use std::{borrow::Cow, sync::Once}; use actix_web::{get, web::ServiceConfig, HttpResponse}; pub fn configure(config: &mut ServiceConfig) { config.service(serve_build_js).service(serve_build_js_map); } macro_rules! static_resource { ($serve: ident, $name: ident, $path: expr, $once: ident, $content: ident) => { static $once: Once = Once::new(); static mut $content: String = String::new(); fn $name() -> Cow<'static, str> { if cfg!(debug_assertions) { build(); std::fs::read_to_string(concat!(".", $path)).unwrap().into() } else { $once.call_once(|| { build(); unsafe { $content = std::fs::read_to_string(concat!(".", $path)).unwrap(); } }); unsafe { $content.as_str().into() } } } #[get($path)] async fn $serve() -> HttpResponse { HttpResponse::Ok() .append_header(("Content-Type", "application/javascript")) .body($name()) } }; } static_resource!( serve_build_js_map, build_js_map, "/assets/", BUILD_JS_MAP_GUARD, BUILD_JS_MAP ); static_resource!( serve_build_js, build_js, "/assets/build.js", BUILD_JS_GUARD, BUILD_JS ); fn build() { use std::process::Stdio; let child = std::process::Command::new("./crates/web-assets/") .env("RUST_BACKTRACE", "1") .env("RUST_LOG", "debug") .stdout(Stdio::piped()) .spawn() .expect("Failed to create child process for building JS"); child .wait_with_output() .expect("Failed to run child process for building JS"); }