.561602+00 45dafc2a-c3d6-48b7-bafd-bbc6196ee7e0 EMAIL_HOST "" SMTP f \N \N 2024-01-13 20:50:53.564145+00 2024-01-13 20:50:53.565559+00 a2671acb-ab28-40b1-aa04-4bd7e1cefe03 EMAIL_HOST_USER "" SMTP f \N \N 2024-01-13 20:50:53.567846+00 2024-01-13 20:50:53.671847+00 1a801d98-c468-4353-bfd6-9eceaca8b440 EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD gAAAAABlovkxZ6LrkVFGzjYxX7UE4hqMOqhJkSo-AJ5DGHsg2RN6XOfAf7UMO-N0c1QPXjCnR_AmGbRZIU6RI0BwZ1Zmcs8pOQ== SMTP t \N \N 2024-01-13 20:50:53.674462+00 2024-01-13 20:50:53.675934+00 5eb9e5c5-6a3d-49e3-a5d9-a4cec4a46c9c EMAIL_PORT 587 SMTP f \N \N 2024-01-13 20:50:53.678384+00 2024-01-13 20:50:53.680008+00 237a4cb1-1595-4341-a9b2-a2cc543b1eae EMAIL_FROM Tsumanu SMTP f \N \N 2024-01-13 20:50:53.682252+00 2024-01-13 20:50:53.683726+00 c6143580-eeb3-4884-b565-c1f1d6c58064 EMAIL_USE_TLS 1 SMTP f \N \N \. -- -- Data for Name: instances; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- COPY instances (created_at, updated_at, id, instance_name, whitelist_emails, instance_id, license_key, api_key, version, last_checked_at, namespace, is_telemetry_enabled, is_support_required, is_setup_done, is_signup_screen_visited, user_count, is_verified, created_by_id, updated_by_id) FROM stdin; 2024-01-13 20:50:49.914969+00 2024-01-13 20:54:28.514397+00 aab60202-832f-4727-ab38-2b940194142d Plane Free \N 76b3365f6dde64f8bd352f97 \N bf54fffe31866be4 0.14.0 2024-01-13 20:50:49.9137+00 \N t t t f 0 f \N \N \. -- -- Data for Name: integrations; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- COPY integrations (created_at, updated_at, id, title, provider, network, description, author, webhook_url, webhook_secret, redirect_url, metadata, verified, avatar_url, created_by_id, updated_by_id) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: issue_activities; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- COPY issue_activities (created_at, updated_at, id, verb, field, old_value, new_value, comment, attachments, created_by_id, issue_id, issue_comment_id, project_id, updated_by_id, workspace_id, actor_id, new_identifier, old_identifier, epoch) FROM stdin; 2024-01-13 20:57:57.743001+00 2024-01-13 20:57:57.743017+00 bb19127c-5675-4d3a-99b8-023a17f1ccd9 created \N \N \N created the issue {} \N a574a73b-4c99-4a3b-a445-c087cd6ca685 \N cad91ae3-a3a3-4651-be91-b485e8abde0e \N 6f4b44e6-f588-4020-b1bf-a9218459cf67 e1aa4fc4-3269-486d-9761-e0b3f3bfbe52 \N \N 1705179477 2024-01-14 07:29:11.997895+00 2024-01-14 07:29:11.99791+00 d9dfb95a-83f1-478e-9568-7a5d5f7e51f1 updated state Backlog In Progress updated the state to {} \N a574a73b-4c99-4a3b-a445-c087cd6ca685 \N cad91ae3-a3a3-4651-be91-b485e8abde0e \N 6f4b44e6-f588-4020-b1bf-a9218459cf67 e1aa4fc4-3269-486d-9761-e0b3f3bfbe52 85afd240-19f4-4272-a70d-e0275b8da021 a41fbd68-643c-4e46-98e2-c87ff2c24cc0 1705217351 2024-01-14 07:30:23.218071+00 2024-01-14 07:30:23.218084+00 f0c6ffdf-4405-4a55-a13c-d23d60c921f7 updated start_date 2024-01-01 updated the start date to {} \N a574a73b-4c99-4a3b-a445-c087cd6ca685 \N cad91ae3-a3a3-4651-be91-b485e8abde0e \N 6f4b44e6-f588-4020-b1bf-a9218459cf67 e1aa4fc4-3269-486d-9761-e0b3f3bfbe52 \N \N 1705217423 2024-01-14 07:30:41.116509+00 2024-01-14 07:30:41.116524+00 0370bbe4-e62b-455f-867f-f0bca4aa11ba updated start_date 2024-01-01 updated the start date to {} \N a574a73b-4c99-4a3b-a445-c087cd6ca685 \N cad91ae3-a3a3-4651-be91-b485e8abde0e \N 6f4b44e6-f588-4020-b1bf-a9218459cf67 e1aa4fc4-3269-486d-9761-e0b3f3bfbe52 \N \N 1705217441 2024-01-14 07:30:41.116584+00 2024-01-14 07:30:41.11659+00 d81436ec-e6be-497f-a78a-9177f8727125 updated labels Concept added label {} \N a574a73b-4c99-4a3b-a445-c087cd6ca685 \N cad91ae3-a3a3-4651-be91-b485e8abde0e \N 6f4b44e6-f588-4020-b1bf-a9218459cf67 e1aa4fc4-3269-486d-9761-e0b3f3bfbe52 58bc8ba2-ec4d-41d8-b2b6-0d75b8a8832e \N 1705217441 2024-01-14 07:30:47.783347+00 2024-01-14 07:30:47.78336+00 ca114f54-fa3a-4fcb-8a66-8cee0a68fd69 created modules Game concept added module Game concept {} \N a574a73b-4c99-4a3b-a445-c087cd6ca685 \N cad91ae3-a3a3-4651-be91-b485e8abde0e \N 6f4b44e6-f588-4020-b1bf-a9218459cf67 e1aa4fc4-3269-486d-9761-e0b3f3bfbe52 1a5ec757-b962-4a97-a1f5-1bc61ef32b71 \N 1705217447 2024-01-14 07:31:11.648601+00 2024-01-14 07:31:11.648616+00 d242c09f-fb0d-4868-94ae-1c7db59858e9 updated labels Concept removed label {} \N a574a73b-4c99-4a3b-a445-c087cd6ca685 \N cad91ae3-a3a3-4651-be91-b485e8abde0e \N 6f4b44e6-f588-4020-b1bf-a9218459cf67 e1aa4fc4-3269-486d-9761-e0b3f3bfbe52 \N 58bc8ba2-ec4d-41d8-b2b6-0d75b8a8832e 1705217471 2024-01-14 07:31:23.922189+00 2024-01-14 07:31:23.922204+00 3915750c-f947-4f71-a3cf-97a0fb425b26 updated labels Concept added label {} \N a574a73b-4c99-4a3b-a445-c087cd6ca685 \N cad91ae3-a3a3-4651-be91-b485e8abde0e \N 6f4b44e6-f588-4020-b1bf-a9218459cf67 e1aa4fc4-3269-486d-9761-e0b3f3bfbe52 58bc8ba2-ec4d-41d8-b2b6-0d75b8a8832e \N 1705217483 2024-01-14 07:31:48.699574+00 2024-01-14 07:31:48.699587+00 913127bf-a129-4285-8e35-c81ab1b624f7 updated priority none medium updated the priority to {} \N a574a73b-4c99-4a3b-a445-c087cd6ca685 \N cad91ae3-a3a3-4651-be91-b485e8abde0e \N 6f4b44e6-f588-4020-b1bf-a9218459cf67 e1aa4fc4-3269-486d-9761-e0b3f3bfbe52 \N \N 1705217508 2024-01-14 07:32:05.770532+00 2024-01-14 07:32:05.770546+00 1b2cd8f6-373e-482b-9208-beb614257505 updated priority medium none updated the priority to {} \N a574a73b-4c99-4a3b-a445-c087cd6ca685 \N cad91ae3-a3a3-4651-be91-b485e8abde0e \N 6f4b44e6-f588-4020-b1bf-a9218459cf67 e1aa4fc4-3269-486d-9761-e0b3f3bfbe52 \N \N 1705217525 2024-01-14 07:32:05.770601+00 2024-01-14 07:32:05.770606+00 e36d8c82-990c-4ee5-8a67-f9374d1220f4 updated labels Concept removed label {} \N a574a73b-4c99-4a3b-a445-c087cd6ca685 \N cad91ae3-a3a3-4651-be91-b485e8abde0e \N 6f4b44e6-f588-4020-b1bf-a9218459cf67 e1aa4fc4-3269-486d-9761-e0b3f3bfbe52 \N 58bc8ba2-ec4d-41d8-b2b6-0d75b8a8832e 1705217525 2024-01-14 07:32:23.167296+00 2024-01-14 07:32:23.16731+00 759209a6-01a3-4aee-a2d0-952cb23b25ba updated assignees Tsumanu added assignee {} \N a574a73b-4c99-4a3b-a445-c087cd6ca685 \N cad91ae3-a3a3-4651-be91-b485e8abde0e \N 6f4b44e6-f588-4020-b1bf-a9218459cf67 e1aa4fc4-3269-486d-9761-e0b3f3bfbe52 e1aa4fc4-3269-486d-9761-e0b3f3bfbe52 \N 1705217543 2024-01-14 07:32:23.167365+00 2024-01-14 07:32:23.16737+00 61cc7072-b51c-4892-89d2-632097758802 updated labels Concept added label {} \N a574a73b-4c99-4a3b-a445-c087cd6ca685 \N cad91ae3-a3a3-4651-be91-b485e8abde0e \N 6f4b44e6-f588-4020-b1bf-a9218459cf67 e1aa4fc4-3269-486d-9761-e0b3f3bfbe52 58bc8ba2-ec4d-41d8-b2b6-0d75b8a8832e \N 1705217543 2024-01-14 09:58:20.829715+00 2024-01-14 09:58:20.829726+00 a6d76c0d-e7de-40e0-96a9-0c200e99f04c created link \N https://board.ita-prog.pl/our-nightmares/projects/cad91ae3-a3a3-4651-be91-b485e8abde0e/pages created a link {} \N a574a73b-4c99-4a3b-a445-c087cd6ca685 \N cad91ae3-a3a3-4651-be91-b485e8abde0e \N 6f4b44e6-f588-4020-b1bf-a9218459cf67 e1aa4fc4-3269-486d-9761-e0b3f3bfbe52 85ecf167-f9db-4d67-b873-15b0b8d93097 \N 1705226300 \. -- -- Data for Name: issue_assignees; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- COPY issue_assignees (created_at, updated_at, id, assignee_id, created_by_id, issue_id, project_id, updated_by_id, workspace_id) FROM stdin; 2024-01-14 07:32:34.30465+00 2024-01-14 07:32:34.304665+00 a7f4eee2-24c8-4ab4-8b9b-4390babe87fe e1aa4fc4-3269-486d-9761-e0b3f3bfbe52 e1aa4fc4-3269-486d-9761-e0b3f3bfbe52 a574a73b-4c99-4a3b-a445-c087cd6ca685 cad91ae3-a3a3-4651-be91-b485e8abde0e e1aa4fc4-3269-486d-9761-e0b3f3bfbe52 6f4b44e6-f588-4020-b1bf-a9218459cf67 \. -- -- Data for Name: issue_attachments; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- COPY issue_attachments (created_at, updated_at, id, attributes, asset, created_by_id, issue_id, project_id, updated_by_id, workspace_id) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: issue_blockers; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- COPY issue_blockers (created_at, updated_at, id, block_id, blocked_by_id, created_by_id, project_id, updated_by_id, workspace_id) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: issue_comments; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- COPY issue_comments (created_at, updated_at, id, comment_stripped, attachments, created_by_id, issue_id, project_id, updated_by_id, workspace_id, actor_id, comment_html, comment_json, access, external_id, external_source) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: issue_labels; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- COPY issue_labels (created_at, updated_at, id, created_by_id, issue_id, label_id, project_id, updated_by_id, workspace_id) FROM stdin; 2024-01-14 07:32:34.309244+00 2024-01-14 07:32:34.309257+00 7dc0a42e-1b3e-4b29-ac6c-008abb1894e3 e1aa4fc4-3269-486d-9761-e0b3f3bfbe52 a574a73b-4c99-4a3b-a445-c087cd6ca685 58bc8ba2-ec4d-41d8-b2b6-0d75b8a8832e cad91ae3-a3a3-4651-be91-b485e8abde0e e1aa4fc4-3269-486d-9761-e0b3f3bfbe52 6f4b44e6-f588-4020-b1bf-a9218459cf67 \. -- -- Data for Name: issue_links; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- COPY issue_links (created_at, updated_at, id, title, url, created_by_id, issue_id, project_id, updated_by_id, workspace_id, metadata) FROM stdin; 2024-01-14 09:58:20.667727+00 2024-01-14 09:58:20.667742+00 85ecf167-f9db-4d67-b873-15b0b8d93097 pages https://board.ita-prog.pl/our-nightmares/projects/cad91ae3-a3a3-4651-be91-b485e8abde0e/pages e1aa4fc4-3269-486d-9761-e0b3f3bfbe52 a574a73b-4c99-4a3b-a445-c087cd6ca685 cad91ae3-a3a3-4651-be91-b485e8abde0e e1aa4fc4-3269-486d-9761-e0b3f3bfbe52 6f4b44e6-f588-4020-b1bf-a9218459cf67 {} \. -- -- Data for Name: issue_mentions; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- COPY issue_mentions (created_at, updated_at, id, created_by_id, issue_id, mention_id, project_id, updated_by_id, workspace_id) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: issue_properties; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- COPY issue_properties (created_at, updated_at, id, properties, created_by_id, project_id, updated_by_id, user_id, workspace_id) FROM stdin; 2024-01-13 20:55:59.821418+00 2024-01-13 20:55:59.821433+00 a7cfc05c-1e4d-4c1f-8413-b9b2fdc3cd8c {"key": true, "link": true, "state": true, "labels": true, "assignee": true, "due_date": true, "estimate": true, "priority": true, "created_on": true, "start_date": true, "updated_on": true, "sub_issue_count": true, "attachment_count": true} e1aa4fc4-3269-486d-9761-e0b3f3bfbe52 cad91ae3-a3a3-4651-be91-b485e8abde0e e1aa4fc4-3269-486d-9761-e0b3f3bfbe52 e1aa4fc4-3269-486d-9761-e0b3f3bfbe52 6f4b44e6-f588-4020-b1bf-a9218459cf67 \. -- -- Data for Name: issue_reactions; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- COPY issue_reactions (created_at, updated_at, id, reaction, actor_id, created_by_id, issue_id, project_id, updated_by_id, workspace_id) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: issue_relations; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- COPY issue_relations (created_at, updated_at, id, relation_type, created_by_id, issue_id, project_id, related_issue_id, updated_by_id, workspace_id) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: issue_sequences; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- COPY issue_sequences (created_at, updated_at, id, sequence, deleted, created_by_id, issue_id, project_id, updated_by_id, workspace_id) FROM stdin; 2024-01-13 20:57:57.650586+00 2024-01-13 20:57:57.650599+00 dd8e7c3c-a860-4b20-9882-5646915b65ef 1 f e1aa4fc4-3269-486d-9761-e0b3f3bfbe52 a574a73b-4c99-4a3b-a445-c087cd6ca685 cad91ae3-a3a3-4651-be91-b485e8abde0e e1aa4fc4-3269-486d-9761-e0b3f3bfbe52 6f4b44e6-f588-4020-b1bf-a9218459cf67 \. -- -- Data for Name: issue_subscribers; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- COPY issue_subscribers (created_at, updated_at, id, created_by_id, issue_id, project_id, subscriber_id, updated_by_id, workspace_id) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: issue_views; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- COPY issue_views (created_at, updated_at, id, name, description, query, access, query_data, created_by_id, project_id, updated_by_id, workspace_id) FROM stdin; 2024-01-13 20:58:31.892575+00 2024-01-13 20:58:31.892589+00 8d2896f2-2b32-41c8-b51e-5570bb4daa5c Game concept {} 1 {} e1aa4fc4-3269-486d-9761-e0b3f3bfbe52 cad91ae3-a3a3-4651-be91-b485e8abde0e e1aa4fc4-3269-486d-9761-e0b3f3bfbe52 6f4b44e6-f588-4020-b1bf-a9218459cf67 \. -- -- Data for Name: issue_votes; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- COPY issue_votes (created_at, updated_at, id, vote, actor_id, created_by_id, issue_id, project_id, updated_by_id, workspace_id) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: issues; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- COPY issues (created_at, updated_at, id, name, description, priority, start_date, target_date, sequence_id, created_by_id, parent_id, project_id, state_id, updated_by_id, workspace_id, description_html, description_stripped, completed_at, sort_order, estimate_point, archived_at, is_draft, external_id, external_source) FROM stdin; 2024-01-13 20:57:57.647036+00 2024-01-14 09:58:20.827204+00 a574a73b-4c99-4a3b-a445-c087cd6ca685 Create concept "" none \N \N 1 e1aa4fc4-3269-486d-9761-e0b3f3bfbe52 \N cad91ae3-a3a3-4651-be91-b485e8abde0e 85afd240-19f4-4272-a70d-e0275b8da021 e1aa4fc4-3269-486d-9761-e0b3f3bfbe52 6f4b44e6-f588-4020-b1bf-a9218459cf67

\N 65535 \N \N f \N \N \. -- -- Data for Name: labels; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- COPY labels (created_at, updated_at, id, name, description, created_by_id, project_id, updated_by_id, workspace_id, parent_id, color, sort_order, external_id, external_source) FROM stdin; 2024-01-14 07:30:40.918405+00 2024-01-14 07:30:40.918421+00 58bc8ba2-ec4d-41d8-b2b6-0d75b8a8832e Concept e1aa4fc4-3269-486d-9761-e0b3f3bfbe52 cad91ae3-a3a3-4651-be91-b485e8abde0e e1aa4fc4-3269-486d-9761-e0b3f3bfbe52 6f4b44e6-f588-4020-b1bf-a9218459cf67 \N #ff0000 65535 \N \N \. -- -- Data for Name: module_favorites; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- COPY module_favorites (created_at, updated_at, id, created_by_id, module_id, project_id, updated_by_id, user_id, workspace_id) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: module_issues; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- COPY module_issues (created_at, updated_at, id, created_by_id, issue_id, module_id, project_id, updated_by_id, workspace_id) FROM stdin; 2024-01-14 07:30:47.696994+00 2024-01-14 07:30:47.697009+00 80b184fe-2e31-4869-8c28-18680102e70a e1aa4fc4-3269-486d-9761-e0b3f3bfbe52 a574a73b-4c99-4a3b-a445-c087cd6ca685 1a5ec757-b962-4a97-a1f5-1bc61ef32b71 cad91ae3-a3a3-4651-be91-b485e8abde0e e1aa4fc4-3269-486d-9761-e0b3f3bfbe52 6f4b44e6-f588-4020-b1bf-a9218459cf67 \. -- -- Data for Name: module_links; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- COPY module_links (created_at, updated_at, id, title, url, created_by_id, module_id, project_id, updated_by_id, workspace_id, metadata) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: module_members; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- COPY module_members (created_at, updated_at, id, created_by_id, member_id, module_id, project_id, updated_by_id, workspace_id) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: modules; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- COPY modules (created_at, updated_at, id, name, description, description_text, description_html, start_date, target_date, status, created_by_id, lead_id, project_id, updated_by_id, workspace_id, view_props, sort_order, external_id, external_source) FROM stdin; 2024-01-13 20:58:23.096082+00 2024-01-13 20:58:23.096097+00 1a5ec757-b962-4a97-a1f5-1bc61ef32b71 Game concept \N \N \N \N backlog e1aa4fc4-3269-486d-9761-e0b3f3bfbe52 \N cad91ae3-a3a3-4651-be91-b485e8abde0e e1aa4fc4-3269-486d-9761-e0b3f3bfbe52 6f4b44e6-f588-4020-b1bf-a9218459cf67 {} 65535 \N \N \. -- -- Data for Name: notifications; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- COPY notifications (created_at, updated_at, id, data, entity_identifier, entity_name, title, message, message_html, message_stripped, sender, read_at, snoozed_till, archived_at, created_by_id, project_id, receiver_id, triggered_by_id, updated_by_id, workspace_id) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: page_blocks; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- COPY page_blocks (created_at, updated_at, id, name, description, description_html, description_stripped, completed_at, created_by_id, issue_id, page_id, project_id, updated_by_id, workspace_id, sort_order, sync) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: page_favorites; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- COPY page_favorites (created_at, updated_at, id, created_by_id, page_id, project_id, updated_by_id, user_id, workspace_id) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: page_labels; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- COPY page_labels (created_at, updated_at, id, created_by_id, label_id, page_id, project_id, updated_by_id, workspace_id) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: page_logs; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- COPY page_logs (created_at, updated_at, id, transaction, entity_identifier, entity_name, created_by_id, page_id, project_id, updated_by_id, workspace_id) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: pages; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- COPY pages (created_at, updated_at, id, name, description, description_html, description_stripped, access, created_by_id, owned_by_id, project_id, updated_by_id, workspace_id, color, archived_at, is_locked, parent_id) FROM stdin; 2024-01-13 21:00:20.70363+00 2024-01-13 21:00:27.114294+00 f8e5e8a5-b38d-4685-9dd9-2f90a5d367e6 Zebrane pomysły ""


Our Nightmares


Godot 4

Main plot:

W bliżej nieokreślonym roku z gwiazdy neutronowej wydostał się kawałeczek Dziwnej materii i korzystając z możliwości redefiniowania praw fizyki uderzył w Ziemię dosłownie chwilę później.

Wszystko w tym momencie zaczęło się zniekształcać i tradycyjna fizyka przestała działać. Na świecie pojawiły się potwory z legend, baśni i starych wierzeń. Powstawały one zawsze tam gdzie ludzie byli przerażeni i szybko zrozumiano, że to jest problemem.

Na niebie natomiast powstała smuga, która jeśli się na nią patrzy zbyt długo powiększa się, aż zajmuje cały obszar widzenia po czym osoba albo rozpada się albo zmienia w potworną abominację. Część ludzi uważa, że to symulacja komputerowa uległa uszkodzeniu i czekają na patch, inni że to czas sądu, a jeszcze inni, że świat po prostu się skończył.


Wszystkie jednostki posiadają Fear metter który wpływa na globalny Fear. Gdy Fear osiąga określony poziom powstaje nowy potwór, podnoszący automatycznie Fear wszystkich jednostek (cascade effect żeby wywołać w graczu strach). Dodatkowo czym więcej jednostek tym więcej przerażenia otrzymuje gracz po przełamaniu bariery powodując late game bardziej wymagający.

Cykl dnia i nocy sprawia, że w nocy jednostki otrzymują Fear za każdym razem, a podstawowy potwór zawsze wymaga minimum żeby 3 jednostki istniały

Rozwijanie technologii Fear jest konieczne do zakończenia gry, ale efekt zawsze jest losowy. Wynalazek zawsze będzie albo nieskuteczny, albo będzie powodował negatywny efekt albo pozytywny.

Jednostka, na którą się kliknie 5x spogląda w niebo i albo rozpada się albo zamienia w potwora.

\N 0 e1aa4fc4-3269-486d-9761-e0b3f3bfbe52 e1aa4fc4-3269-486d-9761-e0b3f3bfbe52 cad91ae3-a3a3-4651-be91-b485e8abde0e e1aa4fc4-3269-486d-9761-e0b3f3bfbe52 6f4b44e6-f588-4020-b1bf-a9218459cf67 \N f \N 2024-01-13 21:01:23.501721+00 2024-01-13 21:01:28.404085+00 35075b09-ff4f-41b1-b84d-eba79c0b8b6d ZarzÄ…dzanie zasobami ""

Gracz nie wydobywa ani nie poszukuje żadnych konkretnych zasobów. Wszystko jest zarządzane przez miasto i w miarę jak miasto się rozwija lub jest sterroryzowane Zasoby są automatycznie gromadzone do późniejszego wykorzystania

\N 0 e1aa4fc4-3269-486d-9761-e0b3f3bfbe52 e1aa4fc4-3269-486d-9761-e0b3f3bfbe52 cad91ae3-a3a3-4651-be91-b485e8abde0e e1aa4fc4-3269-486d-9761-e0b3f3bfbe52 6f4b44e6-f588-4020-b1bf-a9218459cf67 \N f \N 2024-01-13 21:01:46.403267+00 2024-01-13 21:12:14.673097+00 b70638e8-d750-4fba-9641-efdf990cbbcf Lista potworów i walka z nimi ""

Każdy potwór posiada unikalny sposób ataku, unikalne miejsce występowania, unikalny sposób znajdowania go oraz unikalny sposób pokonania go.


Występuje w lesie i w czasie pełni może zamieniać mieszkańców w nowe wilkołaki lub po prostu ich zabijać. Terror będzie bardzo szybko rósł w nocy w trakcie pełni oraz ilość pozyskiwania Zasobów spadnie o 20% za każdego Zauważonego Wilkołaka do minimum 5%.
Szybkość odszukania Wilkołaka zależy od poziomu Detektywa ponieważ jest on jednym z mieszkańców. W czasie dnia i w nocy poza pełnią usunięcie Wilkołaka następuje po jego wyśledzeniu jednak można wybrać aby go zabić albo zabić. W przykadku każdego wyboru Wilkołak może albo powrócić albo Terror zostanie zwiększony o niewielką wartość.


Zastawiwszy na zbłąkanego wędrowca pułapkę, napawała się jego agonią w przepastnych odmętach bagiennej topieli.

\N 0 e1aa4fc4-3269-486d-9761-e0b3f3bfbe52 e1aa4fc4-3269-486d-9761-e0b3f3bfbe52 cad91ae3-a3a3-4651-be91-b485e8abde0e e1aa4fc4-3269-486d-9761-e0b3f3bfbe52 6f4b44e6-f588-4020-b1bf-a9218459cf67 \N f \N \. -- -- Data for Name: project_deploy_boards; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- COPY project_deploy_boards (created_at, updated_at, id, anchor, comments, reactions, votes, views, created_by_id, inbox_id, project_id, updated_by_id, workspace_id) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: project_favorites; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- COPY project_favorites (created_at, updated_at, id, created_by_id, project_id, updated_by_id, user_id, workspace_id) FROM stdin; 2024-01-14 07:29:17.493343+00 2024-01-14 07:29:17.493358+00 c27e60d8-ff20-4763-911a-180f0932c620 e1aa4fc4-3269-486d-9761-e0b3f3bfbe52 cad91ae3-a3a3-4651-be91-b485e8abde0e e1aa4fc4-3269-486d-9761-e0b3f3bfbe52 e1aa4fc4-3269-486d-9761-e0b3f3bfbe52 6f4b44e6-f588-4020-b1bf-a9218459cf67 \. -- -- Data for Name: project_identifiers; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- COPY project_identifiers (id, created_at, updated_at, name, created_by_id, project_id, updated_by_id, workspace_id) FROM stdin; 1 2024-01-13 20:55:59.803031+00 2024-01-13 20:55:59.803047+00 OURNI \N cad91ae3-a3a3-4651-be91-b485e8abde0e \N 6f4b44e6-f588-4020-b1bf-a9218459cf67 \. -- -- Data for Name: project_member_invites; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- COPY project_member_invites (created_at, updated_at, id, email, accepted, token, message, responded_at, role, created_by_id, project_id, updated_by_id, workspace_id) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: project_members; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- COPY project_members (created_at, updated_at, id, comment, role, created_by_id, member_id, project_id, updated_by_id, workspace_id, view_props, default_props, sort_order, preferences, is_active) FROM stdin; 2024-01-13 20:55:59.81572+00 2024-01-14 09:19:16.982878+00 c8eda195-1acd-4d29-8593-934790ecd776 \N 20 e1aa4fc4-3269-486d-9761-e0b3f3bfbe52 e1aa4fc4-3269-486d-9761-e0b3f3bfbe52 cad91ae3-a3a3-4651-be91-b485e8abde0e e1aa4fc4-3269-486d-9761-e0b3f3bfbe52 6f4b44e6-f588-4020-b1bf-a9218459cf67 {"filters": {"state": null, "labels": null, "project": null, "mentions": null, "priority": null, "assignees": null, "created_by": null, "start_date": null, "subscriber": null, "state_group": null, "target_date": null}, "display_filters": {"type": null, "layout": "list", "calendar": {"layout": "month", "show_weekends": false}, "group_by": "state", "order_by": "-created_at", "sub_issue": true, "sub_group_by": null, "show_empty_groups": true, "start_target_date": false}} {"filters": {"state": null, "labels": null, "priority": null, "assignees": null, "created_by": null, "start_date": null, "subscriber": null, "state_group": null, "target_date": null}, "display_filters": {"type": null, "layout": "list", "group_by": null, "order_by": "-created_at", "sub_issue": true, "show_empty_groups": true, "calendar_date_range": ""}} 65535 {"pages": {"block_display": true}} t \. -- -- Data for Name: project_public_members; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- COPY project_public_members (created_at, updated_at, id, created_by_id, member_id, project_id, updated_by_id, workspace_id) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: projects; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- COPY projects (created_at, updated_at, id, name, description, description_text, description_html, network, identifier, created_by_id, default_assignee_id, project_lead_id, updated_by_id, workspace_id, emoji, cycle_view, module_view, cover_image, issue_views_view, page_view, estimate_id, icon_prop, inbox_view, archive_in, close_in, default_state_id) FROM stdin; 2024-01-13 20:55:59.798122+00 2024-01-13 20:55:59.798139+00 cad91ae3-a3a3-4651-be91-b485e8abde0e Our Nightmares \N \N 2 OURNI e1aa4fc4-3269-486d-9761-e0b3f3bfbe52 \N \N e1aa4fc4-3269-486d-9761-e0b3f3bfbe52 6f4b44e6-f588-4020-b1bf-a9218459cf67 128077 t t https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1464925257126-6450e871c667?auto=format&fit=crop&q=80&ixlib=rb-4.0.3&ixid=M3wxMjA3fDB8MHxwaG90by1wYWdlfHx8fGVufDB8fHx8fA%3D%3D&w=870&q=80 t t \N \N f 0 0 \N \. -- -- Data for Name: slack_project_syncs; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- COPY slack_project_syncs (created_at, updated_at, id, access_token, scopes, bot_user_id, webhook_url, data, team_id, team_name, created_by_id, project_id, updated_by_id, workspace_id, workspace_integration_id) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: social_login_connections; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- COPY social_login_connections (created_at, updated_at, id, medium, last_login_at, last_received_at, token_data, extra_data, created_by_id, updated_by_id, user_id) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: states; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- COPY states (created_at, updated_at, id, name, description, color, slug, created_by_id, project_id, updated_by_id, workspace_id, sequence, "group", "default", external_id, external_source) FROM stdin; 2024-01-13 20:55:59.826722+00 2024-01-13 20:55:59.826737+00 a41fbd68-643c-4e46-98e2-c87ff2c24cc0 Backlog #A3A3A3 e1aa4fc4-3269-486d-9761-e0b3f3bfbe52 cad91ae3-a3a3-4651-be91-b485e8abde0e \N 6f4b44e6-f588-4020-b1bf-a9218459cf67 15000 backlog t \N \N 2024-01-13 20:55:59.826776+00 2024-01-13 20:55:59.826781+00 97504fa7-01f4-4a89-b00e-3d85a39a7f6f Todo #3A3A3A e1aa4fc4-3269-486d-9761-e0b3f3bfbe52 cad91ae3-a3a3-4651-be91-b485e8abde0e \N 6f4b44e6-f588-4020-b1bf-a9218459cf67 25000 unstarted f \N \N 2024-01-13 20:55:59.826806+00 2024-01-13 20:55:59.826811+00 85afd240-19f4-4272-a70d-e0275b8da021 In Progress #F59E0B e1aa4fc4-3269-486d-9761-e0b3f3bfbe52 cad91ae3-a3a3-4651-be91-b485e8abde0e \N 6f4b44e6-f588-4020-b1bf-a9218459cf67 35000 started f \N \N 2024-01-13 20:55:59.826833+00 2024-01-13 20:55:59.826837+00 f0dc1092-2071-41cb-96e2-f2239a074931 Done #16A34A e1aa4fc4-3269-486d-9761-e0b3f3bfbe52 cad91ae3-a3a3-4651-be91-b485e8abde0e \N 6f4b44e6-f588-4020-b1bf-a9218459cf67 45000 completed f \N \N 2024-01-13 20:55:59.82686+00 2024-01-13 20:55:59.826864+00 3e3a2200-15f5-4cd4-88a5-debc65189a15 Cancelled #EF4444 e1aa4fc4-3269-486d-9761-e0b3f3bfbe52 cad91ae3-a3a3-4651-be91-b485e8abde0e \N 6f4b44e6-f588-4020-b1bf-a9218459cf67 55000 cancelled f \N \N \. -- -- Data for Name: team_members; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- COPY team_members (created_at, updated_at, id, created_by_id, member_id, team_id, updated_by_id, workspace_id) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: teams; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- COPY teams (created_at, updated_at, id, name, description, created_by_id, updated_by_id, workspace_id) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: token_blacklist_blacklistedtoken; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- COPY token_blacklist_blacklistedtoken (id, blacklisted_at, token_id) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: token_blacklist_outstandingtoken; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- COPY token_blacklist_outstandingtoken (id, token, created_at, expires_at, user_id, jti) FROM stdin; 1 eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ0b2tlbl90eXBlIjoicmVmcmVzaCIsImV4cCI6NTQzNzY1OTI2OCwiaWF0IjoxNzA1MTc5MjY4LCJqdGkiOiI5MjNmODA0YmEyNjY0ZGRiODFmZDc2YjJiODA5MDNhYSIsInVzZXJfaWQiOiJlMWFhNGZjNC0zMjY5LTQ4NmQtOTc2MS1lMGIzZjNiZmJlNTIifQ.rAYL_aZzN8hq-zqAgGxkh35tAlZIF7ewXPg1Ide6WKk 2024-01-13 20:54:28.516105+00 2142-04-24 20:54:28+00 e1aa4fc4-3269-486d-9761-e0b3f3bfbe52 923f804ba2664ddb81fd76b2b80903aa 2 eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ0b2tlbl90eXBlIjoicmVmcmVzaCIsImV4cCI6NTQzNzY5Njk0NiwiaWF0IjoxNzA1MjE2OTQ2LCJqdGkiOiJjYjk2OTY5NzJiZWQ0ZGNlYmIyMDVlY2Q1MzdmYTQ5MCIsInVzZXJfaWQiOiJlMWFhNGZjNC0zMjY5LTQ4NmQtOTc2MS1lMGIzZjNiZmJlNTIifQ.br_LEEpiP72FRDu0m4tZ0xn5Uo3dDrPZp3I4K5M73Fk 2024-01-14 07:22:26.999491+00 2142-04-25 07:22:26+00 e1aa4fc4-3269-486d-9761-e0b3f3bfbe52 cb9696972bed4dcebb205ecd537fa490 3 eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ0b2tlbl90eXBlIjoicmVmcmVzaCIsImV4cCI6NTQzNzcwMzY4MCwiaWF0IjoxNzA1MjIzNjgwLCJqdGkiOiJjYzVhMDU0YzdjYjc0MzhkOGZkMDZhMWEyYWRmZTk0MiIsInVzZXJfaWQiOiJlMWFhNGZjNC0zMjY5LTQ4NmQtOTc2MS1lMGIzZjNiZmJlNTIifQ.OV41NA8n_jMMERZ1QqrzRSTl69foyaSCmG7RGIByi64 2024-01-14 09:14:40.377814+00 2142-04-25 09:14:40+00 e1aa4fc4-3269-486d-9761-e0b3f3bfbe52 cc5a054c7cb7438d8fd06a1a2adfe942 4 eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ0b2tlbl90eXBlIjoicmVmcmVzaCIsImV4cCI6NTQzNzc4NzkwNywiaWF0IjoxNzA1MzA3OTA3LCJqdGkiOiJjMTViZjM3YmZhOWM0MmFiOTVmMTIxZjhlYzM5MjdhZiIsInVzZXJfaWQiOiJlMWFhNGZjNC0zMjY5LTQ4NmQtOTc2MS1lMGIzZjNiZmJlNTIifQ._P8PopjRHF01lqfDXmQMTgHnxLp2GQOR13U6UIj9RmY 2024-01-15 08:38:27.12774+00 2142-04-26 08:38:27+00 e1aa4fc4-3269-486d-9761-e0b3f3bfbe52 c15bf37bfa9c42ab95f121f8ec3927af \. -- -- Data for Name: users; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- COPY users (password, last_login, id, username, mobile_number, email, first_name, last_name, avatar, date_joined, created_at, updated_at, last_location, created_location, is_superuser, is_managed, is_password_expired, is_active, is_staff, is_email_verified, is_password_autoset, is_onboarded, token, billing_address_country, billing_address, has_billing_address, user_timezone, last_active, last_login_time, last_logout_time, last_login_ip, last_logout_ip, last_login_medium, last_login_uagent, token_updated_at, last_workspace_id, my_issues_prop, role, is_bot, theme, is_tour_completed, onboarding_step, cover_image, display_name, use_case) FROM stdin; pbkdf2_sha256$600000$4iytorjkz7bRm9UoZdEZUa$MYRZo7QNoOH8yDnS20otATsPutGTo95Zc1r0LhUifg8= \N e1aa4fc4-3269-486d-9761-e0b3f3bfbe52 6496a0cdbe164f64a41d0254f43b93d6 \N adrian.wozniak@ita-prog.pl Adrian Woźniak 2024-01-13 20:54:28.49804+00 2024-01-13 20:54:28.498053+00 2024-01-15 08:38:27.10592+00 f f f t f f f t 3e385bdbe30a4098b7c21d738a98044fcfc7d03b1280491e8eb092ffb286f786 INDIA \N f Europe/Warsaw 2024-01-15 08:38:27.105759+00 2024-01-15 08:38:27.105765+00 \N email Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:121.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/121.0 2024-01-15 08:38:27.105813+00 6f4b44e6-f588-4020-b1bf-a9218459cf67 \N Founder / Executive f {} t {"workspace_join": true, "profile_complete": true, "workspace_create": true, "workspace_invite": true} \N Tsumanu Build Products \. -- -- Data for Name: users_groups; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- COPY users_groups (id, user_id, group_id) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: users_user_permissions; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- COPY users_user_permissions (id, user_id, permission_id) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: view_favorites; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- COPY view_favorites (created_at, updated_at, id, created_by_id, project_id, updated_by_id, user_id, view_id, workspace_id) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: webhook_logs; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- COPY webhook_logs (created_at, updated_at, id, event_type, request_method, request_headers, request_body, response_status, response_headers, response_body, retry_count, created_by_id, updated_by_id, webhook_id, workspace_id) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: webhooks; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- COPY webhooks (created_at, updated_at, id, url, is_active, secret_key, project, issue, module, cycle, issue_comment, created_by_id, updated_by_id, workspace_id) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: workspace_integrations; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- COPY workspace_integrations (created_at, updated_at, id, metadata, config, actor_id, api_token_id, created_by_id, integration_id, updated_by_id, workspace_id) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: workspace_member_invites; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- COPY workspace_member_invites (created_at, updated_at, id, email, accepted, token, message, responded_at, role, created_by_id, updated_by_id, workspace_id) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: workspace_members; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- COPY workspace_members (created_at, updated_at, id, role, created_by_id, member_id, updated_by_id, workspace_id, company_role, view_props, default_props, issue_props, is_active) FROM stdin; 2024-01-13 20:55:28.262704+00 2024-01-13 20:55:28.262718+00 92e41188-af8e-4e62-a0ba-969006c9a002 20 e1aa4fc4-3269-486d-9761-e0b3f3bfbe52 e1aa4fc4-3269-486d-9761-e0b3f3bfbe52 e1aa4fc4-3269-486d-9761-e0b3f3bfbe52 6f4b44e6-f588-4020-b1bf-a9218459cf67 {"filters": {"state": null, "labels": null, "priority": null, "assignees": null, "created_by": null, "start_date": null, "subscriber": null, "state_group": null, "target_date": null}, "display_filters": {"type": null, "layout": "list", "group_by": null, "order_by": "-created_at", "sub_issue": true, "show_empty_groups": true, "calendar_date_range": ""}, "display_properties": {"key": true, "link": true, "state": true, "labels": true, "assignee": true, "due_date": true, "estimate": true, "priority": true, "created_on": true, "start_date": true, "updated_on": true, "sub_issue_count": true, "attachment_count": true}} {"filters": {"state": null, "labels": null, "priority": null, "assignees": null, "created_by": null, "start_date": null, "subscriber": null, "state_group": null, "target_date": null}, "display_filters": {"type": null, "layout": "list", "group_by": null, "order_by": "-created_at", "sub_issue": true, "show_empty_groups": true, "calendar_date_range": ""}, "display_properties": {"key": true, "link": true, "state": true, "labels": true, "assignee": true, "due_date": true, "estimate": true, "priority": true, "created_on": true, "start_date": true, "updated_on": true, "sub_issue_count": true, "attachment_count": true}} {"created": true, "assigned": true, "all_issues": true, "subscribed": true} t \. -- -- Data for Name: workspace_themes; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- COPY workspace_themes (created_at, updated_at, id, name, colors, actor_id, created_by_id, updated_by_id, workspace_id) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: workspaces; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- COPY workspaces (created_at, updated_at, id, name, logo, slug, created_by_id, owner_id, updated_by_id, organization_size) FROM stdin; 2024-01-13 20:55:28.258284+00 2024-01-13 20:55:28.258302+00 6f4b44e6-f588-4020-b1bf-a9218459cf67 Our Nightmares \N our-nightmares e1aa4fc4-3269-486d-9761-e0b3f3bfbe52 e1aa4fc4-3269-486d-9761-e0b3f3bfbe52 e1aa4fc4-3269-486d-9761-e0b3f3bfbe52 \N \. -- -- Name: auth_group_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('public.auth_group_id_seq', 1, false); -- -- Name: auth_group_permissions_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('public.auth_group_permissions_id_seq', 1, false); -- -- Name: auth_permission_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('public.auth_permission_id_seq', 344, true); -- -- Name: django_celery_beat_clockedschedule_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('public.django_celery_beat_clockedschedule_id_seq', 1, false); -- -- Name: django_celery_beat_crontabschedule_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('public.django_celery_beat_crontabschedule_id_seq', 2, true); -- -- Name: django_celery_beat_intervalschedule_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('public.django_celery_beat_intervalschedule_id_seq', 1, false); -- -- Name: django_celery_beat_periodictask_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('public.django_celery_beat_periodictask_id_seq', 4, true); -- -- Name: django_celery_beat_solarschedule_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('public.django_celery_beat_solarschedule_id_seq', 1, false); -- -- Name: django_content_type_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('public.django_content_type_id_seq', 86, true); -- -- Name: django_migrations_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('public.django_migrations_id_seq', 101, true); -- -- Name: project_identifier_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('public.project_identifier_id_seq', 1, true); -- -- Name: token_blacklist_blacklistedtoken_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('public.token_blacklist_blacklistedtoken_id_seq', 1, false); -- -- Name: token_blacklist_outstandingtoken_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('public.token_blacklist_outstandingtoken_id_seq', 4, true); -- -- Name: user_groups_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('public.user_groups_id_seq', 1, false); -- -- Name: user_user_permissions_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('public.user_user_permissions_id_seq', 1, false); -- -- Name: analytic_views analytic_views_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY analytic_views ADD CONSTRAINT analytic_views_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- Name: api_activity_logs api_activity_logs_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY api_activity_logs ADD CONSTRAINT api_activity_logs_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- Name: api_tokens api_tokens_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY api_tokens ADD CONSTRAINT api_tokens_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- Name: api_tokens api_tokens_token_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY api_tokens ADD CONSTRAINT api_tokens_token_key UNIQUE (token); -- -- Name: auth_group auth_group_name_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY auth_group ADD CONSTRAINT auth_group_name_key UNIQUE (name); -- -- Name: auth_group_permissions auth_group_permissions_group_id_permission_id_0cd325b0_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY auth_group_permissions ADD CONSTRAINT auth_group_permissions_group_id_permission_id_0cd325b0_uniq UNIQUE (group_id, permission_id); -- -- Name: auth_group_permissions auth_group_permissions_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY auth_group_permissions ADD CONSTRAINT auth_group_permissions_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- Name: auth_group auth_group_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY auth_group ADD CONSTRAINT auth_group_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- Name: auth_permission auth_permission_content_type_id_codename_01ab375a_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY auth_permission ADD CONSTRAINT auth_permission_content_type_id_codename_01ab375a_uniq UNIQUE (content_type_id, codename); -- -- Name: auth_permission auth_permission_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY auth_permission ADD CONSTRAINT auth_permission_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- Name: authtoken_token authtoken_token_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY authtoken_token ADD CONSTRAINT authtoken_token_pkey PRIMARY KEY (key); -- -- Name: authtoken_token authtoken_token_user_id_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY authtoken_token ADD CONSTRAINT authtoken_token_user_id_key UNIQUE (user_id); -- -- Name: comment_reactions comment_reactions_comment_id_actor_id_reaction_523d21ad_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY comment_reactions ADD CONSTRAINT comment_reactions_comment_id_actor_id_reaction_523d21ad_uniq UNIQUE (comment_id, actor_id, reaction); -- -- Name: comment_reactions comment_reactions_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY comment_reactions ADD CONSTRAINT comment_reactions_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- Name: cycle_favorites cycle_favorites_cycle_id_user_id_51c1ab91_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY cycle_favorites ADD CONSTRAINT cycle_favorites_cycle_id_user_id_51c1ab91_uniq UNIQUE (cycle_id, user_id); -- -- Name: cycle_favorites cycle_favorites_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY cycle_favorites ADD CONSTRAINT cycle_favorites_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- Name: cycle_issues cycle_issue_issue_id_fd06e284_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY cycle_issues ADD CONSTRAINT cycle_issue_issue_id_fd06e284_uniq UNIQUE (issue_id); -- -- Name: cycle_issues cycle_issue_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY cycle_issues ADD CONSTRAINT cycle_issue_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- Name: cycles cycle_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY cycles ADD CONSTRAINT cycle_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- Name: django_celery_beat_clockedschedule django_celery_beat_clockedschedule_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY django_celery_beat_clockedschedule ADD CONSTRAINT django_celery_beat_clockedschedule_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- Name: django_celery_beat_crontabschedule django_celery_beat_crontabschedule_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY django_celery_beat_crontabschedule ADD CONSTRAINT django_celery_beat_crontabschedule_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- Name: django_celery_beat_intervalschedule django_celery_beat_intervalschedule_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY django_celery_beat_intervalschedule ADD CONSTRAINT django_celery_beat_intervalschedule_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- Name: django_celery_beat_periodictask django_celery_beat_periodictask_name_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY django_celery_beat_periodictask ADD CONSTRAINT django_celery_beat_periodictask_name_key UNIQUE (name); -- -- Name: django_celery_beat_periodictask django_celery_beat_periodictask_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY django_celery_beat_periodictask ADD CONSTRAINT django_celery_beat_periodictask_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- Name: django_celery_beat_periodictasks django_celery_beat_periodictasks_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY django_celery_beat_periodictasks ADD CONSTRAINT django_celery_beat_periodictasks_pkey PRIMARY KEY (ident); -- -- Name: django_celery_beat_solarschedule django_celery_beat_solar_event_latitude_longitude_ba64999a_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY django_celery_beat_solarschedule ADD CONSTRAINT django_celery_beat_solar_event_latitude_longitude_ba64999a_uniq UNIQUE (event, latitude, longitude); -- -- Name: django_celery_beat_solarschedule django_celery_beat_solarschedule_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY django_celery_beat_solarschedule ADD CONSTRAINT django_celery_beat_solarschedule_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- Name: django_content_type django_content_type_app_label_model_76bd3d3b_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY django_content_type ADD CONSTRAINT django_content_type_app_label_model_76bd3d3b_uniq UNIQUE (app_label, model); -- -- Name: django_content_type django_content_type_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY django_content_type ADD CONSTRAINT django_content_type_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- Name: django_migrations django_migrations_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY django_migrations ADD CONSTRAINT django_migrations_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- Name: django_session django_session_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY django_session ADD CONSTRAINT django_session_pkey PRIMARY KEY (session_key); -- -- Name: estimate_points estimate_points_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY estimate_points ADD CONSTRAINT estimate_points_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- Name: estimates estimates_name_project_id_2b42c12c_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY estimates ADD CONSTRAINT estimates_name_project_id_2b42c12c_uniq UNIQUE (name, project_id); -- -- Name: estimates estimates_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY estimates ADD CONSTRAINT estimates_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- Name: exporters exporters_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY exporters ADD CONSTRAINT exporters_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- Name: exporters exporters_token_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY exporters ADD CONSTRAINT exporters_token_key UNIQUE (token); -- -- Name: file_assets file_asset_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY file_assets ADD CONSTRAINT file_asset_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- Name: github_comment_syncs github_comment_syncs_issue_sync_id_comment_id_38c82e7b_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY github_comment_syncs ADD CONSTRAINT github_comment_syncs_issue_sync_id_comment_id_38c82e7b_uniq UNIQUE (issue_sync_id, comment_id); -- -- Name: github_comment_syncs github_comment_syncs_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY github_comment_syncs ADD CONSTRAINT github_comment_syncs_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- Name: github_issue_syncs github_issue_syncs_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY github_issue_syncs ADD CONSTRAINT github_issue_syncs_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- Name: github_issue_syncs github_issue_syncs_repository_sync_id_issue_id_4b34427e_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY github_issue_syncs ADD CONSTRAINT github_issue_syncs_repository_sync_id_issue_id_4b34427e_uniq UNIQUE (repository_sync_id, issue_id); -- -- Name: github_repositories github_repositories_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY github_repositories ADD CONSTRAINT github_repositories_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- Name: github_repository_syncs github_repository_syncs_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY github_repository_syncs ADD CONSTRAINT github_repository_syncs_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- Name: github_repository_syncs github_repository_syncs_project_id_repository_id_0f3705e6_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY github_repository_syncs ADD CONSTRAINT github_repository_syncs_project_id_repository_id_0f3705e6_uniq UNIQUE (project_id, repository_id); -- -- Name: github_repository_syncs github_repository_syncs_repository_id_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY github_repository_syncs ADD CONSTRAINT github_repository_syncs_repository_id_key UNIQUE (repository_id); -- -- Name: global_views global_views_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY global_views ADD CONSTRAINT global_views_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- Name: importers importers_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY importers ADD CONSTRAINT importers_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- Name: inbox_issues inbox_issues_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY inbox_issues ADD CONSTRAINT inbox_issues_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- Name: inboxes inboxes_name_project_id_daf38984_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY inboxes ADD CONSTRAINT inboxes_name_project_id_daf38984_uniq UNIQUE (name, project_id); -- -- Name: inboxes inboxes_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY inboxes ADD CONSTRAINT inboxes_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- Name: instance_admins instance_admins_instance_id_user_id_2e80a466_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY instance_admins ADD CONSTRAINT instance_admins_instance_id_user_id_2e80a466_uniq UNIQUE (instance_id, user_id); -- -- Name: instance_admins instance_admins_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY instance_admins ADD CONSTRAINT instance_admins_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- Name: instance_configurations instance_configurations_key_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY instance_configurations ADD CONSTRAINT instance_configurations_key_key UNIQUE (key); -- -- Name: instance_configurations instance_configurations_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY instance_configurations ADD CONSTRAINT instance_configurations_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- Name: instances instances_instance_id_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY instances ADD CONSTRAINT instances_instance_id_key UNIQUE (instance_id); -- -- Name: instances instances_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY instances ADD CONSTRAINT instances_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- Name: integrations integrations_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY integrations ADD CONSTRAINT integrations_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- Name: integrations integrations_provider_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY integrations ADD CONSTRAINT integrations_provider_key UNIQUE (provider); -- -- Name: issue_activities issue_activity_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_activities ADD CONSTRAINT issue_activity_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- Name: issue_assignees issue_assignee_issue_id_assignee_id_4ee260b4_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_assignees ADD CONSTRAINT issue_assignee_issue_id_assignee_id_4ee260b4_uniq UNIQUE (issue_id, assignee_id); -- -- Name: issue_assignees issue_assignee_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_assignees ADD CONSTRAINT issue_assignee_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- Name: issue_attachments issue_attachments_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_attachments ADD CONSTRAINT issue_attachments_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- Name: issue_blockers issue_blocker_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_blockers ADD CONSTRAINT issue_blocker_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- Name: issue_comments issue_comment_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_comments ADD CONSTRAINT issue_comment_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- Name: issue_labels issue_label_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_labels ADD CONSTRAINT issue_label_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- Name: issue_links issue_links_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_links ADD CONSTRAINT issue_links_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- Name: issue_mentions issue_mentions_issue_id_mention_id_ce91a005_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_mentions ADD CONSTRAINT issue_mentions_issue_id_mention_id_ce91a005_uniq UNIQUE (issue_id, mention_id); -- -- Name: issue_mentions issue_mentions_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_mentions ADD CONSTRAINT issue_mentions_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- Name: issues issue_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issues ADD CONSTRAINT issue_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- Name: issue_properties issue_property_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_properties ADD CONSTRAINT issue_property_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- Name: issue_properties issue_property_user_id_project_id_fe52668f_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_properties ADD CONSTRAINT issue_property_user_id_project_id_fe52668f_uniq UNIQUE (user_id, project_id); -- -- Name: issue_reactions issue_reactions_issue_id_actor_id_reaction_4751a642_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_reactions ADD CONSTRAINT issue_reactions_issue_id_actor_id_reaction_4751a642_uniq UNIQUE (issue_id, actor_id, reaction); -- -- Name: issue_reactions issue_reactions_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_reactions ADD CONSTRAINT issue_reactions_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- Name: issue_relations issue_relations_issue_id_related_issue_id_640e8062_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_relations ADD CONSTRAINT issue_relations_issue_id_related_issue_id_640e8062_uniq UNIQUE (issue_id, related_issue_id); -- -- Name: issue_relations issue_relations_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_relations ADD CONSTRAINT issue_relations_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- Name: issue_sequences issue_sequence_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_sequences ADD CONSTRAINT issue_sequence_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- Name: issue_subscribers issue_subscribers_issue_id_subscriber_id_5038c5f8_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_subscribers ADD CONSTRAINT issue_subscribers_issue_id_subscriber_id_5038c5f8_uniq UNIQUE (issue_id, subscriber_id); -- -- Name: issue_subscribers issue_subscribers_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_subscribers ADD CONSTRAINT issue_subscribers_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- Name: issue_views issue_views_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_views ADD CONSTRAINT issue_views_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- Name: issue_votes issue_votes_issue_id_actor_id_086954ee_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_votes ADD CONSTRAINT issue_votes_issue_id_actor_id_086954ee_uniq UNIQUE (issue_id, actor_id); -- -- Name: issue_votes issue_votes_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_votes ADD CONSTRAINT issue_votes_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- Name: labels label_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY labels ADD CONSTRAINT label_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- Name: labels labels_name_project_id_d8b1b810_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY labels ADD CONSTRAINT labels_name_project_id_d8b1b810_uniq UNIQUE (name, project_id); -- -- Name: module_favorites module_favorites_module_id_user_id_5b36ecc1_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY module_favorites ADD CONSTRAINT module_favorites_module_id_user_id_5b36ecc1_uniq UNIQUE (module_id, user_id); -- -- Name: module_favorites module_favorites_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY module_favorites ADD CONSTRAINT module_favorites_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- Name: module_issues module_issues_issue_id_7caa908b_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY module_issues ADD CONSTRAINT module_issues_issue_id_7caa908b_uniq UNIQUE (issue_id); -- -- Name: module_issues module_issues_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY module_issues ADD CONSTRAINT module_issues_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- Name: module_links module_links_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY module_links ADD CONSTRAINT module_links_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- Name: module_members module_member_module_id_member_id_1421c56c_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY module_members ADD CONSTRAINT module_member_module_id_member_id_1421c56c_uniq UNIQUE (module_id, member_id); -- -- Name: module_members module_member_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY module_members ADD CONSTRAINT module_member_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- Name: modules module_name_project_id_c730d437_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY modules ADD CONSTRAINT module_name_project_id_c730d437_uniq UNIQUE (name, project_id); -- -- Name: modules module_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY modules ADD CONSTRAINT module_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- Name: notifications notifications_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY notifications ADD CONSTRAINT notifications_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- Name: page_blocks page_blocks_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY page_blocks ADD CONSTRAINT page_blocks_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- Name: page_favorites page_favorites_page_id_user_id_6e2c24ba_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY page_favorites ADD CONSTRAINT page_favorites_page_id_user_id_6e2c24ba_uniq UNIQUE (page_id, user_id); -- -- Name: page_favorites page_favorites_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY page_favorites ADD CONSTRAINT page_favorites_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- Name: page_labels page_labels_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY page_labels ADD CONSTRAINT page_labels_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- Name: page_logs page_logs_page_id_transaction_9ab05334_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY page_logs ADD CONSTRAINT page_logs_page_id_transaction_9ab05334_uniq UNIQUE (page_id, transaction); -- -- Name: page_logs page_logs_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY page_logs ADD CONSTRAINT page_logs_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- Name: pages pages_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY pages ADD CONSTRAINT pages_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- Name: project_deploy_boards project_deploy_boards_anchor_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY project_deploy_boards ADD CONSTRAINT project_deploy_boards_anchor_key UNIQUE (anchor); -- -- Name: project_deploy_boards project_deploy_boards_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY project_deploy_boards ADD CONSTRAINT project_deploy_boards_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- Name: project_deploy_boards project_deploy_boards_project_id_anchor_893d365a_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY project_deploy_boards ADD CONSTRAINT project_deploy_boards_project_id_anchor_893d365a_uniq UNIQUE (project_id, anchor); -- -- Name: project_favorites project_favorites_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY project_favorites ADD CONSTRAINT project_favorites_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- Name: project_favorites project_favorites_project_id_user_id_e7e43312_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY project_favorites ADD CONSTRAINT project_favorites_project_id_user_id_e7e43312_uniq UNIQUE (project_id, user_id); -- -- Name: project_identifiers project_identifier_name_workspace_id_4b7404cb_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY project_identifiers ADD CONSTRAINT project_identifier_name_workspace_id_4b7404cb_uniq UNIQUE (name, workspace_id); -- -- Name: project_identifiers project_identifier_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY project_identifiers ADD CONSTRAINT project_identifier_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- Name: project_identifiers project_identifier_project_id_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY project_identifiers ADD CONSTRAINT project_identifier_project_id_key UNIQUE (project_id); -- -- Name: projects project_identifier_workspace_id_35e9a4bf_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY projects ADD CONSTRAINT project_identifier_workspace_id_35e9a4bf_uniq UNIQUE (identifier, workspace_id); -- -- Name: project_member_invites project_member_invite_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY project_member_invites ADD CONSTRAINT project_member_invite_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- Name: project_members project_member_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY project_members ADD CONSTRAINT project_member_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- Name: project_members project_member_project_id_member_id_9489e47c_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY project_members ADD CONSTRAINT project_member_project_id_member_id_9489e47c_uniq UNIQUE (project_id, member_id); -- -- Name: projects project_name_workspace_id_e858a38f_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY projects ADD CONSTRAINT project_name_workspace_id_e858a38f_uniq UNIQUE (name, workspace_id); -- -- Name: projects project_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY projects ADD CONSTRAINT project_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- Name: project_public_members project_public_members_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY project_public_members ADD CONSTRAINT project_public_members_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- Name: project_public_members project_public_members_project_id_member_id_51cd09a4_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY project_public_members ADD CONSTRAINT project_public_members_project_id_member_id_51cd09a4_uniq UNIQUE (project_id, member_id); -- -- Name: slack_project_syncs slack_project_syncs_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY slack_project_syncs ADD CONSTRAINT slack_project_syncs_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- Name: slack_project_syncs slack_project_syncs_team_id_project_id_50a144a7_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY slack_project_syncs ADD CONSTRAINT slack_project_syncs_team_id_project_id_50a144a7_uniq UNIQUE (team_id, project_id); -- -- Name: social_login_connections social_login_connection_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY social_login_connections ADD CONSTRAINT social_login_connection_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- Name: states state_name_project_id_89897f31_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY states ADD CONSTRAINT state_name_project_id_89897f31_uniq UNIQUE (name, project_id); -- -- Name: states state_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY states ADD CONSTRAINT state_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- Name: team_members team_member_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY team_members ADD CONSTRAINT team_member_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- Name: team_members team_member_team_id_member_id_d0325b97_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY team_members ADD CONSTRAINT team_member_team_id_member_id_d0325b97_uniq UNIQUE (team_id, member_id); -- -- Name: teams team_name_workspace_id_9538db2e_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY teams ADD CONSTRAINT team_name_workspace_id_9538db2e_uniq UNIQUE (name, workspace_id); -- -- Name: teams team_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY teams ADD CONSTRAINT team_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- Name: token_blacklist_blacklistedtoken token_blacklist_blacklistedtoken_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY token_blacklist_blacklistedtoken ADD CONSTRAINT token_blacklist_blacklistedtoken_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- Name: token_blacklist_blacklistedtoken token_blacklist_blacklistedtoken_token_id_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY token_blacklist_blacklistedtoken ADD CONSTRAINT token_blacklist_blacklistedtoken_token_id_key UNIQUE (token_id); -- -- Name: token_blacklist_outstandingtoken token_blacklist_outstandingtoken_jti_hex_d9bdf6f7_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY token_blacklist_outstandingtoken ADD CONSTRAINT token_blacklist_outstandingtoken_jti_hex_d9bdf6f7_uniq UNIQUE (jti); -- -- Name: token_blacklist_outstandingtoken token_blacklist_outstandingtoken_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY token_blacklist_outstandingtoken ADD CONSTRAINT token_blacklist_outstandingtoken_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- Name: users user_email_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY users ADD CONSTRAINT user_email_key UNIQUE (email); -- -- Name: users_groups user_groups_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY users_groups ADD CONSTRAINT user_groups_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- Name: users_groups user_groups_user_id_group_id_40beef00_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY users_groups ADD CONSTRAINT user_groups_user_id_group_id_40beef00_uniq UNIQUE (user_id, group_id); -- -- Name: users user_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY users ADD CONSTRAINT user_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- Name: users_user_permissions user_user_permissions_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY users_user_permissions ADD CONSTRAINT user_user_permissions_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- Name: users_user_permissions user_user_permissions_user_id_permission_id_7dc6e2e0_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY users_user_permissions ADD CONSTRAINT user_user_permissions_user_id_permission_id_7dc6e2e0_uniq UNIQUE (user_id, permission_id); -- -- Name: users user_username_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY users ADD CONSTRAINT user_username_key UNIQUE (username); -- -- Name: view_favorites view_favorites_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY view_favorites ADD CONSTRAINT view_favorites_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- Name: view_favorites view_favorites_view_id_user_id_3f287788_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY view_favorites ADD CONSTRAINT view_favorites_view_id_user_id_3f287788_uniq UNIQUE (view_id, user_id); -- -- Name: webhook_logs webhook_logs_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY webhook_logs ADD CONSTRAINT webhook_logs_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- Name: webhooks webhooks_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY webhooks ADD CONSTRAINT webhooks_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- Name: webhooks webhooks_workspace_id_url_9e8012ba_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY webhooks ADD CONSTRAINT webhooks_workspace_id_url_9e8012ba_uniq UNIQUE (workspace_id, url); -- -- Name: workspace_integrations workspace_integrations_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY workspace_integrations ADD CONSTRAINT workspace_integrations_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- Name: workspace_integrations workspace_integrations_workspace_id_integration_fa041c22_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY workspace_integrations ADD CONSTRAINT workspace_integrations_workspace_id_integration_fa041c22_uniq UNIQUE (workspace_id, integration_id); -- -- Name: workspace_member_invites workspace_member_invite_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY workspace_member_invites ADD CONSTRAINT workspace_member_invite_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- Name: workspace_member_invites workspace_member_invites_email_workspace_id_9d830009_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY workspace_member_invites ADD CONSTRAINT workspace_member_invites_email_workspace_id_9d830009_uniq UNIQUE (email, workspace_id); -- -- Name: workspace_members workspace_member_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY workspace_members ADD CONSTRAINT workspace_member_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- Name: workspace_members workspace_member_workspace_id_member_id_2b61b0e8_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY workspace_members ADD CONSTRAINT workspace_member_workspace_id_member_id_2b61b0e8_uniq UNIQUE (workspace_id, member_id); -- -- Name: workspaces workspace_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY workspaces ADD CONSTRAINT workspace_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- Name: workspaces workspace_slug_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY workspaces ADD CONSTRAINT workspace_slug_key UNIQUE (slug); -- -- Name: workspace_themes workspace_themes_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY workspace_themes ADD CONSTRAINT workspace_themes_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- Name: workspace_themes workspace_themes_workspace_id_name_500d4836_uniq; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY workspace_themes ADD CONSTRAINT workspace_themes_workspace_id_name_500d4836_uniq UNIQUE (workspace_id, name); -- -- Name: analytic_views_created_by_id_1b3ca0a9; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX analytic_views_created_by_id_1b3ca0a9 ON analytic_views USING btree (created_by_id); -- -- Name: analytic_views_updated_by_id_b6d827e1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX analytic_views_updated_by_id_b6d827e1 ON analytic_views USING btree (updated_by_id); -- -- Name: analytic_views_workspace_id_ca6e5c0b; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX analytic_views_workspace_id_ca6e5c0b ON analytic_views USING btree (workspace_id); -- -- Name: api_activity_logs_created_by_id_7f5c4ca8; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX api_activity_logs_created_by_id_7f5c4ca8 ON api_activity_logs USING btree (created_by_id); -- -- Name: api_activity_logs_updated_by_id_9ba0d417; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX api_activity_logs_updated_by_id_9ba0d417 ON api_activity_logs USING btree (updated_by_id); -- -- Name: api_tokens_created_by_id_441e3d24; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX api_tokens_created_by_id_441e3d24 ON api_tokens USING btree (created_by_id); -- -- Name: api_tokens_token_6211101f_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX api_tokens_token_6211101f_like ON api_tokens USING btree (token varchar_pattern_ops); -- -- Name: api_tokens_updated_by_id_bcd544cf; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX api_tokens_updated_by_id_bcd544cf ON api_tokens USING btree (updated_by_id); -- -- Name: api_tokens_user_id_2db24e1c; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX api_tokens_user_id_2db24e1c ON api_tokens USING btree (user_id); -- -- Name: api_tokens_workspace_id_6791c7bd; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX api_tokens_workspace_id_6791c7bd ON api_tokens USING btree (workspace_id); -- -- Name: auth_group_name_a6ea08ec_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX auth_group_name_a6ea08ec_like ON auth_group USING btree (name varchar_pattern_ops); -- -- Name: auth_group_permissions_group_id_b120cbf9; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX auth_group_permissions_group_id_b120cbf9 ON auth_group_permissions USING btree (group_id); -- -- Name: auth_group_permissions_permission_id_84c5c92e; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX auth_group_permissions_permission_id_84c5c92e ON auth_group_permissions USING btree (permission_id); -- -- Name: auth_permission_content_type_id_2f476e4b; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX auth_permission_content_type_id_2f476e4b ON auth_permission USING btree (content_type_id); -- -- Name: authtoken_token_key_10f0b77e_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX authtoken_token_key_10f0b77e_like ON authtoken_token USING btree (key varchar_pattern_ops); -- -- Name: comment_reactions_actor_id_21219e9c; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX comment_reactions_actor_id_21219e9c ON comment_reactions USING btree (actor_id); -- -- Name: comment_reactions_comment_id_87c59446; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX comment_reactions_comment_id_87c59446 ON comment_reactions USING btree (comment_id); -- -- Name: comment_reactions_created_by_id_9aeb43c4; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX comment_reactions_created_by_id_9aeb43c4 ON comment_reactions USING btree (created_by_id); -- -- Name: comment_reactions_project_id_ab9114b4; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX comment_reactions_project_id_ab9114b4 ON comment_reactions USING btree (project_id); -- -- Name: comment_reactions_updated_by_id_c74c9bbd; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX comment_reactions_updated_by_id_c74c9bbd ON comment_reactions USING btree (updated_by_id); -- -- Name: comment_reactions_workspace_id_b614ca4f; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX comment_reactions_workspace_id_b614ca4f ON comment_reactions USING btree (workspace_id); -- -- Name: cycle_created_by_id_78e43b79; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX cycle_created_by_id_78e43b79 ON cycles USING btree (created_by_id); -- -- Name: cycle_favorites_created_by_id_e888870b; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX cycle_favorites_created_by_id_e888870b ON cycle_favorites USING btree (created_by_id); -- -- Name: cycle_favorites_cycle_id_8224e5ad; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX cycle_favorites_cycle_id_8224e5ad ON cycle_favorites USING btree (cycle_id); -- -- Name: cycle_favorites_project_id_f2977b66; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX cycle_favorites_project_id_f2977b66 ON cycle_favorites USING btree (project_id); -- -- Name: cycle_favorites_updated_by_id_8576232f; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX cycle_favorites_updated_by_id_8576232f ON cycle_favorites USING btree (updated_by_id); -- -- Name: cycle_favorites_user_id_8a04268d; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX cycle_favorites_user_id_8a04268d ON cycle_favorites USING btree (user_id); -- -- Name: cycle_favorites_workspace_id_07359b0b; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX cycle_favorites_workspace_id_07359b0b ON cycle_favorites USING btree (workspace_id); -- -- Name: cycle_issue_created_by_id_30b27539; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX cycle_issue_created_by_id_30b27539 ON cycle_issues USING btree (created_by_id); -- -- Name: cycle_issue_cycle_id_ec681215; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX cycle_issue_cycle_id_ec681215 ON cycle_issues USING btree (cycle_id); -- -- Name: cycle_issue_project_id_6ad3257a; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX cycle_issue_project_id_6ad3257a ON cycle_issues USING btree (project_id); -- -- Name: cycle_issue_updated_by_id_cb4516f2; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX cycle_issue_updated_by_id_cb4516f2 ON cycle_issues USING btree (updated_by_id); -- -- Name: cycle_issue_workspace_id_1d77330e; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX cycle_issue_workspace_id_1d77330e ON cycle_issues USING btree (workspace_id); -- -- Name: cycle_owned_by_id_5456a4d1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX cycle_owned_by_id_5456a4d1 ON cycles USING btree (owned_by_id); -- -- Name: cycle_project_id_0b590349; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX cycle_project_id_0b590349 ON cycles USING btree (project_id); -- -- Name: cycle_updated_by_id_93baee43; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX cycle_updated_by_id_93baee43 ON cycles USING btree (updated_by_id); -- -- Name: cycle_workspace_id_a199e8e1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX cycle_workspace_id_a199e8e1 ON cycles USING btree (workspace_id); -- -- Name: django_celery_beat_periodictask_clocked_id_47a69f82; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX django_celery_beat_periodictask_clocked_id_47a69f82 ON django_celery_beat_periodictask USING btree (clocked_id); -- -- Name: django_celery_beat_periodictask_crontab_id_d3cba168; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX django_celery_beat_periodictask_crontab_id_d3cba168 ON django_celery_beat_periodictask USING btree (crontab_id); -- -- Name: django_celery_beat_periodictask_interval_id_a8ca27da; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX django_celery_beat_periodictask_interval_id_a8ca27da ON django_celery_beat_periodictask USING btree (interval_id); -- -- Name: django_celery_beat_periodictask_name_265a36b7_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX django_celery_beat_periodictask_name_265a36b7_like ON django_celery_beat_periodictask USING btree (name varchar_pattern_ops); -- -- Name: django_celery_beat_periodictask_solar_id_a87ce72c; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX django_celery_beat_periodictask_solar_id_a87ce72c ON django_celery_beat_periodictask USING btree (solar_id); -- -- Name: django_session_expire_date_a5c62663; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX django_session_expire_date_a5c62663 ON django_session USING btree (expire_date); -- -- Name: django_session_session_key_c0390e0f_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX django_session_session_key_c0390e0f_like ON django_session USING btree (session_key varchar_pattern_ops); -- -- Name: estimate_points_created_by_id_d1b04bd9; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX estimate_points_created_by_id_d1b04bd9 ON estimate_points USING btree (created_by_id); -- -- Name: estimate_points_estimate_id_4b4cb706; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX estimate_points_estimate_id_4b4cb706 ON estimate_points USING btree (estimate_id); -- -- Name: estimate_points_project_id_ba9bcb2c; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX estimate_points_project_id_ba9bcb2c ON estimate_points USING btree (project_id); -- -- Name: estimate_points_updated_by_id_a1da94e1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX estimate_points_updated_by_id_a1da94e1 ON estimate_points USING btree (updated_by_id); -- -- Name: estimate_points_workspace_id_96fc4f92; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX estimate_points_workspace_id_96fc4f92 ON estimate_points USING btree (workspace_id); -- -- Name: estimates_created_by_id_7e401493; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX estimates_created_by_id_7e401493 ON estimates USING btree (created_by_id); -- -- Name: estimates_project_id_7f195a41; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX estimates_project_id_7f195a41 ON estimates USING btree (project_id); -- -- Name: estimates_updated_by_id_b3fcfb1d; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX estimates_updated_by_id_b3fcfb1d ON estimates USING btree (updated_by_id); -- -- Name: estimates_workspace_id_718811eb; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX estimates_workspace_id_718811eb ON estimates USING btree (workspace_id); -- -- Name: exporters_created_by_id_44e1d9b3; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX exporters_created_by_id_44e1d9b3 ON exporters USING btree (created_by_id); -- -- Name: exporters_initiated_by_id_d51f7552; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX exporters_initiated_by_id_d51f7552 ON exporters USING btree (initiated_by_id); -- -- Name: exporters_token_c774aeeb_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX exporters_token_c774aeeb_like ON exporters USING btree (token varchar_pattern_ops); -- -- Name: exporters_updated_by_id_d2572861; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX exporters_updated_by_id_d2572861 ON exporters USING btree (updated_by_id); -- -- Name: exporters_workspace_id_11a04317; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX exporters_workspace_id_11a04317 ON exporters USING btree (workspace_id); -- -- Name: file_asset_created_by_id_966942a0; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX file_asset_created_by_id_966942a0 ON file_assets USING btree (created_by_id); -- -- Name: file_asset_updated_by_id_d6aaf4f0; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX file_asset_updated_by_id_d6aaf4f0 ON file_assets USING btree (updated_by_id); -- -- Name: file_assets_workspace_id_fa50b9c5; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX file_assets_workspace_id_fa50b9c5 ON file_assets USING btree (workspace_id); -- -- Name: github_comment_syncs_comment_id_6feec6d1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX github_comment_syncs_comment_id_6feec6d1 ON github_comment_syncs USING btree (comment_id); -- -- Name: github_comment_syncs_created_by_id_b1ef2517; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX github_comment_syncs_created_by_id_b1ef2517 ON github_comment_syncs USING btree (created_by_id); -- -- Name: github_comment_syncs_issue_sync_id_5e738eb5; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX github_comment_syncs_issue_sync_id_5e738eb5 ON github_comment_syncs USING btree (issue_sync_id); -- -- Name: github_comment_syncs_project_id_6d199ace; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX github_comment_syncs_project_id_6d199ace ON github_comment_syncs USING btree (project_id); -- -- Name: github_comment_syncs_updated_by_id_bb05c066; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX github_comment_syncs_updated_by_id_bb05c066 ON github_comment_syncs USING btree (updated_by_id); -- -- Name: github_comment_syncs_workspace_id_b54528c8; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX github_comment_syncs_workspace_id_b54528c8 ON github_comment_syncs USING btree (workspace_id); -- -- Name: github_issue_syncs_created_by_id_d02b7c56; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX github_issue_syncs_created_by_id_d02b7c56 ON github_issue_syncs USING btree (created_by_id); -- -- Name: github_issue_syncs_issue_id_450cb083; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX github_issue_syncs_issue_id_450cb083 ON github_issue_syncs USING btree (issue_id); -- -- Name: github_issue_syncs_project_id_4609ad0c; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX github_issue_syncs_project_id_4609ad0c ON github_issue_syncs USING btree (project_id); -- -- Name: github_issue_syncs_repository_sync_id_ba0d4de4; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX github_issue_syncs_repository_sync_id_ba0d4de4 ON github_issue_syncs USING btree (repository_sync_id); -- -- Name: github_issue_syncs_updated_by_id_e9cd6f86; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX github_issue_syncs_updated_by_id_e9cd6f86 ON github_issue_syncs USING btree (updated_by_id); -- -- Name: github_issue_syncs_workspace_id_eae020ad; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX github_issue_syncs_workspace_id_eae020ad ON github_issue_syncs USING btree (workspace_id); -- -- Name: github_repositories_created_by_id_104fa685; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX github_repositories_created_by_id_104fa685 ON github_repositories USING btree (created_by_id); -- -- Name: github_repositories_project_id_65c546bb; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX github_repositories_project_id_65c546bb ON github_repositories USING btree (project_id); -- -- Name: github_repositories_updated_by_id_8aa4d772; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX github_repositories_updated_by_id_8aa4d772 ON github_repositories USING btree (updated_by_id); -- -- Name: github_repositories_workspace_id_c4de7326; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX github_repositories_workspace_id_c4de7326 ON github_repositories USING btree (workspace_id); -- -- Name: github_repository_syncs_actor_id_1fa689fe; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX github_repository_syncs_actor_id_1fa689fe ON github_repository_syncs USING btree (actor_id); -- -- Name: github_repository_syncs_created_by_id_0df94495; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX github_repository_syncs_created_by_id_0df94495 ON github_repository_syncs USING btree (created_by_id); -- -- Name: github_repository_syncs_label_id_eb1e9bd7; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX github_repository_syncs_label_id_eb1e9bd7 ON github_repository_syncs USING btree (label_id); -- -- Name: github_repository_syncs_project_id_e7e8291e; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX github_repository_syncs_project_id_e7e8291e ON github_repository_syncs USING btree (project_id); -- -- Name: github_repository_syncs_updated_by_id_07e9d065; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX github_repository_syncs_updated_by_id_07e9d065 ON github_repository_syncs USING btree (updated_by_id); -- -- Name: github_repository_syncs_workspace_id_4a22a8b8; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX github_repository_syncs_workspace_id_4a22a8b8 ON github_repository_syncs USING btree (workspace_id); -- -- Name: github_repository_syncs_workspace_integration_id_62858398; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX github_repository_syncs_workspace_integration_id_62858398 ON github_repository_syncs USING btree (workspace_integration_id); -- -- Name: global_views_created_by_id_14b7d95c; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX global_views_created_by_id_14b7d95c ON global_views USING btree (created_by_id); -- -- Name: global_views_updated_by_id_112e0281; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX global_views_updated_by_id_112e0281 ON global_views USING btree (updated_by_id); -- -- Name: global_views_workspace_id_3c68eca7; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX global_views_workspace_id_3c68eca7 ON global_views USING btree (workspace_id); -- -- Name: importers_created_by_id_7dd06433; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX importers_created_by_id_7dd06433 ON importers USING btree (created_by_id); -- -- Name: importers_initiated_by_id_3cddbd23; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX importers_initiated_by_id_3cddbd23 ON importers USING btree (initiated_by_id); -- -- Name: importers_project_id_1f8b43ef; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX importers_project_id_1f8b43ef ON importers USING btree (project_id); -- -- Name: importers_token_id_c951e89f; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX importers_token_id_c951e89f ON importers USING btree (token_id); -- -- Name: importers_updated_by_id_3915139e; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX importers_updated_by_id_3915139e ON importers USING btree (updated_by_id); -- -- Name: importers_workspace_id_795b8985; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX importers_workspace_id_795b8985 ON importers USING btree (workspace_id); -- -- Name: inbox_issues_created_by_id_483bce13; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX inbox_issues_created_by_id_483bce13 ON inbox_issues USING btree (created_by_id); -- -- Name: inbox_issues_duplicate_to_id_6cb8d961; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX inbox_issues_duplicate_to_id_6cb8d961 ON inbox_issues USING btree (duplicate_to_id); -- -- Name: inbox_issues_inbox_id_444b05b9; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX inbox_issues_inbox_id_444b05b9 ON inbox_issues USING btree (inbox_id); -- -- Name: inbox_issues_issue_id_7d74b224; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX inbox_issues_issue_id_7d74b224 ON inbox_issues USING btree (issue_id); -- -- Name: inbox_issues_project_id_5117a70b; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX inbox_issues_project_id_5117a70b ON inbox_issues USING btree (project_id); -- -- Name: inbox_issues_updated_by_id_d1b2b70f; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX inbox_issues_updated_by_id_d1b2b70f ON inbox_issues USING btree (updated_by_id); -- -- Name: inbox_issues_workspace_id_4a61a7bd; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX inbox_issues_workspace_id_4a61a7bd ON inbox_issues USING btree (workspace_id); -- -- Name: inboxes_created_by_id_9f1cf5ec; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX inboxes_created_by_id_9f1cf5ec ON inboxes USING btree (created_by_id); -- -- Name: inboxes_project_id_a0135c66; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX inboxes_project_id_a0135c66 ON inboxes USING btree (project_id); -- -- Name: inboxes_updated_by_id_69b7b3ae; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX inboxes_updated_by_id_69b7b3ae ON inboxes USING btree (updated_by_id); -- -- Name: inboxes_workspace_id_d6178865; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX inboxes_workspace_id_d6178865 ON inboxes USING btree (workspace_id); -- -- Name: instance_admins_created_by_id_7f4e03b4; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX instance_admins_created_by_id_7f4e03b4 ON instance_admins USING btree (created_by_id); -- -- Name: instance_admins_instance_id_66d1ba73; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX instance_admins_instance_id_66d1ba73 ON instance_admins USING btree (instance_id); -- -- Name: instance_admins_updated_by_id_b7800403; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX instance_admins_updated_by_id_b7800403 ON instance_admins USING btree (updated_by_id); -- -- Name: instance_admins_user_id_cc6e9b62; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX instance_admins_user_id_cc6e9b62 ON instance_admins USING btree (user_id); -- -- Name: instance_configurations_created_by_id_e683f3e5; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX instance_configurations_created_by_id_e683f3e5 ON instance_configurations USING btree (created_by_id); -- -- Name: instance_configurations_key_3eb64d36_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX instance_configurations_key_3eb64d36_like ON instance_configurations USING btree (key varchar_pattern_ops); -- -- Name: instance_configurations_updated_by_id_f0d7542e; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX instance_configurations_updated_by_id_f0d7542e ON instance_configurations USING btree (updated_by_id); -- -- Name: instances_created_by_id_c76e92ef; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX instances_created_by_id_c76e92ef ON instances USING btree (created_by_id); -- -- Name: instances_instance_id_cf688621_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX instances_instance_id_cf688621_like ON instances USING btree (instance_id varchar_pattern_ops); -- -- Name: instances_updated_by_id_cce8fcdf; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX instances_updated_by_id_cce8fcdf ON instances USING btree (updated_by_id); -- -- Name: integrations_created_by_id_0b6edd52; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX integrations_created_by_id_0b6edd52 ON integrations USING btree (created_by_id); -- -- Name: integrations_provider_6537a106_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX integrations_provider_6537a106_like ON integrations USING btree (provider varchar_pattern_ops); -- -- Name: integrations_updated_by_id_d6d00d15; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX integrations_updated_by_id_d6d00d15 ON integrations USING btree (updated_by_id); -- -- Name: issue_activity_actor_id_52fdd42d; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX issue_activity_actor_id_52fdd42d ON issue_activities USING btree (actor_id); -- -- Name: issue_activity_created_by_id_49516e3d; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX issue_activity_created_by_id_49516e3d ON issue_activities USING btree (created_by_id); -- -- Name: issue_activity_issue_comment_id_701f3c3c; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX issue_activity_issue_comment_id_701f3c3c ON issue_activities USING btree (issue_comment_id); -- -- Name: issue_activity_issue_id_807fbde4; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX issue_activity_issue_id_807fbde4 ON issue_activities USING btree (issue_id); -- -- Name: issue_activity_project_id_d0ac2ccf; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX issue_activity_project_id_d0ac2ccf ON issue_activities USING btree (project_id); -- -- Name: issue_activity_updated_by_id_0075f9bd; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX issue_activity_updated_by_id_0075f9bd ON issue_activities USING btree (updated_by_id); -- -- Name: issue_activity_workspace_id_65acaf73; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX issue_activity_workspace_id_65acaf73 ON issue_activities USING btree (workspace_id); -- -- Name: issue_assignee_assignee_id_50f5c04e; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX issue_assignee_assignee_id_50f5c04e ON issue_assignees USING btree (assignee_id); -- -- Name: issue_assignee_created_by_id_f693d43b; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX issue_assignee_created_by_id_f693d43b ON issue_assignees USING btree (created_by_id); -- -- Name: issue_assignee_issue_id_72da08db; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX issue_assignee_issue_id_72da08db ON issue_assignees USING btree (issue_id); -- -- Name: issue_assignee_project_id_61c18bf2; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX issue_assignee_project_id_61c18bf2 ON issue_assignees USING btree (project_id); -- -- Name: issue_assignee_updated_by_id_c54088aa; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX issue_assignee_updated_by_id_c54088aa ON issue_assignees USING btree (updated_by_id); -- -- Name: issue_assignee_workspace_id_9aad55b7; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX issue_assignee_workspace_id_9aad55b7 ON issue_assignees USING btree (workspace_id); -- -- Name: issue_attachments_created_by_id_87be05bb; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX issue_attachments_created_by_id_87be05bb ON issue_attachments USING btree (created_by_id); -- -- Name: issue_attachments_issue_id_0faf88bf; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX issue_attachments_issue_id_0faf88bf ON issue_attachments USING btree (issue_id); -- -- Name: issue_attachments_project_id_a95fe706; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX issue_attachments_project_id_a95fe706 ON issue_attachments USING btree (project_id); -- -- Name: issue_attachments_updated_by_id_47dceec1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX issue_attachments_updated_by_id_47dceec1 ON issue_attachments USING btree (updated_by_id); -- -- Name: issue_attachments_workspace_id_c456a532; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX issue_attachments_workspace_id_c456a532 ON issue_attachments USING btree (workspace_id); -- -- Name: issue_blocker_block_id_5d15a701; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX issue_blocker_block_id_5d15a701 ON issue_blockers USING btree (block_id); -- -- Name: issue_blocker_blocked_by_id_a138af71; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX issue_blocker_blocked_by_id_a138af71 ON issue_blockers USING btree (blocked_by_id); -- -- Name: issue_blocker_created_by_id_0d19f6ea; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX issue_blocker_created_by_id_0d19f6ea ON issue_blockers USING btree (created_by_id); -- -- Name: issue_blocker_project_id_380bd100; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX issue_blocker_project_id_380bd100 ON issue_blockers USING btree (project_id); -- -- Name: issue_blocker_updated_by_id_4af87d63; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX issue_blocker_updated_by_id_4af87d63 ON issue_blockers USING btree (updated_by_id); -- -- Name: issue_blocker_workspace_id_419a1c71; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX issue_blocker_workspace_id_419a1c71 ON issue_blockers USING btree (workspace_id); -- -- Name: issue_comment_actor_id_d312315b; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX issue_comment_actor_id_d312315b ON issue_comments USING btree (actor_id); -- -- Name: issue_comment_created_by_id_0765f239; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX issue_comment_created_by_id_0765f239 ON issue_comments USING btree (created_by_id); -- -- Name: issue_comment_issue_id_d0195e35; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX issue_comment_issue_id_d0195e35 ON issue_comments USING btree (issue_id); -- -- Name: issue_comment_project_id_db37c105; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX issue_comment_project_id_db37c105 ON issue_comments USING btree (project_id); -- -- Name: issue_comment_updated_by_id_96cfb86e; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX issue_comment_updated_by_id_96cfb86e ON issue_comments USING btree (updated_by_id); -- -- Name: issue_comment_workspace_id_3f7969ec; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX issue_comment_workspace_id_3f7969ec ON issue_comments USING btree (workspace_id); -- -- Name: issue_created_by_id_8f0ae62b; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX issue_created_by_id_8f0ae62b ON issues USING btree (created_by_id); -- -- Name: issue_label_created_by_id_94075315; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX issue_label_created_by_id_94075315 ON issue_labels USING btree (created_by_id); -- -- Name: issue_label_issue_id_0f252e52; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX issue_label_issue_id_0f252e52 ON issue_labels USING btree (issue_id); -- -- Name: issue_label_label_id_5f22777f; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX issue_label_label_id_5f22777f ON issue_labels USING btree (label_id); -- -- Name: issue_label_project_id_eaa2ba39; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX issue_label_project_id_eaa2ba39 ON issue_labels USING btree (project_id); -- -- Name: issue_label_updated_by_id_a97a6733; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX issue_label_updated_by_id_a97a6733 ON issue_labels USING btree (updated_by_id); -- -- Name: issue_label_workspace_id_b5b1faac; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX issue_label_workspace_id_b5b1faac ON issue_labels USING btree (workspace_id); -- -- Name: issue_links_created_by_id_5e4aa092; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX issue_links_created_by_id_5e4aa092 ON issue_links USING btree (created_by_id); -- -- Name: issue_links_issue_id_7032881f; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX issue_links_issue_id_7032881f ON issue_links USING btree (issue_id); -- -- Name: issue_links_project_id_63d6e9ce; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX issue_links_project_id_63d6e9ce ON issue_links USING btree (project_id); -- -- Name: issue_links_updated_by_id_a771cce4; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX issue_links_updated_by_id_a771cce4 ON issue_links USING btree (updated_by_id); -- -- Name: issue_links_workspace_id_ff9038e7; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX issue_links_workspace_id_ff9038e7 ON issue_links USING btree (workspace_id); -- -- Name: issue_mentions_created_by_id_eb44759e; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX issue_mentions_created_by_id_eb44759e ON issue_mentions USING btree (created_by_id); -- -- Name: issue_mentions_issue_id_d8821107; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX issue_mentions_issue_id_d8821107 ON issue_mentions USING btree (issue_id); -- -- Name: issue_mentions_mention_id_cf1b9346; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX issue_mentions_mention_id_cf1b9346 ON issue_mentions USING btree (mention_id); -- -- Name: issue_mentions_project_id_d0cccdf5; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX issue_mentions_project_id_d0cccdf5 ON issue_mentions USING btree (project_id); -- -- Name: issue_mentions_updated_by_id_c62106d3; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX issue_mentions_updated_by_id_c62106d3 ON issue_mentions USING btree (updated_by_id); -- -- Name: issue_mentions_workspace_id_4ca59d05; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX issue_mentions_workspace_id_4ca59d05 ON issue_mentions USING btree (workspace_id); -- -- Name: issue_parent_id_ce8d76ba; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX issue_parent_id_ce8d76ba ON issues USING btree (parent_id); -- -- Name: issue_project_id_fea0fc80; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX issue_project_id_fea0fc80 ON issues USING btree (project_id); -- -- Name: issue_property_created_by_id_8e92131c; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX issue_property_created_by_id_8e92131c ON issue_properties USING btree (created_by_id); -- -- Name: issue_property_project_id_30e7de7b; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX issue_property_project_id_30e7de7b ON issue_properties USING btree (project_id); -- -- Name: issue_property_updated_by_id_ff158d4d; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX issue_property_updated_by_id_ff158d4d ON issue_properties USING btree (updated_by_id); -- -- Name: issue_property_user_id_0b1d1c8f; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX issue_property_user_id_0b1d1c8f ON issue_properties USING btree (user_id); -- -- Name: issue_property_workspace_id_17860d65; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX issue_property_workspace_id_17860d65 ON issue_properties USING btree (workspace_id); -- -- Name: issue_reactions_actor_id_5f5b8303; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX issue_reactions_actor_id_5f5b8303 ON issue_reactions USING btree (actor_id); -- -- Name: issue_reactions_created_by_id_3953b7de; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX issue_reactions_created_by_id_3953b7de ON issue_reactions USING btree (created_by_id); -- -- Name: issue_reactions_issue_id_2c324bae; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX issue_reactions_issue_id_2c324bae ON issue_reactions USING btree (issue_id); -- -- Name: issue_reactions_project_id_8708ecaf; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX issue_reactions_project_id_8708ecaf ON issue_reactions USING btree (project_id); -- -- Name: issue_reactions_updated_by_id_4069af90; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX issue_reactions_updated_by_id_4069af90 ON issue_reactions USING btree (updated_by_id); -- -- Name: issue_reactions_workspace_id_bd8d7550; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX issue_reactions_workspace_id_bd8d7550 ON issue_reactions USING btree (workspace_id); -- -- Name: issue_relations_created_by_id_854d07e7; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX issue_relations_created_by_id_854d07e7 ON issue_relations USING btree (created_by_id); -- -- Name: issue_relations_issue_id_e1db6f72; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX issue_relations_issue_id_e1db6f72 ON issue_relations USING btree (issue_id); -- -- Name: issue_relations_project_id_15350161; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX issue_relations_project_id_15350161 ON issue_relations USING btree (project_id); -- -- Name: issue_relations_related_issue_id_e1ea44a7; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX issue_relations_related_issue_id_e1ea44a7 ON issue_relations USING btree (related_issue_id); -- -- Name: issue_relations_updated_by_id_3dfa850f; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX issue_relations_updated_by_id_3dfa850f ON issue_relations USING btree (updated_by_id); -- -- Name: issue_relations_workspace_id_00b50e90; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX issue_relations_workspace_id_00b50e90 ON issue_relations USING btree (workspace_id); -- -- Name: issue_sequence_created_by_id_59270506; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX issue_sequence_created_by_id_59270506 ON issue_sequences USING btree (created_by_id); -- -- Name: issue_sequence_issue_id_16e9f00f; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX issue_sequence_issue_id_16e9f00f ON issue_sequences USING btree (issue_id); -- -- Name: issue_sequence_project_id_ce882e85; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX issue_sequence_project_id_ce882e85 ON issue_sequences USING btree (project_id); -- -- Name: issue_sequence_updated_by_id_310c8dd3; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX issue_sequence_updated_by_id_310c8dd3 ON issue_sequences USING btree (updated_by_id); -- -- Name: issue_sequence_workspace_id_0d3f0fd4; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX issue_sequence_workspace_id_0d3f0fd4 ON issue_sequences USING btree (workspace_id); -- -- Name: issue_state_id_1a65560d; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX issue_state_id_1a65560d ON issues USING btree (state_id); -- -- Name: issue_subscribers_created_by_id_b6ea0157; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX issue_subscribers_created_by_id_b6ea0157 ON issue_subscribers USING btree (created_by_id); -- -- Name: issue_subscribers_issue_id_85cf2093; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX issue_subscribers_issue_id_85cf2093 ON issue_subscribers USING btree (issue_id); -- -- Name: issue_subscribers_project_id_cf48d75f; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX issue_subscribers_project_id_cf48d75f ON issue_subscribers USING btree (project_id); -- -- Name: issue_subscribers_subscriber_id_2d89c988; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX issue_subscribers_subscriber_id_2d89c988 ON issue_subscribers USING btree (subscriber_id); -- -- Name: issue_subscribers_updated_by_id_1bfc2f55; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX issue_subscribers_updated_by_id_1bfc2f55 ON issue_subscribers USING btree (updated_by_id); -- -- Name: issue_subscribers_workspace_id_96afa91f; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX issue_subscribers_workspace_id_96afa91f ON issue_subscribers USING btree (workspace_id); -- -- Name: issue_updated_by_id_f1261863; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX issue_updated_by_id_f1261863 ON issues USING btree (updated_by_id); -- -- Name: issue_views_created_by_id_0d2e456b; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX issue_views_created_by_id_0d2e456b ON issue_views USING btree (created_by_id); -- -- Name: issue_views_project_id_55ee009f; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX issue_views_project_id_55ee009f ON issue_views USING btree (project_id); -- -- Name: issue_views_updated_by_id_28cd9870; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX issue_views_updated_by_id_28cd9870 ON issue_views USING btree (updated_by_id); -- -- Name: issue_views_workspace_id_8785e03d; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX issue_views_workspace_id_8785e03d ON issue_views USING btree (workspace_id); -- -- Name: issue_votes_actor_id_525cab61; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX issue_votes_actor_id_525cab61 ON issue_votes USING btree (actor_id); -- -- Name: issue_votes_created_by_id_86adcf5c; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX issue_votes_created_by_id_86adcf5c ON issue_votes USING btree (created_by_id); -- -- Name: issue_votes_issue_id_07a61ecb; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX issue_votes_issue_id_07a61ecb ON issue_votes USING btree (issue_id); -- -- Name: issue_votes_project_id_b649f55b; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX issue_votes_project_id_b649f55b ON issue_votes USING btree (project_id); -- -- Name: issue_votes_updated_by_id_9e2a6cdc; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX issue_votes_updated_by_id_9e2a6cdc ON issue_votes USING btree (updated_by_id); -- -- Name: issue_votes_workspace_id_a3e91a6b; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX issue_votes_workspace_id_a3e91a6b ON issue_votes USING btree (workspace_id); -- -- Name: issue_workspace_id_c84878c1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX issue_workspace_id_c84878c1 ON issues USING btree (workspace_id); -- -- Name: label_created_by_id_aa6ffcfa; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX label_created_by_id_aa6ffcfa ON labels USING btree (created_by_id); -- -- Name: label_parent_id_7a853296; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX label_parent_id_7a853296 ON labels USING btree (parent_id); -- -- Name: label_project_id_90e0f1a2; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX label_project_id_90e0f1a2 ON labels USING btree (project_id); -- -- Name: label_updated_by_id_894a5464; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX label_updated_by_id_894a5464 ON labels USING btree (updated_by_id); -- -- Name: label_workspace_id_c4c9ae5a; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX label_workspace_id_c4c9ae5a ON labels USING btree (workspace_id); -- -- Name: module_created_by_id_ff7a5866; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX module_created_by_id_ff7a5866 ON modules USING btree (created_by_id); -- -- Name: module_favorites_created_by_id_7f84820d; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX module_favorites_created_by_id_7f84820d ON module_favorites USING btree (created_by_id); -- -- Name: module_favorites_module_id_c4f0736b; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX module_favorites_module_id_c4f0736b ON module_favorites USING btree (module_id); -- -- Name: module_favorites_project_id_83d9d9e8; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX module_favorites_project_id_83d9d9e8 ON module_favorites USING btree (project_id); -- -- Name: module_favorites_updated_by_id_2437fed0; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX module_favorites_updated_by_id_2437fed0 ON module_favorites USING btree (updated_by_id); -- -- Name: module_favorites_user_id_c5b76375; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX module_favorites_user_id_c5b76375 ON module_favorites USING btree (user_id); -- -- Name: module_favorites_workspace_id_65a4ac6f; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX module_favorites_workspace_id_65a4ac6f ON module_favorites USING btree (workspace_id); -- -- Name: module_issues_created_by_id_de0b995a; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX module_issues_created_by_id_de0b995a ON module_issues USING btree (created_by_id); -- -- Name: module_issues_module_id_74e0ed5a; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX module_issues_module_id_74e0ed5a ON module_issues USING btree (module_id); -- -- Name: module_issues_project_id_59836d1e; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX module_issues_project_id_59836d1e ON module_issues USING btree (project_id); -- -- Name: module_issues_updated_by_id_46dbf724; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX module_issues_updated_by_id_46dbf724 ON module_issues USING btree (updated_by_id); -- -- Name: module_issues_workspace_id_6bf85201; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX module_issues_workspace_id_6bf85201 ON module_issues USING btree (workspace_id); -- -- Name: module_lead_id_04966630; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX module_lead_id_04966630 ON modules USING btree (lead_id); -- -- Name: module_links_created_by_id_eaf6492f; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX module_links_created_by_id_eaf6492f ON module_links USING btree (created_by_id); -- -- Name: module_links_module_id_0fda3f8a; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX module_links_module_id_0fda3f8a ON module_links USING btree (module_id); -- -- Name: module_links_project_id_f720bb79; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX module_links_project_id_f720bb79 ON module_links USING btree (project_id); -- -- Name: module_links_updated_by_id_4da419e7; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX module_links_updated_by_id_4da419e7 ON module_links USING btree (updated_by_id); -- -- Name: module_links_workspace_id_0521c11c; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX module_links_workspace_id_0521c11c ON module_links USING btree (workspace_id); -- -- Name: module_member_created_by_id_2ed84a65; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX module_member_created_by_id_2ed84a65 ON module_members USING btree (created_by_id); -- -- Name: module_member_member_id_928f473e; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX module_member_member_id_928f473e ON module_members USING btree (member_id); -- -- Name: module_member_module_id_f00be7ef; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX module_member_module_id_f00be7ef ON module_members USING btree (module_id); -- -- Name: module_member_project_id_ec8d2376; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX module_member_project_id_ec8d2376 ON module_members USING btree (project_id); -- -- Name: module_member_updated_by_id_a9046438; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX module_member_updated_by_id_a9046438 ON module_members USING btree (updated_by_id); -- -- Name: module_member_workspace_id_f2f23c73; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX module_member_workspace_id_f2f23c73 ON module_members USING btree (workspace_id); -- -- Name: module_project_id_da84b04f; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX module_project_id_da84b04f ON modules USING btree (project_id); -- -- Name: module_updated_by_id_72ab6d5c; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX module_updated_by_id_72ab6d5c ON modules USING btree (updated_by_id); -- -- Name: module_workspace_id_0a826fef; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX module_workspace_id_0a826fef ON modules USING btree (workspace_id); -- -- Name: notifications_created_by_id_b9c3f81b; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX notifications_created_by_id_b9c3f81b ON notifications USING btree (created_by_id); -- -- Name: notifications_project_id_e4d4f192; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX notifications_project_id_e4d4f192 ON notifications USING btree (project_id); -- -- Name: notifications_receiver_id_b708b2b0; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX notifications_receiver_id_b708b2b0 ON notifications USING btree (receiver_id); -- -- Name: notifications_triggered_by_id_31cdec21; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX notifications_triggered_by_id_31cdec21 ON notifications USING btree (triggered_by_id); -- -- Name: notifications_updated_by_id_8a651e96; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX notifications_updated_by_id_8a651e96 ON notifications USING btree (updated_by_id); -- -- Name: notifications_workspace_id_b2f09ef7; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX notifications_workspace_id_b2f09ef7 ON notifications USING btree (workspace_id); -- -- Name: page_blocks_created_by_id_696391e1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX page_blocks_created_by_id_696391e1 ON page_blocks USING btree (created_by_id); -- -- Name: page_blocks_issue_id_33cad86b; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX page_blocks_issue_id_33cad86b ON page_blocks USING btree (issue_id); -- -- Name: page_blocks_page_id_5f55e114; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX page_blocks_page_id_5f55e114 ON page_blocks USING btree (page_id); -- -- Name: page_blocks_project_id_068d80f7; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX page_blocks_project_id_068d80f7 ON page_blocks USING btree (project_id); -- -- Name: page_blocks_updated_by_id_1a29acb7; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX page_blocks_updated_by_id_1a29acb7 ON page_blocks USING btree (updated_by_id); -- -- Name: page_blocks_workspace_id_b051825d; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX page_blocks_workspace_id_b051825d ON page_blocks USING btree (workspace_id); -- -- Name: page_favorites_created_by_id_3b672270; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX page_favorites_created_by_id_3b672270 ON page_favorites USING btree (created_by_id); -- -- Name: page_favorites_page_id_0896034b; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX page_favorites_page_id_0896034b ON page_favorites USING btree (page_id); -- -- Name: page_favorites_project_id_e0e3c871; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX page_favorites_project_id_e0e3c871 ON page_favorites USING btree (project_id); -- -- Name: page_favorites_updated_by_id_623c7ac5; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX page_favorites_updated_by_id_623c7ac5 ON page_favorites USING btree (updated_by_id); -- -- Name: page_favorites_user_id_162640a9; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX page_favorites_user_id_162640a9 ON page_favorites USING btree (user_id); -- -- Name: page_favorites_workspace_id_4b7858d9; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX page_favorites_workspace_id_4b7858d9 ON page_favorites USING btree (workspace_id); -- -- Name: page_labels_created_by_id_fbd942c0; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX page_labels_created_by_id_fbd942c0 ON page_labels USING btree (created_by_id); -- -- Name: page_labels_label_id_05958e53; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX page_labels_label_id_05958e53 ON page_labels USING btree (label_id); -- -- Name: page_labels_page_id_0e6cdb3d; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX page_labels_page_id_0e6cdb3d ON page_labels USING btree (page_id); -- -- Name: page_labels_project_id_938a63ca; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX page_labels_project_id_938a63ca ON page_labels USING btree (project_id); -- -- Name: page_labels_updated_by_id_d9fddbff; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX page_labels_updated_by_id_d9fddbff ON page_labels USING btree (updated_by_id); -- -- Name: page_labels_workspace_id_078bb01c; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX page_labels_workspace_id_078bb01c ON page_labels USING btree (workspace_id); -- -- Name: page_logs_created_by_id_4a295aec; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX page_logs_created_by_id_4a295aec ON page_logs USING btree (created_by_id); -- -- Name: page_logs_page_id_0e0d747d; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX page_logs_page_id_0e0d747d ON page_logs USING btree (page_id); -- -- Name: page_logs_project_id_d5117f7a; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX page_logs_project_id_d5117f7a ON page_logs USING btree (project_id); -- -- Name: page_logs_updated_by_id_1995190b; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX page_logs_updated_by_id_1995190b ON page_logs USING btree (updated_by_id); -- -- Name: page_logs_workspace_id_be7bde64; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX page_logs_workspace_id_be7bde64 ON page_logs USING btree (workspace_id); -- -- Name: pages_created_by_id_d109a675; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX pages_created_by_id_d109a675 ON pages USING btree (created_by_id); -- -- Name: pages_owned_by_id_bf50485f; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX pages_owned_by_id_bf50485f ON pages USING btree (owned_by_id); -- -- Name: pages_parent_id_8b823409; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX pages_parent_id_8b823409 ON pages USING btree (parent_id); -- -- Name: pages_project_id_272eed09; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX pages_project_id_272eed09 ON pages USING btree (project_id); -- -- Name: pages_updated_by_id_6c42de3e; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX pages_updated_by_id_6c42de3e ON pages USING btree (updated_by_id); -- -- Name: pages_workspace_id_c6c51010; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX pages_workspace_id_c6c51010 ON pages USING btree (workspace_id); -- -- Name: project_created_by_id_6cc13408; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX project_created_by_id_6cc13408 ON projects USING btree (created_by_id); -- -- Name: project_default_assignee_id_6ba45f90; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX project_default_assignee_id_6ba45f90 ON projects USING btree (default_assignee_id); -- -- Name: project_deploy_boards_anchor_b61b8817_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX project_deploy_boards_anchor_b61b8817_like ON project_deploy_boards USING btree (anchor varchar_pattern_ops); -- -- Name: project_deploy_boards_created_by_id_2ea72f98; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX project_deploy_boards_created_by_id_2ea72f98 ON project_deploy_boards USING btree (created_by_id); -- -- Name: project_deploy_boards_inbox_id_a6a75525; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX project_deploy_boards_inbox_id_a6a75525 ON project_deploy_boards USING btree (inbox_id); -- -- Name: project_deploy_boards_project_id_49d887b2; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX project_deploy_boards_project_id_49d887b2 ON project_deploy_boards USING btree (project_id); -- -- Name: project_deploy_boards_updated_by_id_290eb99e; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX project_deploy_boards_updated_by_id_290eb99e ON project_deploy_boards USING btree (updated_by_id); -- -- Name: project_deploy_boards_workspace_id_cd92f164; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX project_deploy_boards_workspace_id_cd92f164 ON project_deploy_boards USING btree (workspace_id); -- -- Name: project_favorites_created_by_id_613c0717; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX project_favorites_created_by_id_613c0717 ON project_favorites USING btree (created_by_id); -- -- Name: project_favorites_project_id_df76634d; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX project_favorites_project_id_df76634d ON project_favorites USING btree (project_id); -- -- Name: project_favorites_updated_by_id_2a663e4d; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX project_favorites_updated_by_id_2a663e4d ON project_favorites USING btree (updated_by_id); -- -- Name: project_favorites_user_id_500f4f5b; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX project_favorites_user_id_500f4f5b ON project_favorites USING btree (user_id); -- -- Name: project_favorites_workspace_id_fa980513; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX project_favorites_workspace_id_fa980513 ON project_favorites USING btree (workspace_id); -- -- Name: project_identifier_created_by_id_2b6f273a; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX project_identifier_created_by_id_2b6f273a ON project_identifiers USING btree (created_by_id); -- -- Name: project_identifier_updated_by_id_1a00e2a0; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX project_identifier_updated_by_id_1a00e2a0 ON project_identifiers USING btree (updated_by_id); -- -- Name: project_identifier_workspace_id_6024b517; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX project_identifier_workspace_id_6024b517 ON project_identifiers USING btree (workspace_id); -- -- Name: project_member_created_by_id_8b363306; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX project_member_created_by_id_8b363306 ON project_members USING btree (created_by_id); -- -- Name: project_member_invite_created_by_id_a87df45c; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX project_member_invite_created_by_id_a87df45c ON project_member_invites USING btree (created_by_id); -- -- Name: project_member_invite_project_id_8fb7750e; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX project_member_invite_project_id_8fb7750e ON project_member_invites USING btree (project_id); -- -- Name: project_member_invite_updated_by_id_5aa55c96; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX project_member_invite_updated_by_id_5aa55c96 ON project_member_invites USING btree (updated_by_id); -- -- Name: project_member_invite_workspace_id_64e2dc4c; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX project_member_invite_workspace_id_64e2dc4c ON project_member_invites USING btree (workspace_id); -- -- Name: project_member_member_id_9d6b126b; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX project_member_member_id_9d6b126b ON project_members USING btree (member_id); -- -- Name: project_member_project_id_11ea1a9e; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX project_member_project_id_11ea1a9e ON project_members USING btree (project_id); -- -- Name: project_member_updated_by_id_cf6aaac4; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX project_member_updated_by_id_cf6aaac4 ON project_members USING btree (updated_by_id); -- -- Name: project_member_workspace_id_88bb9a97; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX project_member_workspace_id_88bb9a97 ON project_members USING btree (workspace_id); -- -- Name: project_project_lead_id_caf8e353; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX project_project_lead_id_caf8e353 ON projects USING btree (project_lead_id); -- -- Name: project_public_members_created_by_id_c4c7c776; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX project_public_members_created_by_id_c4c7c776 ON project_public_members USING btree (created_by_id); -- -- Name: project_public_members_member_id_52f257f9; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX project_public_members_member_id_52f257f9 ON project_public_members USING btree (member_id); -- -- Name: project_public_members_project_id_2dfd893d; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX project_public_members_project_id_2dfd893d ON project_public_members USING btree (project_id); -- -- Name: project_public_members_updated_by_id_c3e4d675; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX project_public_members_updated_by_id_c3e4d675 ON project_public_members USING btree (updated_by_id); -- -- Name: project_public_members_workspace_id_ebfce110; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX project_public_members_workspace_id_ebfce110 ON project_public_members USING btree (workspace_id); -- -- Name: project_updated_by_id_fe290525; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX project_updated_by_id_fe290525 ON projects USING btree (updated_by_id); -- -- Name: project_workspace_id_01764ff9; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX project_workspace_id_01764ff9 ON projects USING btree (workspace_id); -- -- Name: projects_default_state_id_f13e8b95; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX projects_default_state_id_f13e8b95 ON projects USING btree (default_state_id); -- -- Name: projects_estimate_id_85c7b2ac; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX projects_estimate_id_85c7b2ac ON projects USING btree (estimate_id); -- -- Name: slack_project_syncs_created_by_id_ec405a17; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX slack_project_syncs_created_by_id_ec405a17 ON slack_project_syncs USING btree (created_by_id); -- -- Name: slack_project_syncs_project_id_016dc792; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX slack_project_syncs_project_id_016dc792 ON slack_project_syncs USING btree (project_id); -- -- Name: slack_project_syncs_updated_by_id_152eb3b5; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX slack_project_syncs_updated_by_id_152eb3b5 ON slack_project_syncs USING btree (updated_by_id); -- -- Name: slack_project_syncs_workspace_id_d1822b06; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX slack_project_syncs_workspace_id_d1822b06 ON slack_project_syncs USING btree (workspace_id); -- -- Name: slack_project_syncs_workspace_integration_id_d89c9b40; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX slack_project_syncs_workspace_integration_id_d89c9b40 ON slack_project_syncs USING btree (workspace_integration_id); -- -- Name: social_login_connection_created_by_id_7ca2ef50; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX social_login_connection_created_by_id_7ca2ef50 ON social_login_connections USING btree (created_by_id); -- -- Name: social_login_connection_updated_by_id_c13deb42; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX social_login_connection_updated_by_id_c13deb42 ON social_login_connections USING btree (updated_by_id); -- -- Name: social_login_connection_user_id_0e26c0c5; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX social_login_connection_user_id_0e26c0c5 ON social_login_connections USING btree (user_id); -- -- Name: state_created_by_id_ff51a50d; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX state_created_by_id_ff51a50d ON states USING btree (created_by_id); -- -- Name: state_project_id_23a65fd6; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX state_project_id_23a65fd6 ON states USING btree (project_id); -- -- Name: state_slug_bab0af35; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX state_slug_bab0af35 ON states USING btree (slug); -- -- Name: state_slug_bab0af35_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX state_slug_bab0af35_like ON states USING btree (slug varchar_pattern_ops); -- -- Name: state_updated_by_id_be298453; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX state_updated_by_id_be298453 ON states USING btree (updated_by_id); -- -- Name: state_workspace_id_2293282d; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX state_workspace_id_2293282d ON states USING btree (workspace_id); -- -- Name: team_created_by_id_725a9101; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX team_created_by_id_725a9101 ON teams USING btree (created_by_id); -- -- Name: team_member_created_by_id_7cc0ad68; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX team_member_created_by_id_7cc0ad68 ON team_members USING btree (created_by_id); -- -- Name: team_member_member_id_905a2628; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX team_member_member_id_905a2628 ON team_members USING btree (member_id); -- -- Name: team_member_team_id_26812b86; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX team_member_team_id_26812b86 ON team_members USING btree (team_id); -- -- Name: team_member_updated_by_id_b1d37059; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX team_member_updated_by_id_b1d37059 ON team_members USING btree (updated_by_id); -- -- Name: team_member_workspace_id_5e13a185; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX team_member_workspace_id_5e13a185 ON team_members USING btree (workspace_id); -- -- Name: team_updated_by_id_79bb36f2; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX team_updated_by_id_79bb36f2 ON teams USING btree (updated_by_id); -- -- Name: team_workspace_id_1d56407f; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX team_workspace_id_1d56407f ON teams USING btree (workspace_id); -- -- Name: token_blacklist_outstandingtoken_jti_hex_d9bdf6f7_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX token_blacklist_outstandingtoken_jti_hex_d9bdf6f7_like ON token_blacklist_outstandingtoken USING btree (jti varchar_pattern_ops); -- -- Name: token_blacklist_outstandingtoken_user_id_83bc629a; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX token_blacklist_outstandingtoken_user_id_83bc629a ON token_blacklist_outstandingtoken USING btree (user_id); -- -- Name: user_email_54dc62b2_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX user_email_54dc62b2_like ON users USING btree (email varchar_pattern_ops); -- -- Name: user_groups_group_id_b76f8aba; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX user_groups_group_id_b76f8aba ON users_groups USING btree (group_id); -- -- Name: user_groups_user_id_abaea130; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX user_groups_user_id_abaea130 ON users_groups USING btree (user_id); -- -- Name: user_user_permissions_permission_id_9deb68a3; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX user_user_permissions_permission_id_9deb68a3 ON users_user_permissions USING btree (permission_id); -- -- Name: user_user_permissions_user_id_ed4a47ea; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX user_user_permissions_user_id_ed4a47ea ON users_user_permissions USING btree (user_id); -- -- Name: user_username_cf016618_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX user_username_cf016618_like ON users USING btree (username varchar_pattern_ops); -- -- Name: view_favorites_created_by_id_dc6047f5; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX view_favorites_created_by_id_dc6047f5 ON view_favorites USING btree (created_by_id); -- -- Name: view_favorites_project_id_241c521d; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX view_favorites_project_id_241c521d ON view_favorites USING btree (project_id); -- -- Name: view_favorites_updated_by_id_2418b683; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX view_favorites_updated_by_id_2418b683 ON view_favorites USING btree (updated_by_id); -- -- Name: view_favorites_user_id_b1e94c2e; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX view_favorites_user_id_b1e94c2e ON view_favorites USING btree (user_id); -- -- Name: view_favorites_view_id_3111e893; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX view_favorites_view_id_3111e893 ON view_favorites USING btree (view_id); -- -- Name: view_favorites_workspace_id_3dbdd2a2; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX view_favorites_workspace_id_3dbdd2a2 ON view_favorites USING btree (workspace_id); -- -- Name: webhook_logs_created_by_id_71e7bc38; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX webhook_logs_created_by_id_71e7bc38 ON webhook_logs USING btree (created_by_id); -- -- Name: webhook_logs_updated_by_id_3d9bad04; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX webhook_logs_updated_by_id_3d9bad04 ON webhook_logs USING btree (updated_by_id); -- -- Name: webhook_logs_webhook_id_53707b3d; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX webhook_logs_webhook_id_53707b3d ON webhook_logs USING btree (webhook_id); -- -- Name: webhook_logs_workspace_id_ffcd0e31; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX webhook_logs_workspace_id_ffcd0e31 ON webhook_logs USING btree (workspace_id); -- -- Name: webhooks_created_by_id_25aca1b0; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX webhooks_created_by_id_25aca1b0 ON webhooks USING btree (created_by_id); -- -- Name: webhooks_updated_by_id_ea35154e; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX webhooks_updated_by_id_ea35154e ON webhooks USING btree (updated_by_id); -- -- Name: webhooks_workspace_id_da5865d7; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX webhooks_workspace_id_da5865d7 ON webhooks USING btree (workspace_id); -- -- Name: workspace_created_by_id_10ad894e; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX workspace_created_by_id_10ad894e ON workspaces USING btree (created_by_id); -- -- Name: workspace_integrations_actor_id_21619aa1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX workspace_integrations_actor_id_21619aa1 ON workspace_integrations USING btree (actor_id); -- -- Name: workspace_integrations_api_token_id_bdb1759b; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX workspace_integrations_api_token_id_bdb1759b ON workspace_integrations USING btree (api_token_id); -- -- Name: workspace_integrations_created_by_id_37639c73; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX workspace_integrations_created_by_id_37639c73 ON workspace_integrations USING btree (created_by_id); -- -- Name: workspace_integrations_integration_id_6cb0aace; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX workspace_integrations_integration_id_6cb0aace ON workspace_integrations USING btree (integration_id); -- -- Name: workspace_integrations_updated_by_id_fce01dcb; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX workspace_integrations_updated_by_id_fce01dcb ON workspace_integrations USING btree (updated_by_id); -- -- Name: workspace_integrations_workspace_id_27ebeb6b; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX workspace_integrations_workspace_id_27ebeb6b ON workspace_integrations USING btree (workspace_id); -- -- Name: workspace_member_created_by_id_8dc8b040; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX workspace_member_created_by_id_8dc8b040 ON workspace_members USING btree (created_by_id); -- -- Name: workspace_member_invite_created_by_id_082f21d3; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX workspace_member_invite_created_by_id_082f21d3 ON workspace_member_invites USING btree (created_by_id); -- -- Name: workspace_member_invite_updated_by_id_d31a9c7f; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX workspace_member_invite_updated_by_id_d31a9c7f ON workspace_member_invites USING btree (updated_by_id); -- -- Name: workspace_member_invite_workspace_id_d935b364; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX workspace_member_invite_workspace_id_d935b364 ON workspace_member_invites USING btree (workspace_id); -- -- Name: workspace_member_member_id_824f5497; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX workspace_member_member_id_824f5497 ON workspace_members USING btree (member_id); -- -- Name: workspace_member_updated_by_id_1cec0062; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX workspace_member_updated_by_id_1cec0062 ON workspace_members USING btree (updated_by_id); -- -- Name: workspace_member_workspace_id_33f66d4b; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX workspace_member_workspace_id_33f66d4b ON workspace_members USING btree (workspace_id); -- -- Name: workspace_owner_id_60a8bafc; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX workspace_owner_id_60a8bafc ON workspaces USING btree (owner_id); -- -- Name: workspace_slug_4d89d459_like; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX workspace_slug_4d89d459_like ON workspaces USING btree (slug varchar_pattern_ops); -- -- Name: workspace_themes_actor_id_0e94172e; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX workspace_themes_actor_id_0e94172e ON workspace_themes USING btree (actor_id); -- -- Name: workspace_themes_created_by_id_676e2655; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX workspace_themes_created_by_id_676e2655 ON workspace_themes USING btree (created_by_id); -- -- Name: workspace_themes_updated_by_id_bba863fe; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX workspace_themes_updated_by_id_bba863fe ON workspace_themes USING btree (updated_by_id); -- -- Name: workspace_themes_workspace_id_d1bffad8; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX workspace_themes_workspace_id_d1bffad8 ON workspace_themes USING btree (workspace_id); -- -- Name: workspace_updated_by_id_09d249ed; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- CREATE INDEX workspace_updated_by_id_09d249ed ON workspaces USING btree (updated_by_id); -- -- Name: analytic_views analytic_views_created_by_id_1b3ca0a9_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY analytic_views ADD CONSTRAINT analytic_views_created_by_id_1b3ca0a9_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (created_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: analytic_views analytic_views_updated_by_id_b6d827e1_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY analytic_views ADD CONSTRAINT analytic_views_updated_by_id_b6d827e1_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (updated_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: analytic_views analytic_views_workspace_id_ca6e5c0b_fk_workspaces_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY analytic_views ADD CONSTRAINT analytic_views_workspace_id_ca6e5c0b_fk_workspaces_id FOREIGN KEY (workspace_id) REFERENCES workspaces(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: api_activity_logs api_activity_logs_created_by_id_7f5c4ca8_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY api_activity_logs ADD CONSTRAINT api_activity_logs_created_by_id_7f5c4ca8_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (created_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: api_activity_logs api_activity_logs_updated_by_id_9ba0d417_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY api_activity_logs ADD CONSTRAINT api_activity_logs_updated_by_id_9ba0d417_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (updated_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: api_tokens api_tokens_created_by_id_441e3d24_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY api_tokens ADD CONSTRAINT api_tokens_created_by_id_441e3d24_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (created_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: api_tokens api_tokens_updated_by_id_bcd544cf_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY api_tokens ADD CONSTRAINT api_tokens_updated_by_id_bcd544cf_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (updated_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: api_tokens api_tokens_user_id_2db24e1c_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY api_tokens ADD CONSTRAINT api_tokens_user_id_2db24e1c_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: api_tokens api_tokens_workspace_id_6791c7bd_fk_workspaces_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY api_tokens ADD CONSTRAINT api_tokens_workspace_id_6791c7bd_fk_workspaces_id FOREIGN KEY (workspace_id) REFERENCES workspaces(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: auth_group_permissions auth_group_permissio_permission_id_84c5c92e_fk_auth_perm; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY auth_group_permissions ADD CONSTRAINT auth_group_permissio_permission_id_84c5c92e_fk_auth_perm FOREIGN KEY (permission_id) REFERENCES auth_permission(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: auth_group_permissions auth_group_permissions_group_id_b120cbf9_fk_auth_group_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY auth_group_permissions ADD CONSTRAINT auth_group_permissions_group_id_b120cbf9_fk_auth_group_id FOREIGN KEY (group_id) REFERENCES auth_group(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: auth_permission auth_permission_content_type_id_2f476e4b_fk_django_co; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY auth_permission ADD CONSTRAINT auth_permission_content_type_id_2f476e4b_fk_django_co FOREIGN KEY (content_type_id) REFERENCES django_content_type(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: authtoken_token authtoken_token_user_id_35299eff_fk_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY authtoken_token ADD CONSTRAINT authtoken_token_user_id_35299eff_fk_user_id FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: comment_reactions comment_reactions_actor_id_21219e9c_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY comment_reactions ADD CONSTRAINT comment_reactions_actor_id_21219e9c_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (actor_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: comment_reactions comment_reactions_comment_id_87c59446_fk_issue_comments_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY comment_reactions ADD CONSTRAINT comment_reactions_comment_id_87c59446_fk_issue_comments_id FOREIGN KEY (comment_id) REFERENCES issue_comments(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: comment_reactions comment_reactions_created_by_id_9aeb43c4_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY comment_reactions ADD CONSTRAINT comment_reactions_created_by_id_9aeb43c4_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (created_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: comment_reactions comment_reactions_project_id_ab9114b4_fk_projects_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY comment_reactions ADD CONSTRAINT comment_reactions_project_id_ab9114b4_fk_projects_id FOREIGN KEY (project_id) REFERENCES projects(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: comment_reactions comment_reactions_updated_by_id_c74c9bbd_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY comment_reactions ADD CONSTRAINT comment_reactions_updated_by_id_c74c9bbd_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (updated_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: comment_reactions comment_reactions_workspace_id_b614ca4f_fk_workspaces_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY comment_reactions ADD CONSTRAINT comment_reactions_workspace_id_b614ca4f_fk_workspaces_id FOREIGN KEY (workspace_id) REFERENCES workspaces(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: cycles cycle_created_by_id_78e43b79_fk_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY cycles ADD CONSTRAINT cycle_created_by_id_78e43b79_fk_user_id FOREIGN KEY (created_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: cycle_favorites cycle_favorites_created_by_id_e888870b_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY cycle_favorites ADD CONSTRAINT cycle_favorites_created_by_id_e888870b_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (created_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: cycle_favorites cycle_favorites_cycle_id_8224e5ad_fk_cycles_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY cycle_favorites ADD CONSTRAINT cycle_favorites_cycle_id_8224e5ad_fk_cycles_id FOREIGN KEY (cycle_id) REFERENCES cycles(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: cycle_favorites cycle_favorites_project_id_f2977b66_fk_projects_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY cycle_favorites ADD CONSTRAINT cycle_favorites_project_id_f2977b66_fk_projects_id FOREIGN KEY (project_id) REFERENCES projects(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: cycle_favorites cycle_favorites_updated_by_id_8576232f_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY cycle_favorites ADD CONSTRAINT cycle_favorites_updated_by_id_8576232f_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (updated_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: cycle_favorites cycle_favorites_user_id_8a04268d_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY cycle_favorites ADD CONSTRAINT cycle_favorites_user_id_8a04268d_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: cycle_favorites cycle_favorites_workspace_id_07359b0b_fk_workspaces_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY cycle_favorites ADD CONSTRAINT cycle_favorites_workspace_id_07359b0b_fk_workspaces_id FOREIGN KEY (workspace_id) REFERENCES workspaces(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: cycle_issues cycle_issue_created_by_id_30b27539_fk_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY cycle_issues ADD CONSTRAINT cycle_issue_created_by_id_30b27539_fk_user_id FOREIGN KEY (created_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: cycle_issues cycle_issue_cycle_id_ec681215_fk_cycle_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY cycle_issues ADD CONSTRAINT cycle_issue_cycle_id_ec681215_fk_cycle_id FOREIGN KEY (cycle_id) REFERENCES cycles(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: cycle_issues cycle_issue_issue_id_fd06e284_fk_issue_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY cycle_issues ADD CONSTRAINT cycle_issue_issue_id_fd06e284_fk_issue_id FOREIGN KEY (issue_id) REFERENCES issues(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: cycle_issues cycle_issue_project_id_6ad3257a_fk_project_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY cycle_issues ADD CONSTRAINT cycle_issue_project_id_6ad3257a_fk_project_id FOREIGN KEY (project_id) REFERENCES projects(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: cycle_issues cycle_issue_updated_by_id_cb4516f2_fk_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY cycle_issues ADD CONSTRAINT cycle_issue_updated_by_id_cb4516f2_fk_user_id FOREIGN KEY (updated_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: cycle_issues cycle_issue_workspace_id_1d77330e_fk_workspace_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY cycle_issues ADD CONSTRAINT cycle_issue_workspace_id_1d77330e_fk_workspace_id FOREIGN KEY (workspace_id) REFERENCES workspaces(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: cycles cycle_owned_by_id_5456a4d1_fk_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY cycles ADD CONSTRAINT cycle_owned_by_id_5456a4d1_fk_user_id FOREIGN KEY (owned_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: cycles cycle_project_id_0b590349_fk_project_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY cycles ADD CONSTRAINT cycle_project_id_0b590349_fk_project_id FOREIGN KEY (project_id) REFERENCES projects(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: cycles cycle_updated_by_id_93baee43_fk_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY cycles ADD CONSTRAINT cycle_updated_by_id_93baee43_fk_user_id FOREIGN KEY (updated_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: cycles cycle_workspace_id_a199e8e1_fk_workspace_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY cycles ADD CONSTRAINT cycle_workspace_id_a199e8e1_fk_workspace_id FOREIGN KEY (workspace_id) REFERENCES workspaces(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: django_celery_beat_periodictask django_celery_beat_p_clocked_id_47a69f82_fk_django_ce; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY django_celery_beat_periodictask ADD CONSTRAINT django_celery_beat_p_clocked_id_47a69f82_fk_django_ce FOREIGN KEY (clocked_id) REFERENCES django_celery_beat_clockedschedule(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: django_celery_beat_periodictask django_celery_beat_p_crontab_id_d3cba168_fk_django_ce; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY django_celery_beat_periodictask ADD CONSTRAINT django_celery_beat_p_crontab_id_d3cba168_fk_django_ce FOREIGN KEY (crontab_id) REFERENCES django_celery_beat_crontabschedule(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: django_celery_beat_periodictask django_celery_beat_p_interval_id_a8ca27da_fk_django_ce; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY django_celery_beat_periodictask ADD CONSTRAINT django_celery_beat_p_interval_id_a8ca27da_fk_django_ce FOREIGN KEY (interval_id) REFERENCES django_celery_beat_intervalschedule(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: django_celery_beat_periodictask django_celery_beat_p_solar_id_a87ce72c_fk_django_ce; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY django_celery_beat_periodictask ADD CONSTRAINT django_celery_beat_p_solar_id_a87ce72c_fk_django_ce FOREIGN KEY (solar_id) REFERENCES django_celery_beat_solarschedule(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: estimate_points estimate_points_created_by_id_d1b04bd9_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY estimate_points ADD CONSTRAINT estimate_points_created_by_id_d1b04bd9_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (created_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: estimate_points estimate_points_estimate_id_4b4cb706_fk_estimates_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY estimate_points ADD CONSTRAINT estimate_points_estimate_id_4b4cb706_fk_estimates_id FOREIGN KEY (estimate_id) REFERENCES estimates(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: estimate_points estimate_points_project_id_ba9bcb2c_fk_projects_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY estimate_points ADD CONSTRAINT estimate_points_project_id_ba9bcb2c_fk_projects_id FOREIGN KEY (project_id) REFERENCES projects(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: estimate_points estimate_points_updated_by_id_a1da94e1_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY estimate_points ADD CONSTRAINT estimate_points_updated_by_id_a1da94e1_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (updated_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: estimate_points estimate_points_workspace_id_96fc4f92_fk_workspaces_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY estimate_points ADD CONSTRAINT estimate_points_workspace_id_96fc4f92_fk_workspaces_id FOREIGN KEY (workspace_id) REFERENCES workspaces(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: estimates estimates_created_by_id_7e401493_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY estimates ADD CONSTRAINT estimates_created_by_id_7e401493_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (created_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: estimates estimates_project_id_7f195a41_fk_projects_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY estimates ADD CONSTRAINT estimates_project_id_7f195a41_fk_projects_id FOREIGN KEY (project_id) REFERENCES projects(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: estimates estimates_updated_by_id_b3fcfb1d_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY estimates ADD CONSTRAINT estimates_updated_by_id_b3fcfb1d_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (updated_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: estimates estimates_workspace_id_718811eb_fk_workspaces_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY estimates ADD CONSTRAINT estimates_workspace_id_718811eb_fk_workspaces_id FOREIGN KEY (workspace_id) REFERENCES workspaces(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: exporters exporters_created_by_id_44e1d9b3_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY exporters ADD CONSTRAINT exporters_created_by_id_44e1d9b3_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (created_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: exporters exporters_initiated_by_id_d51f7552_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY exporters ADD CONSTRAINT exporters_initiated_by_id_d51f7552_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (initiated_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: exporters exporters_updated_by_id_d2572861_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY exporters ADD CONSTRAINT exporters_updated_by_id_d2572861_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (updated_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: exporters exporters_workspace_id_11a04317_fk_workspaces_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY exporters ADD CONSTRAINT exporters_workspace_id_11a04317_fk_workspaces_id FOREIGN KEY (workspace_id) REFERENCES workspaces(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: file_assets file_asset_created_by_id_966942a0_fk_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY file_assets ADD CONSTRAINT file_asset_created_by_id_966942a0_fk_user_id FOREIGN KEY (created_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: file_assets file_asset_updated_by_id_d6aaf4f0_fk_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY file_assets ADD CONSTRAINT file_asset_updated_by_id_d6aaf4f0_fk_user_id FOREIGN KEY (updated_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: file_assets file_assets_workspace_id_fa50b9c5_fk_workspaces_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY file_assets ADD CONSTRAINT file_assets_workspace_id_fa50b9c5_fk_workspaces_id FOREIGN KEY (workspace_id) REFERENCES workspaces(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: github_comment_syncs github_comment_syncs_comment_id_6feec6d1_fk_issue_comments_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY github_comment_syncs ADD CONSTRAINT github_comment_syncs_comment_id_6feec6d1_fk_issue_comments_id FOREIGN KEY (comment_id) REFERENCES issue_comments(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: github_comment_syncs github_comment_syncs_created_by_id_b1ef2517_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY github_comment_syncs ADD CONSTRAINT github_comment_syncs_created_by_id_b1ef2517_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (created_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: github_comment_syncs github_comment_syncs_issue_sync_id_5e738eb5_fk_github_is; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY github_comment_syncs ADD CONSTRAINT github_comment_syncs_issue_sync_id_5e738eb5_fk_github_is FOREIGN KEY (issue_sync_id) REFERENCES github_issue_syncs(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: github_comment_syncs github_comment_syncs_project_id_6d199ace_fk_projects_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY github_comment_syncs ADD CONSTRAINT github_comment_syncs_project_id_6d199ace_fk_projects_id FOREIGN KEY (project_id) REFERENCES projects(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: github_comment_syncs github_comment_syncs_updated_by_id_bb05c066_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY github_comment_syncs ADD CONSTRAINT github_comment_syncs_updated_by_id_bb05c066_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (updated_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: github_comment_syncs github_comment_syncs_workspace_id_b54528c8_fk_workspaces_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY github_comment_syncs ADD CONSTRAINT github_comment_syncs_workspace_id_b54528c8_fk_workspaces_id FOREIGN KEY (workspace_id) REFERENCES workspaces(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: github_issue_syncs github_issue_syncs_created_by_id_d02b7c56_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY github_issue_syncs ADD CONSTRAINT github_issue_syncs_created_by_id_d02b7c56_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (created_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: github_issue_syncs github_issue_syncs_issue_id_450cb083_fk_issues_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY github_issue_syncs ADD CONSTRAINT github_issue_syncs_issue_id_450cb083_fk_issues_id FOREIGN KEY (issue_id) REFERENCES issues(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: github_issue_syncs github_issue_syncs_project_id_4609ad0c_fk_projects_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY github_issue_syncs ADD CONSTRAINT github_issue_syncs_project_id_4609ad0c_fk_projects_id FOREIGN KEY (project_id) REFERENCES projects(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: github_issue_syncs github_issue_syncs_repository_sync_id_ba0d4de4_fk_github_re; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY github_issue_syncs ADD CONSTRAINT github_issue_syncs_repository_sync_id_ba0d4de4_fk_github_re FOREIGN KEY (repository_sync_id) REFERENCES github_repository_syncs(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: github_issue_syncs github_issue_syncs_updated_by_id_e9cd6f86_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY github_issue_syncs ADD CONSTRAINT github_issue_syncs_updated_by_id_e9cd6f86_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (updated_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: github_issue_syncs github_issue_syncs_workspace_id_eae020ad_fk_workspaces_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY github_issue_syncs ADD CONSTRAINT github_issue_syncs_workspace_id_eae020ad_fk_workspaces_id FOREIGN KEY (workspace_id) REFERENCES workspaces(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: github_repositories github_repositories_created_by_id_104fa685_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY github_repositories ADD CONSTRAINT github_repositories_created_by_id_104fa685_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (created_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: github_repositories github_repositories_project_id_65c546bb_fk_projects_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY github_repositories ADD CONSTRAINT github_repositories_project_id_65c546bb_fk_projects_id FOREIGN KEY (project_id) REFERENCES projects(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: github_repositories github_repositories_updated_by_id_8aa4d772_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY github_repositories ADD CONSTRAINT github_repositories_updated_by_id_8aa4d772_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (updated_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: github_repositories github_repositories_workspace_id_c4de7326_fk_workspaces_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY github_repositories ADD CONSTRAINT github_repositories_workspace_id_c4de7326_fk_workspaces_id FOREIGN KEY (workspace_id) REFERENCES workspaces(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: github_repository_syncs github_repository_sy_repository_id_ead52404_fk_github_re; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY github_repository_syncs ADD CONSTRAINT github_repository_sy_repository_id_ead52404_fk_github_re FOREIGN KEY (repository_id) REFERENCES github_repositories(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: github_repository_syncs github_repository_sy_workspace_integratio_62858398_fk_workspace; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY github_repository_syncs ADD CONSTRAINT github_repository_sy_workspace_integratio_62858398_fk_workspace FOREIGN KEY (workspace_integration_id) REFERENCES workspace_integrations(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: github_repository_syncs github_repository_syncs_actor_id_1fa689fe_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY github_repository_syncs ADD CONSTRAINT github_repository_syncs_actor_id_1fa689fe_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (actor_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: github_repository_syncs github_repository_syncs_created_by_id_0df94495_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY github_repository_syncs ADD CONSTRAINT github_repository_syncs_created_by_id_0df94495_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (created_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: github_repository_syncs github_repository_syncs_label_id_eb1e9bd7_fk_labels_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY github_repository_syncs ADD CONSTRAINT github_repository_syncs_label_id_eb1e9bd7_fk_labels_id FOREIGN KEY (label_id) REFERENCES labels(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: github_repository_syncs github_repository_syncs_project_id_e7e8291e_fk_projects_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY github_repository_syncs ADD CONSTRAINT github_repository_syncs_project_id_e7e8291e_fk_projects_id FOREIGN KEY (project_id) REFERENCES projects(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: github_repository_syncs github_repository_syncs_updated_by_id_07e9d065_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY github_repository_syncs ADD CONSTRAINT github_repository_syncs_updated_by_id_07e9d065_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (updated_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: github_repository_syncs github_repository_syncs_workspace_id_4a22a8b8_fk_workspaces_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY github_repository_syncs ADD CONSTRAINT github_repository_syncs_workspace_id_4a22a8b8_fk_workspaces_id FOREIGN KEY (workspace_id) REFERENCES workspaces(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: global_views global_views_created_by_id_14b7d95c_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY global_views ADD CONSTRAINT global_views_created_by_id_14b7d95c_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (created_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: global_views global_views_updated_by_id_112e0281_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY global_views ADD CONSTRAINT global_views_updated_by_id_112e0281_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (updated_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: global_views global_views_workspace_id_3c68eca7_fk_workspaces_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY global_views ADD CONSTRAINT global_views_workspace_id_3c68eca7_fk_workspaces_id FOREIGN KEY (workspace_id) REFERENCES workspaces(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: importers importers_created_by_id_7dd06433_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY importers ADD CONSTRAINT importers_created_by_id_7dd06433_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (created_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: importers importers_initiated_by_id_3cddbd23_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY importers ADD CONSTRAINT importers_initiated_by_id_3cddbd23_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (initiated_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: importers importers_project_id_1f8b43ef_fk_projects_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY importers ADD CONSTRAINT importers_project_id_1f8b43ef_fk_projects_id FOREIGN KEY (project_id) REFERENCES projects(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: importers importers_token_id_c951e89f_fk_api_tokens_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY importers ADD CONSTRAINT importers_token_id_c951e89f_fk_api_tokens_id FOREIGN KEY (token_id) REFERENCES api_tokens(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: importers importers_updated_by_id_3915139e_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY importers ADD CONSTRAINT importers_updated_by_id_3915139e_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (updated_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: importers importers_workspace_id_795b8985_fk_workspaces_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY importers ADD CONSTRAINT importers_workspace_id_795b8985_fk_workspaces_id FOREIGN KEY (workspace_id) REFERENCES workspaces(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: inbox_issues inbox_issues_created_by_id_483bce13_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY inbox_issues ADD CONSTRAINT inbox_issues_created_by_id_483bce13_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (created_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: inbox_issues inbox_issues_duplicate_to_id_6cb8d961_fk_issues_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY inbox_issues ADD CONSTRAINT inbox_issues_duplicate_to_id_6cb8d961_fk_issues_id FOREIGN KEY (duplicate_to_id) REFERENCES issues(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: inbox_issues inbox_issues_inbox_id_444b05b9_fk_inboxes_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY inbox_issues ADD CONSTRAINT inbox_issues_inbox_id_444b05b9_fk_inboxes_id FOREIGN KEY (inbox_id) REFERENCES inboxes(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: inbox_issues inbox_issues_issue_id_7d74b224_fk_issues_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY inbox_issues ADD CONSTRAINT inbox_issues_issue_id_7d74b224_fk_issues_id FOREIGN KEY (issue_id) REFERENCES issues(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: inbox_issues inbox_issues_project_id_5117a70b_fk_projects_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY inbox_issues ADD CONSTRAINT inbox_issues_project_id_5117a70b_fk_projects_id FOREIGN KEY (project_id) REFERENCES projects(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: inbox_issues inbox_issues_updated_by_id_d1b2b70f_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY inbox_issues ADD CONSTRAINT inbox_issues_updated_by_id_d1b2b70f_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (updated_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: inbox_issues inbox_issues_workspace_id_4a61a7bd_fk_workspaces_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY inbox_issues ADD CONSTRAINT inbox_issues_workspace_id_4a61a7bd_fk_workspaces_id FOREIGN KEY (workspace_id) REFERENCES workspaces(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: inboxes inboxes_created_by_id_9f1cf5ec_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY inboxes ADD CONSTRAINT inboxes_created_by_id_9f1cf5ec_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (created_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: inboxes inboxes_project_id_a0135c66_fk_projects_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY inboxes ADD CONSTRAINT inboxes_project_id_a0135c66_fk_projects_id FOREIGN KEY (project_id) REFERENCES projects(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: inboxes inboxes_updated_by_id_69b7b3ae_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY inboxes ADD CONSTRAINT inboxes_updated_by_id_69b7b3ae_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (updated_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: inboxes inboxes_workspace_id_d6178865_fk_workspaces_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY inboxes ADD CONSTRAINT inboxes_workspace_id_d6178865_fk_workspaces_id FOREIGN KEY (workspace_id) REFERENCES workspaces(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: instance_admins instance_admins_created_by_id_7f4e03b4_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY instance_admins ADD CONSTRAINT instance_admins_created_by_id_7f4e03b4_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (created_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: instance_admins instance_admins_instance_id_66d1ba73_fk_instances_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY instance_admins ADD CONSTRAINT instance_admins_instance_id_66d1ba73_fk_instances_id FOREIGN KEY (instance_id) REFERENCES instances(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: instance_admins instance_admins_updated_by_id_b7800403_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY instance_admins ADD CONSTRAINT instance_admins_updated_by_id_b7800403_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (updated_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: instance_admins instance_admins_user_id_cc6e9b62_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY instance_admins ADD CONSTRAINT instance_admins_user_id_cc6e9b62_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: instance_configurations instance_configurations_created_by_id_e683f3e5_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY instance_configurations ADD CONSTRAINT instance_configurations_created_by_id_e683f3e5_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (created_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: instance_configurations instance_configurations_updated_by_id_f0d7542e_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY instance_configurations ADD CONSTRAINT instance_configurations_updated_by_id_f0d7542e_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (updated_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: instances instances_created_by_id_c76e92ef_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY instances ADD CONSTRAINT instances_created_by_id_c76e92ef_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (created_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: instances instances_updated_by_id_cce8fcdf_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY instances ADD CONSTRAINT instances_updated_by_id_cce8fcdf_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (updated_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: integrations integrations_created_by_id_0b6edd52_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY integrations ADD CONSTRAINT integrations_created_by_id_0b6edd52_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (created_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: integrations integrations_updated_by_id_d6d00d15_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY integrations ADD CONSTRAINT integrations_updated_by_id_d6d00d15_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (updated_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: issue_activities issue_activities_issue_id_180e5662_fk_issues_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_activities ADD CONSTRAINT issue_activities_issue_id_180e5662_fk_issues_id FOREIGN KEY (issue_id) REFERENCES issues(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: issue_activities issue_activity_actor_id_52fdd42d_fk_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_activities ADD CONSTRAINT issue_activity_actor_id_52fdd42d_fk_user_id FOREIGN KEY (actor_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: issue_activities issue_activity_created_by_id_49516e3d_fk_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_activities ADD CONSTRAINT issue_activity_created_by_id_49516e3d_fk_user_id FOREIGN KEY (created_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: issue_activities issue_activity_issue_comment_id_701f3c3c_fk_issue_comment_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_activities ADD CONSTRAINT issue_activity_issue_comment_id_701f3c3c_fk_issue_comment_id FOREIGN KEY (issue_comment_id) REFERENCES issue_comments(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: issue_activities issue_activity_project_id_d0ac2ccf_fk_project_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_activities ADD CONSTRAINT issue_activity_project_id_d0ac2ccf_fk_project_id FOREIGN KEY (project_id) REFERENCES projects(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: issue_activities issue_activity_updated_by_id_0075f9bd_fk_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_activities ADD CONSTRAINT issue_activity_updated_by_id_0075f9bd_fk_user_id FOREIGN KEY (updated_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: issue_activities issue_activity_workspace_id_65acaf73_fk_workspace_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_activities ADD CONSTRAINT issue_activity_workspace_id_65acaf73_fk_workspace_id FOREIGN KEY (workspace_id) REFERENCES workspaces(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: issue_assignees issue_assignee_assignee_id_50f5c04e_fk_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_assignees ADD CONSTRAINT issue_assignee_assignee_id_50f5c04e_fk_user_id FOREIGN KEY (assignee_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: issue_assignees issue_assignee_created_by_id_f693d43b_fk_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_assignees ADD CONSTRAINT issue_assignee_created_by_id_f693d43b_fk_user_id FOREIGN KEY (created_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: issue_assignees issue_assignee_issue_id_72da08db_fk_issue_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_assignees ADD CONSTRAINT issue_assignee_issue_id_72da08db_fk_issue_id FOREIGN KEY (issue_id) REFERENCES issues(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: issue_assignees issue_assignee_project_id_61c18bf2_fk_project_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_assignees ADD CONSTRAINT issue_assignee_project_id_61c18bf2_fk_project_id FOREIGN KEY (project_id) REFERENCES projects(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: issue_assignees issue_assignee_updated_by_id_c54088aa_fk_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_assignees ADD CONSTRAINT issue_assignee_updated_by_id_c54088aa_fk_user_id FOREIGN KEY (updated_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: issue_assignees issue_assignee_workspace_id_9aad55b7_fk_workspace_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_assignees ADD CONSTRAINT issue_assignee_workspace_id_9aad55b7_fk_workspace_id FOREIGN KEY (workspace_id) REFERENCES workspaces(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: issue_attachments issue_attachments_created_by_id_87be05bb_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_attachments ADD CONSTRAINT issue_attachments_created_by_id_87be05bb_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (created_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: issue_attachments issue_attachments_issue_id_0faf88bf_fk_issues_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_attachments ADD CONSTRAINT issue_attachments_issue_id_0faf88bf_fk_issues_id FOREIGN KEY (issue_id) REFERENCES issues(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: issue_attachments issue_attachments_project_id_a95fe706_fk_projects_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_attachments ADD CONSTRAINT issue_attachments_project_id_a95fe706_fk_projects_id FOREIGN KEY (project_id) REFERENCES projects(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: issue_attachments issue_attachments_updated_by_id_47dceec1_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_attachments ADD CONSTRAINT issue_attachments_updated_by_id_47dceec1_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (updated_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: issue_attachments issue_attachments_workspace_id_c456a532_fk_workspaces_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_attachments ADD CONSTRAINT issue_attachments_workspace_id_c456a532_fk_workspaces_id FOREIGN KEY (workspace_id) REFERENCES workspaces(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: issue_blockers issue_blocker_block_id_5d15a701_fk_issue_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_blockers ADD CONSTRAINT issue_blocker_block_id_5d15a701_fk_issue_id FOREIGN KEY (block_id) REFERENCES issues(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: issue_blockers issue_blocker_blocked_by_id_a138af71_fk_issue_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_blockers ADD CONSTRAINT issue_blocker_blocked_by_id_a138af71_fk_issue_id FOREIGN KEY (blocked_by_id) REFERENCES issues(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: issue_blockers issue_blocker_created_by_id_0d19f6ea_fk_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_blockers ADD CONSTRAINT issue_blocker_created_by_id_0d19f6ea_fk_user_id FOREIGN KEY (created_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: issue_blockers issue_blocker_project_id_380bd100_fk_project_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_blockers ADD CONSTRAINT issue_blocker_project_id_380bd100_fk_project_id FOREIGN KEY (project_id) REFERENCES projects(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: issue_blockers issue_blocker_updated_by_id_4af87d63_fk_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_blockers ADD CONSTRAINT issue_blocker_updated_by_id_4af87d63_fk_user_id FOREIGN KEY (updated_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: issue_blockers issue_blocker_workspace_id_419a1c71_fk_workspace_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_blockers ADD CONSTRAINT issue_blocker_workspace_id_419a1c71_fk_workspace_id FOREIGN KEY (workspace_id) REFERENCES workspaces(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: issue_comments issue_comment_actor_id_d312315b_fk_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_comments ADD CONSTRAINT issue_comment_actor_id_d312315b_fk_user_id FOREIGN KEY (actor_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: issue_comments issue_comment_created_by_id_0765f239_fk_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_comments ADD CONSTRAINT issue_comment_created_by_id_0765f239_fk_user_id FOREIGN KEY (created_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: issue_comments issue_comment_issue_id_d0195e35_fk_issue_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_comments ADD CONSTRAINT issue_comment_issue_id_d0195e35_fk_issue_id FOREIGN KEY (issue_id) REFERENCES issues(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: issue_comments issue_comment_project_id_db37c105_fk_project_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_comments ADD CONSTRAINT issue_comment_project_id_db37c105_fk_project_id FOREIGN KEY (project_id) REFERENCES projects(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: issue_comments issue_comment_updated_by_id_96cfb86e_fk_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_comments ADD CONSTRAINT issue_comment_updated_by_id_96cfb86e_fk_user_id FOREIGN KEY (updated_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: issue_comments issue_comment_workspace_id_3f7969ec_fk_workspace_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_comments ADD CONSTRAINT issue_comment_workspace_id_3f7969ec_fk_workspace_id FOREIGN KEY (workspace_id) REFERENCES workspaces(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: issues issue_created_by_id_8f0ae62b_fk_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issues ADD CONSTRAINT issue_created_by_id_8f0ae62b_fk_user_id FOREIGN KEY (created_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: issue_labels issue_label_created_by_id_94075315_fk_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_labels ADD CONSTRAINT issue_label_created_by_id_94075315_fk_user_id FOREIGN KEY (created_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: issue_labels issue_label_issue_id_0f252e52_fk_issue_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_labels ADD CONSTRAINT issue_label_issue_id_0f252e52_fk_issue_id FOREIGN KEY (issue_id) REFERENCES issues(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: issue_labels issue_label_label_id_5f22777f_fk_label_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_labels ADD CONSTRAINT issue_label_label_id_5f22777f_fk_label_id FOREIGN KEY (label_id) REFERENCES labels(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: issue_labels issue_label_project_id_eaa2ba39_fk_project_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_labels ADD CONSTRAINT issue_label_project_id_eaa2ba39_fk_project_id FOREIGN KEY (project_id) REFERENCES projects(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: issue_labels issue_label_updated_by_id_a97a6733_fk_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_labels ADD CONSTRAINT issue_label_updated_by_id_a97a6733_fk_user_id FOREIGN KEY (updated_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: issue_labels issue_label_workspace_id_b5b1faac_fk_workspace_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_labels ADD CONSTRAINT issue_label_workspace_id_b5b1faac_fk_workspace_id FOREIGN KEY (workspace_id) REFERENCES workspaces(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: issue_links issue_links_created_by_id_5e4aa092_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_links ADD CONSTRAINT issue_links_created_by_id_5e4aa092_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (created_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: issue_links issue_links_issue_id_7032881f_fk_issues_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_links ADD CONSTRAINT issue_links_issue_id_7032881f_fk_issues_id FOREIGN KEY (issue_id) REFERENCES issues(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: issue_links issue_links_project_id_63d6e9ce_fk_projects_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_links ADD CONSTRAINT issue_links_project_id_63d6e9ce_fk_projects_id FOREIGN KEY (project_id) REFERENCES projects(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: issue_links issue_links_updated_by_id_a771cce4_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_links ADD CONSTRAINT issue_links_updated_by_id_a771cce4_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (updated_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: issue_links issue_links_workspace_id_ff9038e7_fk_workspaces_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_links ADD CONSTRAINT issue_links_workspace_id_ff9038e7_fk_workspaces_id FOREIGN KEY (workspace_id) REFERENCES workspaces(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: issue_mentions issue_mentions_created_by_id_eb44759e_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_mentions ADD CONSTRAINT issue_mentions_created_by_id_eb44759e_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (created_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: issue_mentions issue_mentions_issue_id_d8821107_fk_issues_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_mentions ADD CONSTRAINT issue_mentions_issue_id_d8821107_fk_issues_id FOREIGN KEY (issue_id) REFERENCES issues(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: issue_mentions issue_mentions_mention_id_cf1b9346_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_mentions ADD CONSTRAINT issue_mentions_mention_id_cf1b9346_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (mention_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: issue_mentions issue_mentions_project_id_d0cccdf5_fk_projects_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_mentions ADD CONSTRAINT issue_mentions_project_id_d0cccdf5_fk_projects_id FOREIGN KEY (project_id) REFERENCES projects(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: issue_mentions issue_mentions_updated_by_id_c62106d3_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_mentions ADD CONSTRAINT issue_mentions_updated_by_id_c62106d3_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (updated_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: issue_mentions issue_mentions_workspace_id_4ca59d05_fk_workspaces_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_mentions ADD CONSTRAINT issue_mentions_workspace_id_4ca59d05_fk_workspaces_id FOREIGN KEY (workspace_id) REFERENCES workspaces(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: issues issue_parent_id_ce8d76ba_fk_issue_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issues ADD CONSTRAINT issue_parent_id_ce8d76ba_fk_issue_id FOREIGN KEY (parent_id) REFERENCES issues(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: issues issue_project_id_fea0fc80_fk_project_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issues ADD CONSTRAINT issue_project_id_fea0fc80_fk_project_id FOREIGN KEY (project_id) REFERENCES projects(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: issue_properties issue_property_created_by_id_8e92131c_fk_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_properties ADD CONSTRAINT issue_property_created_by_id_8e92131c_fk_user_id FOREIGN KEY (created_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: issue_properties issue_property_project_id_30e7de7b_fk_project_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_properties ADD CONSTRAINT issue_property_project_id_30e7de7b_fk_project_id FOREIGN KEY (project_id) REFERENCES projects(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: issue_properties issue_property_updated_by_id_ff158d4d_fk_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_properties ADD CONSTRAINT issue_property_updated_by_id_ff158d4d_fk_user_id FOREIGN KEY (updated_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: issue_properties issue_property_user_id_0b1d1c8f_fk_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_properties ADD CONSTRAINT issue_property_user_id_0b1d1c8f_fk_user_id FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: issue_properties issue_property_workspace_id_17860d65_fk_workspace_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_properties ADD CONSTRAINT issue_property_workspace_id_17860d65_fk_workspace_id FOREIGN KEY (workspace_id) REFERENCES workspaces(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: issue_reactions issue_reactions_actor_id_5f5b8303_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_reactions ADD CONSTRAINT issue_reactions_actor_id_5f5b8303_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (actor_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: issue_reactions issue_reactions_created_by_id_3953b7de_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_reactions ADD CONSTRAINT issue_reactions_created_by_id_3953b7de_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (created_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: issue_reactions issue_reactions_issue_id_2c324bae_fk_issues_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_reactions ADD CONSTRAINT issue_reactions_issue_id_2c324bae_fk_issues_id FOREIGN KEY (issue_id) REFERENCES issues(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: issue_reactions issue_reactions_project_id_8708ecaf_fk_projects_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_reactions ADD CONSTRAINT issue_reactions_project_id_8708ecaf_fk_projects_id FOREIGN KEY (project_id) REFERENCES projects(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: issue_reactions issue_reactions_updated_by_id_4069af90_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_reactions ADD CONSTRAINT issue_reactions_updated_by_id_4069af90_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (updated_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: issue_reactions issue_reactions_workspace_id_bd8d7550_fk_workspaces_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_reactions ADD CONSTRAINT issue_reactions_workspace_id_bd8d7550_fk_workspaces_id FOREIGN KEY (workspace_id) REFERENCES workspaces(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: issue_relations issue_relations_created_by_id_854d07e7_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_relations ADD CONSTRAINT issue_relations_created_by_id_854d07e7_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (created_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: issue_relations issue_relations_issue_id_e1db6f72_fk_issues_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_relations ADD CONSTRAINT issue_relations_issue_id_e1db6f72_fk_issues_id FOREIGN KEY (issue_id) REFERENCES issues(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: issue_relations issue_relations_project_id_15350161_fk_projects_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_relations ADD CONSTRAINT issue_relations_project_id_15350161_fk_projects_id FOREIGN KEY (project_id) REFERENCES projects(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: issue_relations issue_relations_related_issue_id_e1ea44a7_fk_issues_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_relations ADD CONSTRAINT issue_relations_related_issue_id_e1ea44a7_fk_issues_id FOREIGN KEY (related_issue_id) REFERENCES issues(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: issue_relations issue_relations_updated_by_id_3dfa850f_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_relations ADD CONSTRAINT issue_relations_updated_by_id_3dfa850f_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (updated_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: issue_relations issue_relations_workspace_id_00b50e90_fk_workspaces_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_relations ADD CONSTRAINT issue_relations_workspace_id_00b50e90_fk_workspaces_id FOREIGN KEY (workspace_id) REFERENCES workspaces(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: issue_sequences issue_sequence_created_by_id_59270506_fk_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_sequences ADD CONSTRAINT issue_sequence_created_by_id_59270506_fk_user_id FOREIGN KEY (created_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: issue_sequences issue_sequence_issue_id_16e9f00f_fk_issue_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_sequences ADD CONSTRAINT issue_sequence_issue_id_16e9f00f_fk_issue_id FOREIGN KEY (issue_id) REFERENCES issues(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: issue_sequences issue_sequence_project_id_ce882e85_fk_project_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_sequences ADD CONSTRAINT issue_sequence_project_id_ce882e85_fk_project_id FOREIGN KEY (project_id) REFERENCES projects(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: issue_sequences issue_sequence_updated_by_id_310c8dd3_fk_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_sequences ADD CONSTRAINT issue_sequence_updated_by_id_310c8dd3_fk_user_id FOREIGN KEY (updated_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: issue_sequences issue_sequence_workspace_id_0d3f0fd4_fk_workspace_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_sequences ADD CONSTRAINT issue_sequence_workspace_id_0d3f0fd4_fk_workspace_id FOREIGN KEY (workspace_id) REFERENCES workspaces(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: issues issue_state_id_1a65560d_fk_state_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issues ADD CONSTRAINT issue_state_id_1a65560d_fk_state_id FOREIGN KEY (state_id) REFERENCES states(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: issue_subscribers issue_subscribers_created_by_id_b6ea0157_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_subscribers ADD CONSTRAINT issue_subscribers_created_by_id_b6ea0157_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (created_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: issue_subscribers issue_subscribers_issue_id_85cf2093_fk_issues_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_subscribers ADD CONSTRAINT issue_subscribers_issue_id_85cf2093_fk_issues_id FOREIGN KEY (issue_id) REFERENCES issues(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: issue_subscribers issue_subscribers_project_id_cf48d75f_fk_projects_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_subscribers ADD CONSTRAINT issue_subscribers_project_id_cf48d75f_fk_projects_id FOREIGN KEY (project_id) REFERENCES projects(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: issue_subscribers issue_subscribers_subscriber_id_2d89c988_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_subscribers ADD CONSTRAINT issue_subscribers_subscriber_id_2d89c988_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (subscriber_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: issue_subscribers issue_subscribers_updated_by_id_1bfc2f55_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_subscribers ADD CONSTRAINT issue_subscribers_updated_by_id_1bfc2f55_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (updated_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: issue_subscribers issue_subscribers_workspace_id_96afa91f_fk_workspaces_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_subscribers ADD CONSTRAINT issue_subscribers_workspace_id_96afa91f_fk_workspaces_id FOREIGN KEY (workspace_id) REFERENCES workspaces(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: issues issue_updated_by_id_f1261863_fk_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issues ADD CONSTRAINT issue_updated_by_id_f1261863_fk_user_id FOREIGN KEY (updated_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: issue_views issue_views_created_by_id_0d2e456b_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_views ADD CONSTRAINT issue_views_created_by_id_0d2e456b_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (created_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: issue_views issue_views_project_id_55ee009f_fk_projects_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_views ADD CONSTRAINT issue_views_project_id_55ee009f_fk_projects_id FOREIGN KEY (project_id) REFERENCES projects(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: issue_views issue_views_updated_by_id_28cd9870_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_views ADD CONSTRAINT issue_views_updated_by_id_28cd9870_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (updated_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: issue_views issue_views_workspace_id_8785e03d_fk_workspaces_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_views ADD CONSTRAINT issue_views_workspace_id_8785e03d_fk_workspaces_id FOREIGN KEY (workspace_id) REFERENCES workspaces(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: issue_votes issue_votes_actor_id_525cab61_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_votes ADD CONSTRAINT issue_votes_actor_id_525cab61_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (actor_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: issue_votes issue_votes_created_by_id_86adcf5c_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_votes ADD CONSTRAINT issue_votes_created_by_id_86adcf5c_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (created_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: issue_votes issue_votes_issue_id_07a61ecb_fk_issues_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_votes ADD CONSTRAINT issue_votes_issue_id_07a61ecb_fk_issues_id FOREIGN KEY (issue_id) REFERENCES issues(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: issue_votes issue_votes_project_id_b649f55b_fk_projects_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_votes ADD CONSTRAINT issue_votes_project_id_b649f55b_fk_projects_id FOREIGN KEY (project_id) REFERENCES projects(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: issue_votes issue_votes_updated_by_id_9e2a6cdc_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_votes ADD CONSTRAINT issue_votes_updated_by_id_9e2a6cdc_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (updated_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: issue_votes issue_votes_workspace_id_a3e91a6b_fk_workspaces_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issue_votes ADD CONSTRAINT issue_votes_workspace_id_a3e91a6b_fk_workspaces_id FOREIGN KEY (workspace_id) REFERENCES workspaces(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: issues issue_workspace_id_c84878c1_fk_workspace_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY issues ADD CONSTRAINT issue_workspace_id_c84878c1_fk_workspace_id FOREIGN KEY (workspace_id) REFERENCES workspaces(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: labels label_created_by_id_aa6ffcfa_fk_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY labels ADD CONSTRAINT label_created_by_id_aa6ffcfa_fk_user_id FOREIGN KEY (created_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: labels label_parent_id_7a853296_fk_label_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY labels ADD CONSTRAINT label_parent_id_7a853296_fk_label_id FOREIGN KEY (parent_id) REFERENCES labels(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: labels label_project_id_90e0f1a2_fk_project_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY labels ADD CONSTRAINT label_project_id_90e0f1a2_fk_project_id FOREIGN KEY (project_id) REFERENCES projects(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: labels label_updated_by_id_894a5464_fk_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY labels ADD CONSTRAINT label_updated_by_id_894a5464_fk_user_id FOREIGN KEY (updated_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: labels label_workspace_id_c4c9ae5a_fk_workspace_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY labels ADD CONSTRAINT label_workspace_id_c4c9ae5a_fk_workspace_id FOREIGN KEY (workspace_id) REFERENCES workspaces(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: modules module_created_by_id_ff7a5866_fk_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY modules ADD CONSTRAINT module_created_by_id_ff7a5866_fk_user_id FOREIGN KEY (created_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: module_favorites module_favorites_created_by_id_7f84820d_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY module_favorites ADD CONSTRAINT module_favorites_created_by_id_7f84820d_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (created_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: module_favorites module_favorites_module_id_c4f0736b_fk_modules_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY module_favorites ADD CONSTRAINT module_favorites_module_id_c4f0736b_fk_modules_id FOREIGN KEY (module_id) REFERENCES modules(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: module_favorites module_favorites_project_id_83d9d9e8_fk_projects_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY module_favorites ADD CONSTRAINT module_favorites_project_id_83d9d9e8_fk_projects_id FOREIGN KEY (project_id) REFERENCES projects(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: module_favorites module_favorites_updated_by_id_2437fed0_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY module_favorites ADD CONSTRAINT module_favorites_updated_by_id_2437fed0_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (updated_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: module_favorites module_favorites_user_id_c5b76375_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY module_favorites ADD CONSTRAINT module_favorites_user_id_c5b76375_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: module_favorites module_favorites_workspace_id_65a4ac6f_fk_workspaces_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY module_favorites ADD CONSTRAINT module_favorites_workspace_id_65a4ac6f_fk_workspaces_id FOREIGN KEY (workspace_id) REFERENCES workspaces(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: module_issues module_issues_created_by_id_de0b995a_fk_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY module_issues ADD CONSTRAINT module_issues_created_by_id_de0b995a_fk_user_id FOREIGN KEY (created_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: module_issues module_issues_issue_id_7caa908b_fk_issue_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY module_issues ADD CONSTRAINT module_issues_issue_id_7caa908b_fk_issue_id FOREIGN KEY (issue_id) REFERENCES issues(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: module_issues module_issues_module_id_74e0ed5a_fk_module_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY module_issues ADD CONSTRAINT module_issues_module_id_74e0ed5a_fk_module_id FOREIGN KEY (module_id) REFERENCES modules(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: module_issues module_issues_project_id_59836d1e_fk_project_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY module_issues ADD CONSTRAINT module_issues_project_id_59836d1e_fk_project_id FOREIGN KEY (project_id) REFERENCES projects(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: module_issues module_issues_updated_by_id_46dbf724_fk_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY module_issues ADD CONSTRAINT module_issues_updated_by_id_46dbf724_fk_user_id FOREIGN KEY (updated_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: module_issues module_issues_workspace_id_6bf85201_fk_workspace_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY module_issues ADD CONSTRAINT module_issues_workspace_id_6bf85201_fk_workspace_id FOREIGN KEY (workspace_id) REFERENCES workspaces(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: modules module_lead_id_04966630_fk_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY modules ADD CONSTRAINT module_lead_id_04966630_fk_user_id FOREIGN KEY (lead_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: module_links module_links_created_by_id_eaf6492f_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY module_links ADD CONSTRAINT module_links_created_by_id_eaf6492f_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (created_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: module_links module_links_module_id_0fda3f8a_fk_modules_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY module_links ADD CONSTRAINT module_links_module_id_0fda3f8a_fk_modules_id FOREIGN KEY (module_id) REFERENCES modules(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: module_links module_links_project_id_f720bb79_fk_projects_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY module_links ADD CONSTRAINT module_links_project_id_f720bb79_fk_projects_id FOREIGN KEY (project_id) REFERENCES projects(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: module_links module_links_updated_by_id_4da419e7_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY module_links ADD CONSTRAINT module_links_updated_by_id_4da419e7_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (updated_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: module_links module_links_workspace_id_0521c11c_fk_workspaces_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY module_links ADD CONSTRAINT module_links_workspace_id_0521c11c_fk_workspaces_id FOREIGN KEY (workspace_id) REFERENCES workspaces(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: module_members module_member_created_by_id_2ed84a65_fk_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY module_members ADD CONSTRAINT module_member_created_by_id_2ed84a65_fk_user_id FOREIGN KEY (created_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: module_members module_member_member_id_928f473e_fk_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY module_members ADD CONSTRAINT module_member_member_id_928f473e_fk_user_id FOREIGN KEY (member_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: module_members module_member_module_id_f00be7ef_fk_module_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY module_members ADD CONSTRAINT module_member_module_id_f00be7ef_fk_module_id FOREIGN KEY (module_id) REFERENCES modules(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: module_members module_member_project_id_ec8d2376_fk_project_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY module_members ADD CONSTRAINT module_member_project_id_ec8d2376_fk_project_id FOREIGN KEY (project_id) REFERENCES projects(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: module_members module_member_updated_by_id_a9046438_fk_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY module_members ADD CONSTRAINT module_member_updated_by_id_a9046438_fk_user_id FOREIGN KEY (updated_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: module_members module_member_workspace_id_f2f23c73_fk_workspace_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY module_members ADD CONSTRAINT module_member_workspace_id_f2f23c73_fk_workspace_id FOREIGN KEY (workspace_id) REFERENCES workspaces(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: modules module_project_id_da84b04f_fk_project_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY modules ADD CONSTRAINT module_project_id_da84b04f_fk_project_id FOREIGN KEY (project_id) REFERENCES projects(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: modules module_updated_by_id_72ab6d5c_fk_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY modules ADD CONSTRAINT module_updated_by_id_72ab6d5c_fk_user_id FOREIGN KEY (updated_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: modules module_workspace_id_0a826fef_fk_workspace_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY modules ADD CONSTRAINT module_workspace_id_0a826fef_fk_workspace_id FOREIGN KEY (workspace_id) REFERENCES workspaces(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: notifications notifications_created_by_id_b9c3f81b_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY notifications ADD CONSTRAINT notifications_created_by_id_b9c3f81b_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (created_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: notifications notifications_project_id_e4d4f192_fk_projects_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY notifications ADD CONSTRAINT notifications_project_id_e4d4f192_fk_projects_id FOREIGN KEY (project_id) REFERENCES projects(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: notifications notifications_receiver_id_b708b2b0_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY notifications ADD CONSTRAINT notifications_receiver_id_b708b2b0_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (receiver_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: notifications notifications_triggered_by_id_31cdec21_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY notifications ADD CONSTRAINT notifications_triggered_by_id_31cdec21_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (triggered_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: notifications notifications_updated_by_id_8a651e96_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY notifications ADD CONSTRAINT notifications_updated_by_id_8a651e96_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (updated_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: notifications notifications_workspace_id_b2f09ef7_fk_workspaces_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY notifications ADD CONSTRAINT notifications_workspace_id_b2f09ef7_fk_workspaces_id FOREIGN KEY (workspace_id) REFERENCES workspaces(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: page_blocks page_blocks_created_by_id_696391e1_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY page_blocks ADD CONSTRAINT page_blocks_created_by_id_696391e1_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (created_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: page_blocks page_blocks_issue_id_33cad86b_fk_issues_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY page_blocks ADD CONSTRAINT page_blocks_issue_id_33cad86b_fk_issues_id FOREIGN KEY (issue_id) REFERENCES issues(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: page_blocks page_blocks_page_id_5f55e114_fk_pages_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY page_blocks ADD CONSTRAINT page_blocks_page_id_5f55e114_fk_pages_id FOREIGN KEY (page_id) REFERENCES pages(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: page_blocks page_blocks_project_id_068d80f7_fk_projects_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY page_blocks ADD CONSTRAINT page_blocks_project_id_068d80f7_fk_projects_id FOREIGN KEY (project_id) REFERENCES projects(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: page_blocks page_blocks_updated_by_id_1a29acb7_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY page_blocks ADD CONSTRAINT page_blocks_updated_by_id_1a29acb7_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (updated_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: page_blocks page_blocks_workspace_id_b051825d_fk_workspaces_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY page_blocks ADD CONSTRAINT page_blocks_workspace_id_b051825d_fk_workspaces_id FOREIGN KEY (workspace_id) REFERENCES workspaces(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: page_favorites page_favorites_created_by_id_3b672270_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY page_favorites ADD CONSTRAINT page_favorites_created_by_id_3b672270_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (created_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: page_favorites page_favorites_page_id_0896034b_fk_pages_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY page_favorites ADD CONSTRAINT page_favorites_page_id_0896034b_fk_pages_id FOREIGN KEY (page_id) REFERENCES pages(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: page_favorites page_favorites_project_id_e0e3c871_fk_projects_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY page_favorites ADD CONSTRAINT page_favorites_project_id_e0e3c871_fk_projects_id FOREIGN KEY (project_id) REFERENCES projects(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: page_favorites page_favorites_updated_by_id_623c7ac5_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY page_favorites ADD CONSTRAINT page_favorites_updated_by_id_623c7ac5_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (updated_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: page_favorites page_favorites_user_id_162640a9_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY page_favorites ADD CONSTRAINT page_favorites_user_id_162640a9_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: page_favorites page_favorites_workspace_id_4b7858d9_fk_workspaces_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY page_favorites ADD CONSTRAINT page_favorites_workspace_id_4b7858d9_fk_workspaces_id FOREIGN KEY (workspace_id) REFERENCES workspaces(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: page_labels page_labels_created_by_id_fbd942c0_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY page_labels ADD CONSTRAINT page_labels_created_by_id_fbd942c0_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (created_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: page_labels page_labels_label_id_05958e53_fk_labels_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY page_labels ADD CONSTRAINT page_labels_label_id_05958e53_fk_labels_id FOREIGN KEY (label_id) REFERENCES labels(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: page_labels page_labels_page_id_0e6cdb3d_fk_pages_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY page_labels ADD CONSTRAINT page_labels_page_id_0e6cdb3d_fk_pages_id FOREIGN KEY (page_id) REFERENCES pages(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: page_labels page_labels_project_id_938a63ca_fk_projects_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY page_labels ADD CONSTRAINT page_labels_project_id_938a63ca_fk_projects_id FOREIGN KEY (project_id) REFERENCES projects(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: page_labels page_labels_updated_by_id_d9fddbff_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY page_labels ADD CONSTRAINT page_labels_updated_by_id_d9fddbff_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (updated_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: page_labels page_labels_workspace_id_078bb01c_fk_workspaces_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY page_labels ADD CONSTRAINT page_labels_workspace_id_078bb01c_fk_workspaces_id FOREIGN KEY (workspace_id) REFERENCES workspaces(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: page_logs page_logs_created_by_id_4a295aec_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY page_logs ADD CONSTRAINT page_logs_created_by_id_4a295aec_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (created_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: page_logs page_logs_page_id_0e0d747d_fk_pages_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY page_logs ADD CONSTRAINT page_logs_page_id_0e0d747d_fk_pages_id FOREIGN KEY (page_id) REFERENCES pages(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: page_logs page_logs_project_id_d5117f7a_fk_projects_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY page_logs ADD CONSTRAINT page_logs_project_id_d5117f7a_fk_projects_id FOREIGN KEY (project_id) REFERENCES projects(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: page_logs page_logs_updated_by_id_1995190b_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY page_logs ADD CONSTRAINT page_logs_updated_by_id_1995190b_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (updated_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: page_logs page_logs_workspace_id_be7bde64_fk_workspaces_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY page_logs ADD CONSTRAINT page_logs_workspace_id_be7bde64_fk_workspaces_id FOREIGN KEY (workspace_id) REFERENCES workspaces(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: pages pages_created_by_id_d109a675_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY pages ADD CONSTRAINT pages_created_by_id_d109a675_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (created_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: pages pages_owned_by_id_bf50485f_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY pages ADD CONSTRAINT pages_owned_by_id_bf50485f_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (owned_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: pages pages_parent_id_8b823409_fk_pages_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY pages ADD CONSTRAINT pages_parent_id_8b823409_fk_pages_id FOREIGN KEY (parent_id) REFERENCES pages(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: pages pages_project_id_272eed09_fk_projects_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY pages ADD CONSTRAINT pages_project_id_272eed09_fk_projects_id FOREIGN KEY (project_id) REFERENCES projects(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: pages pages_updated_by_id_6c42de3e_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY pages ADD CONSTRAINT pages_updated_by_id_6c42de3e_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (updated_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: pages pages_workspace_id_c6c51010_fk_workspaces_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY pages ADD CONSTRAINT pages_workspace_id_c6c51010_fk_workspaces_id FOREIGN KEY (workspace_id) REFERENCES workspaces(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: projects project_created_by_id_6cc13408_fk_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY projects ADD CONSTRAINT project_created_by_id_6cc13408_fk_user_id FOREIGN KEY (created_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: projects project_default_assignee_id_6ba45f90_fk_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY projects ADD CONSTRAINT project_default_assignee_id_6ba45f90_fk_user_id FOREIGN KEY (default_assignee_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: project_deploy_boards project_deploy_boards_created_by_id_2ea72f98_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY project_deploy_boards ADD CONSTRAINT project_deploy_boards_created_by_id_2ea72f98_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (created_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: project_deploy_boards project_deploy_boards_inbox_id_a6a75525_fk_inboxes_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY project_deploy_boards ADD CONSTRAINT project_deploy_boards_inbox_id_a6a75525_fk_inboxes_id FOREIGN KEY (inbox_id) REFERENCES inboxes(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: project_deploy_boards project_deploy_boards_project_id_49d887b2_fk_projects_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY project_deploy_boards ADD CONSTRAINT project_deploy_boards_project_id_49d887b2_fk_projects_id FOREIGN KEY (project_id) REFERENCES projects(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: project_deploy_boards project_deploy_boards_updated_by_id_290eb99e_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY project_deploy_boards ADD CONSTRAINT project_deploy_boards_updated_by_id_290eb99e_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (updated_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: project_deploy_boards project_deploy_boards_workspace_id_cd92f164_fk_workspaces_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY project_deploy_boards ADD CONSTRAINT project_deploy_boards_workspace_id_cd92f164_fk_workspaces_id FOREIGN KEY (workspace_id) REFERENCES workspaces(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: project_favorites project_favorites_created_by_id_613c0717_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY project_favorites ADD CONSTRAINT project_favorites_created_by_id_613c0717_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (created_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: project_favorites project_favorites_project_id_df76634d_fk_projects_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY project_favorites ADD CONSTRAINT project_favorites_project_id_df76634d_fk_projects_id FOREIGN KEY (project_id) REFERENCES projects(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: project_favorites project_favorites_updated_by_id_2a663e4d_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY project_favorites ADD CONSTRAINT project_favorites_updated_by_id_2a663e4d_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (updated_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: project_favorites project_favorites_user_id_500f4f5b_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY project_favorites ADD CONSTRAINT project_favorites_user_id_500f4f5b_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: project_favorites project_favorites_workspace_id_fa980513_fk_workspaces_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY project_favorites ADD CONSTRAINT project_favorites_workspace_id_fa980513_fk_workspaces_id FOREIGN KEY (workspace_id) REFERENCES workspaces(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: project_identifiers project_identifier_created_by_id_2b6f273a_fk_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY project_identifiers ADD CONSTRAINT project_identifier_created_by_id_2b6f273a_fk_user_id FOREIGN KEY (created_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: project_identifiers project_identifier_project_id_13de58a9_fk_project_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY project_identifiers ADD CONSTRAINT project_identifier_project_id_13de58a9_fk_project_id FOREIGN KEY (project_id) REFERENCES projects(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: project_identifiers project_identifier_updated_by_id_1a00e2a0_fk_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY project_identifiers ADD CONSTRAINT project_identifier_updated_by_id_1a00e2a0_fk_user_id FOREIGN KEY (updated_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: project_identifiers project_identifier_workspace_id_6024b517_fk_workspace_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY project_identifiers ADD CONSTRAINT project_identifier_workspace_id_6024b517_fk_workspace_id FOREIGN KEY (workspace_id) REFERENCES workspaces(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: project_members project_member_created_by_id_8b363306_fk_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY project_members ADD CONSTRAINT project_member_created_by_id_8b363306_fk_user_id FOREIGN KEY (created_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: project_member_invites project_member_invite_created_by_id_a87df45c_fk_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY project_member_invites ADD CONSTRAINT project_member_invite_created_by_id_a87df45c_fk_user_id FOREIGN KEY (created_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: project_member_invites project_member_invite_project_id_8fb7750e_fk_project_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY project_member_invites ADD CONSTRAINT project_member_invite_project_id_8fb7750e_fk_project_id FOREIGN KEY (project_id) REFERENCES projects(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: project_member_invites project_member_invite_updated_by_id_5aa55c96_fk_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY project_member_invites ADD CONSTRAINT project_member_invite_updated_by_id_5aa55c96_fk_user_id FOREIGN KEY (updated_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: project_member_invites project_member_invite_workspace_id_64e2dc4c_fk_workspace_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY project_member_invites ADD CONSTRAINT project_member_invite_workspace_id_64e2dc4c_fk_workspace_id FOREIGN KEY (workspace_id) REFERENCES workspaces(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: project_members project_member_member_id_9d6b126b_fk_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY project_members ADD CONSTRAINT project_member_member_id_9d6b126b_fk_user_id FOREIGN KEY (member_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: project_members project_member_project_id_11ea1a9e_fk_project_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY project_members ADD CONSTRAINT project_member_project_id_11ea1a9e_fk_project_id FOREIGN KEY (project_id) REFERENCES projects(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: project_members project_member_updated_by_id_cf6aaac4_fk_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY project_members ADD CONSTRAINT project_member_updated_by_id_cf6aaac4_fk_user_id FOREIGN KEY (updated_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: project_members project_member_workspace_id_88bb9a97_fk_workspace_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY project_members ADD CONSTRAINT project_member_workspace_id_88bb9a97_fk_workspace_id FOREIGN KEY (workspace_id) REFERENCES workspaces(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: projects project_project_lead_id_caf8e353_fk_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY projects ADD CONSTRAINT project_project_lead_id_caf8e353_fk_user_id FOREIGN KEY (project_lead_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: project_public_members project_public_members_created_by_id_c4c7c776_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY project_public_members ADD CONSTRAINT project_public_members_created_by_id_c4c7c776_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (created_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: project_public_members project_public_members_member_id_52f257f9_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY project_public_members ADD CONSTRAINT project_public_members_member_id_52f257f9_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (member_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: project_public_members project_public_members_project_id_2dfd893d_fk_projects_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY project_public_members ADD CONSTRAINT project_public_members_project_id_2dfd893d_fk_projects_id FOREIGN KEY (project_id) REFERENCES projects(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: project_public_members project_public_members_updated_by_id_c3e4d675_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY project_public_members ADD CONSTRAINT project_public_members_updated_by_id_c3e4d675_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (updated_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: project_public_members project_public_members_workspace_id_ebfce110_fk_workspaces_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY project_public_members ADD CONSTRAINT project_public_members_workspace_id_ebfce110_fk_workspaces_id FOREIGN KEY (workspace_id) REFERENCES workspaces(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: projects project_updated_by_id_fe290525_fk_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY projects ADD CONSTRAINT project_updated_by_id_fe290525_fk_user_id FOREIGN KEY (updated_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: projects project_workspace_id_01764ff9_fk_workspace_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY projects ADD CONSTRAINT project_workspace_id_01764ff9_fk_workspace_id FOREIGN KEY (workspace_id) REFERENCES workspaces(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: projects projects_default_state_id_f13e8b95_fk_states_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY projects ADD CONSTRAINT projects_default_state_id_f13e8b95_fk_states_id FOREIGN KEY (default_state_id) REFERENCES states(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: projects projects_estimate_id_85c7b2ac_fk_estimates_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY projects ADD CONSTRAINT projects_estimate_id_85c7b2ac_fk_estimates_id FOREIGN KEY (estimate_id) REFERENCES estimates(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: slack_project_syncs slack_project_syncs_created_by_id_ec405a17_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY slack_project_syncs ADD CONSTRAINT slack_project_syncs_created_by_id_ec405a17_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (created_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: slack_project_syncs slack_project_syncs_project_id_016dc792_fk_projects_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY slack_project_syncs ADD CONSTRAINT slack_project_syncs_project_id_016dc792_fk_projects_id FOREIGN KEY (project_id) REFERENCES projects(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: slack_project_syncs slack_project_syncs_updated_by_id_152eb3b5_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY slack_project_syncs ADD CONSTRAINT slack_project_syncs_updated_by_id_152eb3b5_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (updated_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: slack_project_syncs slack_project_syncs_workspace_id_d1822b06_fk_workspaces_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY slack_project_syncs ADD CONSTRAINT slack_project_syncs_workspace_id_d1822b06_fk_workspaces_id FOREIGN KEY (workspace_id) REFERENCES workspaces(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: slack_project_syncs slack_project_syncs_workspace_integratio_d89c9b40_fk_workspace; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY slack_project_syncs ADD CONSTRAINT slack_project_syncs_workspace_integratio_d89c9b40_fk_workspace FOREIGN KEY (workspace_integration_id) REFERENCES workspace_integrations(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: social_login_connections social_login_connection_created_by_id_7ca2ef50_fk_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY social_login_connections ADD CONSTRAINT social_login_connection_created_by_id_7ca2ef50_fk_user_id FOREIGN KEY (created_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: social_login_connections social_login_connection_updated_by_id_c13deb42_fk_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY social_login_connections ADD CONSTRAINT social_login_connection_updated_by_id_c13deb42_fk_user_id FOREIGN KEY (updated_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: social_login_connections social_login_connection_user_id_0e26c0c5_fk_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY social_login_connections ADD CONSTRAINT social_login_connection_user_id_0e26c0c5_fk_user_id FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: states state_created_by_id_ff51a50d_fk_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY states ADD CONSTRAINT state_created_by_id_ff51a50d_fk_user_id FOREIGN KEY (created_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: states state_project_id_23a65fd6_fk_project_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY states ADD CONSTRAINT state_project_id_23a65fd6_fk_project_id FOREIGN KEY (project_id) REFERENCES projects(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: states state_updated_by_id_be298453_fk_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY states ADD CONSTRAINT state_updated_by_id_be298453_fk_user_id FOREIGN KEY (updated_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: states state_workspace_id_2293282d_fk_workspace_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY states ADD CONSTRAINT state_workspace_id_2293282d_fk_workspace_id FOREIGN KEY (workspace_id) REFERENCES workspaces(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: teams team_created_by_id_725a9101_fk_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY teams ADD CONSTRAINT team_created_by_id_725a9101_fk_user_id FOREIGN KEY (created_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: team_members team_member_created_by_id_7cc0ad68_fk_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY team_members ADD CONSTRAINT team_member_created_by_id_7cc0ad68_fk_user_id FOREIGN KEY (created_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: team_members team_member_member_id_905a2628_fk_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY team_members ADD CONSTRAINT team_member_member_id_905a2628_fk_user_id FOREIGN KEY (member_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: team_members team_member_team_id_26812b86_fk_team_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY team_members ADD CONSTRAINT team_member_team_id_26812b86_fk_team_id FOREIGN KEY (team_id) REFERENCES teams(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: team_members team_member_updated_by_id_b1d37059_fk_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY team_members ADD CONSTRAINT team_member_updated_by_id_b1d37059_fk_user_id FOREIGN KEY (updated_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: team_members team_member_workspace_id_5e13a185_fk_workspace_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY team_members ADD CONSTRAINT team_member_workspace_id_5e13a185_fk_workspace_id FOREIGN KEY (workspace_id) REFERENCES workspaces(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: teams team_updated_by_id_79bb36f2_fk_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY teams ADD CONSTRAINT team_updated_by_id_79bb36f2_fk_user_id FOREIGN KEY (updated_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: teams team_workspace_id_1d56407f_fk_workspace_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY teams ADD CONSTRAINT team_workspace_id_1d56407f_fk_workspace_id FOREIGN KEY (workspace_id) REFERENCES workspaces(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: token_blacklist_blacklistedtoken token_blacklist_blacklistedtoken_token_id_3cc7fe56_fk; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY token_blacklist_blacklistedtoken ADD CONSTRAINT token_blacklist_blacklistedtoken_token_id_3cc7fe56_fk FOREIGN KEY (token_id) REFERENCES token_blacklist_outstandingtoken(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: token_blacklist_outstandingtoken token_blacklist_outstandingtoken_user_id_83bc629a_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY token_blacklist_outstandingtoken ADD CONSTRAINT token_blacklist_outstandingtoken_user_id_83bc629a_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: users_groups user_groups_group_id_b76f8aba_fk_auth_group_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY users_groups ADD CONSTRAINT user_groups_group_id_b76f8aba_fk_auth_group_id FOREIGN KEY (group_id) REFERENCES auth_group(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: users_groups user_groups_user_id_abaea130_fk_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY users_groups ADD CONSTRAINT user_groups_user_id_abaea130_fk_user_id FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: users_user_permissions user_user_permission_permission_id_9deb68a3_fk_auth_perm; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY users_user_permissions ADD CONSTRAINT user_user_permission_permission_id_9deb68a3_fk_auth_perm FOREIGN KEY (permission_id) REFERENCES auth_permission(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: users_user_permissions user_user_permissions_user_id_ed4a47ea_fk_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY users_user_permissions ADD CONSTRAINT user_user_permissions_user_id_ed4a47ea_fk_user_id FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: view_favorites view_favorites_created_by_id_dc6047f5_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY view_favorites ADD CONSTRAINT view_favorites_created_by_id_dc6047f5_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (created_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: view_favorites view_favorites_project_id_241c521d_fk_projects_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY view_favorites ADD CONSTRAINT view_favorites_project_id_241c521d_fk_projects_id FOREIGN KEY (project_id) REFERENCES projects(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: view_favorites view_favorites_updated_by_id_2418b683_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY view_favorites ADD CONSTRAINT view_favorites_updated_by_id_2418b683_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (updated_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: view_favorites view_favorites_user_id_b1e94c2e_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY view_favorites ADD CONSTRAINT view_favorites_user_id_b1e94c2e_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: view_favorites view_favorites_view_id_3111e893_fk_issue_views_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY view_favorites ADD CONSTRAINT view_favorites_view_id_3111e893_fk_issue_views_id FOREIGN KEY (view_id) REFERENCES issue_views(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: view_favorites view_favorites_workspace_id_3dbdd2a2_fk_workspaces_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY view_favorites ADD CONSTRAINT view_favorites_workspace_id_3dbdd2a2_fk_workspaces_id FOREIGN KEY (workspace_id) REFERENCES workspaces(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: webhook_logs webhook_logs_created_by_id_71e7bc38_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY webhook_logs ADD CONSTRAINT webhook_logs_created_by_id_71e7bc38_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (created_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: webhook_logs webhook_logs_updated_by_id_3d9bad04_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY webhook_logs ADD CONSTRAINT webhook_logs_updated_by_id_3d9bad04_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (updated_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: webhook_logs webhook_logs_webhook_id_53707b3d_fk_webhooks_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY webhook_logs ADD CONSTRAINT webhook_logs_webhook_id_53707b3d_fk_webhooks_id FOREIGN KEY (webhook_id) REFERENCES webhooks(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: webhook_logs webhook_logs_workspace_id_ffcd0e31_fk_workspaces_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY webhook_logs ADD CONSTRAINT webhook_logs_workspace_id_ffcd0e31_fk_workspaces_id FOREIGN KEY (workspace_id) REFERENCES workspaces(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: webhooks webhooks_created_by_id_25aca1b0_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY webhooks ADD CONSTRAINT webhooks_created_by_id_25aca1b0_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (created_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: webhooks webhooks_updated_by_id_ea35154e_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY webhooks ADD CONSTRAINT webhooks_updated_by_id_ea35154e_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (updated_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: webhooks webhooks_workspace_id_da5865d7_fk_workspaces_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY webhooks ADD CONSTRAINT webhooks_workspace_id_da5865d7_fk_workspaces_id FOREIGN KEY (workspace_id) REFERENCES workspaces(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: workspaces workspace_created_by_id_10ad894e_fk_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY workspaces ADD CONSTRAINT workspace_created_by_id_10ad894e_fk_user_id FOREIGN KEY (created_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: workspace_integrations workspace_integratio_integration_id_6cb0aace_fk_integrati; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY workspace_integrations ADD CONSTRAINT workspace_integratio_integration_id_6cb0aace_fk_integrati FOREIGN KEY (integration_id) REFERENCES integrations(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: workspace_integrations workspace_integrations_actor_id_21619aa1_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY workspace_integrations ADD CONSTRAINT workspace_integrations_actor_id_21619aa1_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (actor_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: workspace_integrations workspace_integrations_api_token_id_bdb1759b_fk_api_tokens_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY workspace_integrations ADD CONSTRAINT workspace_integrations_api_token_id_bdb1759b_fk_api_tokens_id FOREIGN KEY (api_token_id) REFERENCES api_tokens(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: workspace_integrations workspace_integrations_created_by_id_37639c73_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY workspace_integrations ADD CONSTRAINT workspace_integrations_created_by_id_37639c73_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (created_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: workspace_integrations workspace_integrations_updated_by_id_fce01dcb_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY workspace_integrations ADD CONSTRAINT workspace_integrations_updated_by_id_fce01dcb_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (updated_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: workspace_integrations workspace_integrations_workspace_id_27ebeb6b_fk_workspaces_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY workspace_integrations ADD CONSTRAINT workspace_integrations_workspace_id_27ebeb6b_fk_workspaces_id FOREIGN KEY (workspace_id) REFERENCES workspaces(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: workspace_members workspace_member_created_by_id_8dc8b040_fk_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY workspace_members ADD CONSTRAINT workspace_member_created_by_id_8dc8b040_fk_user_id FOREIGN KEY (created_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: workspace_member_invites workspace_member_invite_created_by_id_082f21d3_fk_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY workspace_member_invites ADD CONSTRAINT workspace_member_invite_created_by_id_082f21d3_fk_user_id FOREIGN KEY (created_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: workspace_member_invites workspace_member_invite_updated_by_id_d31a9c7f_fk_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY workspace_member_invites ADD CONSTRAINT workspace_member_invite_updated_by_id_d31a9c7f_fk_user_id FOREIGN KEY (updated_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: workspace_member_invites workspace_member_invite_workspace_id_d935b364_fk_workspace_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY workspace_member_invites ADD CONSTRAINT workspace_member_invite_workspace_id_d935b364_fk_workspace_id FOREIGN KEY (workspace_id) REFERENCES workspaces(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: workspace_members workspace_member_member_id_824f5497_fk_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY workspace_members ADD CONSTRAINT workspace_member_member_id_824f5497_fk_user_id FOREIGN KEY (member_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: workspace_members workspace_member_updated_by_id_1cec0062_fk_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY workspace_members ADD CONSTRAINT workspace_member_updated_by_id_1cec0062_fk_user_id FOREIGN KEY (updated_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: workspace_members workspace_member_workspace_id_33f66d4b_fk_workspace_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY workspace_members ADD CONSTRAINT workspace_member_workspace_id_33f66d4b_fk_workspace_id FOREIGN KEY (workspace_id) REFERENCES workspaces(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: workspaces workspace_owner_id_60a8bafc_fk_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY workspaces ADD CONSTRAINT workspace_owner_id_60a8bafc_fk_user_id FOREIGN KEY (owner_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: workspace_themes workspace_themes_actor_id_0e94172e_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY workspace_themes ADD CONSTRAINT workspace_themes_actor_id_0e94172e_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (actor_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: workspace_themes workspace_themes_created_by_id_676e2655_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY workspace_themes ADD CONSTRAINT workspace_themes_created_by_id_676e2655_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (created_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: workspace_themes workspace_themes_updated_by_id_bba863fe_fk_users_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY workspace_themes ADD CONSTRAINT workspace_themes_updated_by_id_bba863fe_fk_users_id FOREIGN KEY (updated_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: workspace_themes workspace_themes_workspace_id_d1bffad8_fk_workspaces_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY workspace_themes ADD CONSTRAINT workspace_themes_workspace_id_d1bffad8_fk_workspaces_id FOREIGN KEY (workspace_id) REFERENCES workspaces(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- Name: workspaces workspace_updated_by_id_09d249ed_fk_user_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: plane -- ALTER TABLE ONLY workspaces ADD CONSTRAINT workspace_updated_by_id_09d249ed_fk_user_id FOREIGN KEY (updated_by_id) REFERENCES users(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. -- -- PostgreSQL database dump complete --